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Everything posted by apsham

  1. fun. - Aim & Ignite The Format - Dog Problems Matthew Good Band - Beautiful Midnight Watsky - Cardboard Castles Say Anything - Say Anything The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree The Mountain Goats - Heretic Pride Jukebox The Ghost - Everything Under The Sun blink-182 - Cheshire Cat Barenaked Ladies - Stunt Barenaked Ladies - Rock Spectacle The Pixies - Doolittle There's some others that come close, particularly a couple of other BNL albums but that's a pretty good shout for the albums that I keep in their entirely.
  2. I watched some people play this.. I was really put off by those ultra moves or whatever, seems like it makes for some cheap victories. But it's Tekken so I'm still interested.
  3. Wait, it's first world war isn't it?
  4. Price points just landed as well - $20.
  5. This excites me greatly and I don't even really like Sonic all that much - old or new.
  6. Their criticism seems to be 'it has the same issues as other DC films, and having a woman leading it isn't enough to get through those issues' which is fair and is my main concern for the film itself. I'm sure some people are going to find more enjoyment in it purely because you get to see Wonder Woman as a lead character and for me even that's enough to give it a chance, but I am sincerely hoping for something different as well.
  7. Specifically it's a type of game that you don't really get to play anymore these days - so I think that gives it a special place. I'm trying really hard to narrow mine down before the end of the day but it's quite a task!
  8. I'm not a fan of setting up things for the next release for this very reason - it's presumptuous and really unneeded.
  9. The Test Punch was really fun! I've had my fill playing last night and this morning but there are still four more times this weekend (next one starts in about an hour) and then some times next weekend to give it a shot. It's super fluid and I could see it being super fun with a group of people.
  10. A gallery of photos from The Last Jedi with new characters and settings. Carrie and her daughter and Carrie and Mark contained within for a 'feels' warning.
  11. I fucking hate that "oh yay, now Justice League might be good" talk as much as I hate the fact that he had to take the death of his daughter public because if he didn't do that it would be doubly worse.
  12. Chart Wars was a fun idea but yeah - it was nearly impossible to play with an ounce of strategy because it was so fucked.
  13. My theory on getting a computer to game with is easy when I look at what I'd want to play with a PC and it mostly boils down to strategy games that only really work with a mouse and keyboard, retro games and those with a retro feel and quirky/fun games that only see a PC release because they aren't really all that worth creating for other platforms - so I can afford to go mid-range and be fine in that respect.
  14. I would liken putting Brutal Doom on top of the original games is a nice in between - you have the enemies that you are familiar with and simpler (on the surface) level design, but there's a really nice feeling and kick to having new gun types and modern features like jumping/aiming down sights, etc.
  15. Playing Brutal Doom with a mouse and keyboard is probably one of the most visceral gaming experiences you can have. I'd throw every other PC-centric game out the door if I had to choose only one thing to play on the platform.
  16. I've been rallying for Switch from the start, having it on the go would at least be something else that draws me to it over playing the game that already exists with the roster I want on the PS3.
  17. ARMs is getting a global test punch the next couple of weekends, I hope that I can actually catch it this time unlike the Splatoon test fires.
  18. Yeeeeeah, this is just looking like Fire Pro Returns more and more.
  19. Maybe the painters flipped the desk 90 degrees?
  20. I actually like that I didn't even bother to look into One Punch Man because I was tired of the idea of shows where the main character is some undefeatable badass who follows the same tropey junk over and over again when it comes to challenges.
  21. They had a season one of six episodes.
  22. Just saw that Kate Nash is in this too, awesome!
  23. Holy shit, I lost it at the "You're a big black girl" line and reaction.
  24. I never got around to it yet, but a friend suggested Archive 81 to me. I started Limetown and I liked it. The Black Tapes is supposed to be great too.
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