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Everything posted by apsham

  1. My sanity may be what I have lost in the end, but I beat Crash Bandicoot while on the edge of my seat the entire time because I couldn't unlock a save from Slippery Climb to Neo Cortex - and I finished him off with only a single life left.
  2. I'm going to try and work my way through some classic Sony trilogies that I either never had the chance to play or only had a small amount of time with. Crash Bandicoot Spyro Jak & Daxter Ratchet & Clank Sly Cooper I played a bit of Sly Cooper 1 & 2 but I never beat it, and I had a bit of time with the first Crash but I haven't even really touched the other ones. I started with Crash but got quickly annoyed at how on the edge of the seat you have to be due to the terrible save system, but at the same time I think that's what 'makes' the game partly as well.. so I started Spyro at the same time and I adored it from moment one. Almost done Crash now and I'll put my full interest on finishing Spyro. Also trying to break myself of trying to 100% everything, it keeps me from finishing games and it's getting quite annoying.
  3. apsham

    2017 Music Thread

    So the new Jukebox The Ghost is pretty awesome.
  4. This is how remakes should be done - I can't wait to play it! Only wish it had a physical release.
  5. I really cannot comprehend how they thought it was just going to be a cute little stocking stuffer that very few people would want.
  6. I lied and I did a quick read of Foley Is Good because of the wrestling books discussion we had a week or so back - not as good as I remember it really but not terrible. I started on The Light Fantastic last night and I think I'll try to do a few more Discworld books in a row instead of jumping between series... they're easy reads and short enough as well.
  7. I would play the hell out of that game these days if it wasn't for the load screens/times.
  8. Wish I had a proper screen recording method, I'd love to do a pick'em tournament using a save from my PS3. On the plus side it'll be an option when the Steam version of World comes out.
  9. But for real, seeing that cutscene in a gameplay (well, along with most of them) probably scarred me for life. When the robots take over I now know what their pre-interfacing will look like.
  10. I wish there were some more details. Having an easy way to grab CAWs for this is great and all but it doesn't seem like they're really doing anything else.
  11. I love Taika Waititi for givng us Asagardians Of The Galaxy.
  12. I FINALLY finished 'The Eye Of The World' - it took way longer than I wanted it to but I absolutely loved every moment I had the chance to dive in. I'll move onto a Discworld book next.
  13. I caved and grabbed it - I hadn't been paying much attention so when it came out I wasn't too miffed but when I saw off hand that they pushed Shin Mega Tensei mechanics into the game I got a little bit more interested and looked into it.
  14. If that holds true that's probably 699 minimum here in Canada if things are the same by years end.
  15. Scorpio specs are out and hot damn. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/04/06/project-scorpio-tech-specs-revealed
  16. It pretty much just came out - but it's on Seeso. My Brother, My Brother and Me is absolutely hilarious and there's a full preview on YouTube of one of the six episodes.
  17. Two things come to mind - being able to help someone out in a game without taking the controller from them, but I remember it was first announced it was mentioned that disabled gamers could take advantage of more options for control schemes that might work for them.
  18. When the remastered MUA games came out a spiritual successor was also talked about, that must indeed be it.
  19. Does anyone have an Arsenic 4.4? The site doesn't have a version of it yet, and the base editor with 4.5 has the wage glitch on it.
  20. Why does Chris Payne have a blood relationship to Vickie Guerrero? Ditto with Mandy Leon and Ted DiBiase Jr. Are those database errors from removing Shaul and Brett or Mike DiBiase?
  21. I got bummed that Yooka-Laylee is delayed for the Switch but Snake Pass came out yesterday and that game is actually super fun! You control a snake through levels to collect rune stones that unlock the end of the level - and the snake behaves with Real Snake Physics - essentially there's no jump button and when you move you only control the head, so you have to wrap up in things, etc.
  22. I'm surprised that Luigi still has a job after messing up a single button press and changing the entire colour of a line of systems. ...yes, I know mascot costume Nintendo character backstories.
  23. I like the Batman bits, I like the Wonder Woman bits - I'm iffy on Cyborg because some of that CG looked off and I've never been interested in the character but it's coming together better than I had hoped? It'll all depend on whether they fumble the Wonder Woman movie or not for me.
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