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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Yeeeeeah. That's notoriously hard to do, on the lower difficulties button mashing IS what works.. specifically left and right on the d-pad. But at computer level 6 it's physically impossible to mash fast enough to win.
  2. I'm losing my shit here. Spoilers for something BAT SHIT INSANE that just happened.
  3. This is probably the last time I'm going to say anything because I am actually 100% serious about wanting people to experience this themselves and I don't want to overhype anyone but.. this game is just so damn impressive. I really thought that feeling like this about a game was dead and gone and what I experienced before was mostly down to age. I shouldn't be getting excited about riding into a town but I was over the top when I did here, and I shouldn't be over the top about the lack of instruction in this game but I am because I am finding and doing things that wow me because they're intuitive and well designed. This is absolutely the way I felt about Ocarina of Time when I played it way back when. I'm playing Ocarina of Time again and I couldn't be happier.
  4. Sorry Srar. I will say - the game is flat out amazing, looks gorgeous and plays great. I would advise staying away from as much media as possible and experiencing it first hand whenever you get the chance. It's a special kind of feeling that I haven't had in ages for a video game.
  5. This. Game. Is. Amazing. I have zero complaints so far, zero. It's beautiful, it plays like a dream and I was freaking out over something every few moments. There's been a day one patch that has fixed any stuttering issues and a patch with the Switch itself that stopped any/all desyncing issues that had been reported about the Joycons. I've played both docked and handheld and this... is... it. Nintendo better not screw this up.
  6. Ahh fack. The two things I don't own.
  7. I think you're safe for the most part, I've heard the only downgrade is visual in terms of raw graphics and colours. The Switch version is after all built off the base Wii U game that was started - which plays a hand in the minor framerate issues when a lot is going on for the Switch in docked mode.
  8. Only way to find a Wii U around here is used, they stopped production months back and no stores have an ounce of stock. Even the used ones are $220 dollars or so.
  9. I've read wildly different perceptions of what the drops are like and that, if it's too noticeable for a player, they can switch it to 720p docked and not experience that. Most of the places that I trust (ie not Kotaku) have either shrugged or not mentioned the rate of drop so I'm still pretty positive - wasn't enough to drag down the perfect score from Famitsu.
  10. https://majornelson.com/2017/02/28/introducing-xbox-game-pass-unlimited-access-to-more-than-100-games/ Xbox is adding a subscription service this spring that's going to start out with access to over 100 games - with new ones coming/going as time passes. 9.99 if you have gold and 12.99 if you don't. Games aren't going to be *shudder* streaming like PS Now.
  11. Best theory that I've heard is that Nintendo learnt a lot from the release of the 3DS and is releasing now so that the price can be adjusted BEFORE the holiday season if it needs to be in order to have three periods where it'll sell heavily - launch, first price drop and then Christmas bundles.
  12. Just straight up porting Returns loses what made the PS3 version so great - moving save files over easily for whackado rosters. If this new game has some kind of sharing mechanic built in it would be amazing.
  13. I am so excited for this - it's been a looooong while and with all the time that has come in between I am really hoping for something great here.
  14. Spike Chunsoft has done a deal of Nintendo development in recent years as well so I'm just going to cross my fingers and say Nintendo Switch as well.
  15. Holy shit more details are needed. I'm going to assume PS4 exclusive though, grumble.
  16. I've been interested in that for a while - getting it for free is a good way to finally say I've tried it.
  17. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha.
  18. I currently have my doubts here and there but at the same time a lot of the things that I'm reading about how easy the system is to port for and some of (but not all of) Nintendo's attitudes reforming around this launch have my hopes up that it's going to be a fun system to have in addition to my One. I'd still like to hear what's going to go on with the Virtual Console though.
  19. I log into this game and get bombarded with stuff and lose my way half the time now. I haven't even figured out if I can play this casually without spending money and get ahead any yet. >_<
  20. 13 days away from the Switch and I'm pretty excited!
  21. I moved onto the 10th Anniversary edition of the Death of WCW to capitalize on the wrestling high time of year and the need to read something fun after The Stand.
  22. apsham

    For Honor

    "There's a campaign" is over-simplying it a bit. It's a quick run through to teach someone how to play the main game, which is good because that's something that all great multiplayer experiences have these days... but it's not something that would be worth it for buying the game by itself.
  23. apsham

    For Honor

    I think it's a very full game that would be well worth the full cost. For people who want a purely multiplayer experience. People who like it are going to get a whole heck of a lot out of it when it comes to the amount of time they'll be able to sink into it. It's not for me in the very least because I can rarely rely on a pure MP experience these days - closest I come is Destiny and even that has stuff that I can do when friends aren't around.
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