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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I'm just under half way throug The Haunting Of Hill House and I'm not sure how I feel so far. It was on my list for quite a while due to it being on several lists for influential and good horror novels but I don't think it's going to end up being what I was looking for. Everything was fine at the beginning when it followed a single character, but now that the whole cast of characters is together and... no one talks like a person, it's a little bit grating but has since started to calm down a little bit. I'm still open to something happening that changes my perception - and I'm intimidated to get to my next book as it will be the longest I have ever read, but I think I'm going to power through it tonight regardless.
  2. Oops forgot to mention the name of the film but yeah.
  3. Anyone else see the clip TMZ posted of the treatment of a German Shepard from the set of the film? My god, I'm not going to repost it here but it's total bullshit. Frightened thing doesn't want to go into turbulent water, is clearly frightened and trying to claw away and then gets out in anyways and hits the far walk only to get sucked underwater as they yell cut and rush to save it. Total fucking bullshit.
  4. I'll still give it a chance because the trailer was pretty interesting - but I was scared of that. Justice League is feeling like the Diva's Revolution of comic book cinematic universes at this point.
  5. I have it installed, can't say I play it too much but multiplayer intrigues me.
  6. Is it confirmed that it's only for a month for the games? Because that seemed like a hunch based off wording that I didn't read the same way that exploded on reddit and was being provided as fact. The bit on the website states that you can download the game free for a month - which makes me think of the way Microsoft/Sony do it, you can only get those games free during that time period. Cool that SNES titles will get online play.
  7. Pit People is live on the XB1 preview program!
  8. 3DS is something that I am essentially done with at this point - the UI is old news, the hardware is old news and even if it's just mildly better I am all for a better display at this point. If the same kind of games start to move over to Switch it'll be the perfect machine for me in all honesty. The Dragon Quests going onto it are a good sign for me.
  9. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/01/live_blog_watch_the_nintendo_treehouse_with_nintendo_switch_-_live Treehouse is live now. ARMS looks like Punch-Out and I'm pretty sold on it being pretty awesome. Too bad it retails pretty much full price.
  10. And now my third book is down. First one I read on my Kobo. I made the decision to start reading this around Christmas break and when I was about 50% through I watched the movie and then finished the novel over the last two nights. I really liked both the film and the novel, they compliment each other well - but ultimately the novel was creepier for me in the end and included this exchange that I really liked.
  11. There are a few and they're all over the place so we might as well wait an hour and a half, but even if bits and pieces are true I'm pretty excited.
  12. My preorder is in, if the leaked launch list is true I am really excited.
  13. Scalebound was officially cancelled - I was excited when I first heard about it, but I'm not too fussed about it being gone after seeing gameplay recently.
  14. New rumors that the VII remake is going to come to XB1 as well, woo!
  15. Second book down! I really didn't know what I was getting into with this - it was actually one of the first books I bought when I started to amass a bookshelf of 'to-reads' and I picked it solely on the fact that Tarkin has always fascinated me in the sense of screentime vs. wanting to know more about him. I had no idea that it was from the same guy who wrote the 'Darth Plageius' book that is currently on my top list of sci-fi reads, and something that I will get to when it's time to read another Star Wars book. But man - where do I begin? I guess I'll just say that I highly appreciate the book's ability to make me root for Tarkin, Vader and the rest of the Empire as if they were the good guys. They most certainly were the heroes of the book in a sense - and with Tarkin's backstory added in, along with the Sherlockian way that he approaches situations, I was enthralled the entire time. Tonight when I sat down to read I was about 30% of the way through and when the climax of the story hit, I had to follow it all the way through and I'm happy I did. I'm well ahead of schedule now. I'll probably finish Coraline and then figure out what to get to next from there.
  16. Wouldn't be all that fast then, I guess.
  17. Haha, I've had a lot of big aspirations - but as I start to get things in order and pair down other things in my life, I'm sticking to around 300 or less pages. This is AS the Dark Tower series (which went paperback is is 2 for 15) starts to pile up on my bookshelf.
  18. Yeah, I dunno. I think I'm done.. after coming back to the game and playing up to the little bit I had before Chapter 13 I've just soured on it more and more. Gameplay segments that had almost zero purpose never really stopped happening... I get it that they're travelling on a train, but why am I wasting time just wandering around it? It feels like padding and so much of the game felt like padding. Doing side quests didn't really get me anything, systems exist in the game that are left to the very end to pay off... I just don't think I'm going to get anything more out of it.
  19. Chapter 13 is the biggest waste of time I've ever sat through.
  20. Saw Rouge One, little things here and there bugged me but I understand why they were done and all in all I saw them as needed, especially to tell the story in a single movie. The one thing that I looked over to my Star Wars buddy and had to cringe at was the same thing that Skummy pointed out. That scene started and I instantly recognized that they were doing Lord Vader's castle, I thought that was super awesome and then... the conversation wasn't really going anywhere and then the one-liner. The god damn one liner. That's worse than the 'NOOOOOO' for me in every way, because at least that moment came from the Anakin/Darth transition was fresh. If he had only showed up where he did at the end it could have been perfect.
  21. It's not really that common when it comes to the type of game Final Fantasy is, and when it happens in other cases it blends in and makes sense - shifting advertisements on sports games and other uses like that tend to blend in. Sometimes it's just laughable because it's DLC that no one would possibly want but in the case of Final Fantasy where they're trying to immerse you in a different world - and in this case, trying very hard to with lore and other aspects that put you in character... having stuff like that just pulls you out of the world. The only other time it was a paid placement was that shitty Panasonic phone in Advent Children.
  22. At least a proper option to turn it off and switch - they'll never remove it as long as their focus is REALISM~! and stuff.
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