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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham

    Nintendo 64

    This is a rollercoaster ride. Although how rare is the wipe situation? I had the game on launch and I don't remember it ever happening to me.
  2. apsham

    Nintendo 64

    Aha! Take that! I have my original N64 and sold all but my most nostalgic games. I picked up boxed copies of No Mercy and Attitude when I had the chance as well.
  3. apsham

    Nintendo 64

    Ahh shit, my No Mercy version is the random wipe one.
  4. apsham

    The Sims

    Great. I'm probably going to friggin' install this now.
  5. My first time through Journey I got a guy with the full scarf and alternate colour outfit who showed me EVERYTHING and helped me until the very end. Twas fun.
  6. I read a memoir called Gamelife thinking that it was going to be about a guy's career in the 80s making those nostalgic PC games but it was about his experiences growing up, relating things in life to numbers in games, etc. Eh. Wasn't all that great. Moved on to book one of the Wheel of Time series. About 11 chapters in and loving it so far.
  7. So, playing Binding of Issac on the Switch and being able to do so while laying splayed out on the couch with one hand hanging off the side and the other behind me in complete and total comfort is the best thing ever.
  8. Easy as pie. If you download Retroarch and find a tutorial on how to use it properly, you won't really need all that much ever again. It's a single thing that can download 'cores' for emulators and in most cases, it'll auto detect and auto configure the controls based on the controller you're using. I have one two 8Bitdo controllers and it recognizes them by name so most others should be good. I use it in tandem with Emulation Station and a Raspberry Pi so I can just hook it up to my TV and get this.
  9. Last I saw there was a Twitter message stating that fixing them wasn't in the initial set of plans and they hadn't discussed past the first set - but maybe it has blown up enough that they went into overdrive.
  10. apsham

    Favourite Poem

    I've never been big on poetry but I remember in high school buying a Leonard Cohen poetry book because.. I was a high school student and thought that's what I should do I guess? Regardless I remember the first one and namesake for the book clearly - for the ending mostly.
  11. The story really makes me feel like I'm in a proper fantasy novel - you do a little bit at the start and then you are set forth into the world with a single objective and you travel across a vast land finding a way to complete that objective. Epic is one of the only words I can think of that suits it properly.
  12. Yelawolf isn't usually my thing but this gets on my rotation every once in a while.
  13. There's one that is annoying me right now with water spouts and having to use a blue flame to light braziers - the last one I did but it seems to only activate something in a timed fashion? I was only able to do it once before I ran out of arrows and stuff so I'll have to go back to that one. Not that I remember where it is at all.
  14. It can be worse on the Switch depending on how you're playing. I'm assuming it's properly done by having the controllers attached to the screen - but my girlfriend was playing with the joycons unattached and it was damn near impossible. I did it with the controllers in the grip and it was a bit better but I had to hold it at some really weird angles. At the very least it taught me how easy it was to cheat a lot of the puzzles by doing quick flips of the maze puzzle ones. I turned anything motion based off for aiming, etc.
  15. I love the shrines in Breath of the Wild - not only do they teach you new ways to think about a problem, but they are relatively short and although some appear daunting at first, they're really intuitive.
  16. Anyone else have an issue with the Horizon disc making the system go into overdrive? I popped it in and the fans and disc drive went into overdrive which is what you'd expect really for the most part while the game installs.. but it never really stopped. The whole time the disc is in the system whether the game is being played or not, the damn thing sounds like a jet engine taking off.
  17. There's a lot of nitpicky stuff in that video along with people who aren't treating their shit right. Granted that any console is going to ship with some units that have day one issues.. I honestly think that people just need to be a bit more careful with their stuff. Although I will admit that the wrist strap addition to the joycon can be a pain in the ass to get off - you can without all that much effort even if you slip it on upside down.
  18. Two day sales of the Switch have surpassed anything in Nintendo history, and BOTW beat out Mario 64 for best selling launch title, via an interview with Reggie. This is huge considering the launch was in March.
  19. Finished the Death of WCW: 10th Anniversary edition and eh. It was a bit of a slog to get through, though amusing at times to read about all the things that happened in one go. Some of the stuff I take with a grain of salt as I've never taken guys like Melzer and Alvarez at their word... and I most CERTAINLY have questions about RD Reynolds. Still.. not terrible, I'll look at the bookcase tonight and choose something.
  20. Oh I mean, I still killed the shit out of them. Just had to move new people into the town to keep the population up and make everything seem on the level.
  21. This is where I stand with The Sims essentially, I also turn off aging because I am scared to lose the progress as well.
  22. I know it's really soon but I think that Breath of the Wild has a really strong chance of topping a lot of lists. The elements of what make it amazing are the same elements that made the original Zelda and then every revolutionizing entry into the series amazing, just modernized.
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