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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Yikes. Just more of a reason to just say fuck it and play the originals. Though I guess with a PS4 that isn't an option.
  2. Also this. http://runpee.com/
  3. http://aftercredits.com/
  4. A lot of TVs have a gaming input that actually impacts things related to lag, etc.
  5. I played through them recently trying to get through them since I had bought them ages ago and never got around. They're.. alright, by todays standards. The first one is a total pain in the ass and the others are good if not mired with some terrible levels. It's a nostlgia buy if anything I guess.
  6. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Not all that surprised, if they didn't go with a modern guy this time - Angle would've likely been the cover star.
  7. I am so fucking hyped for Inhumans and so sad to know that it's going to likely bomb. It's an unknown property to most and while Black Bolt is probably one of my favorite comic characters ever I don't think it'll transfer to screen all that well or at least as well as Guardians did... the Guardians had a lot of gimmicks to catch people who didn't know about them initially up. Edit: Partial relief - I thought it was still a movie and not a TV series. Lower ceiling then, and more for me.
  8. I've never seen Twin Peaks buy I've played Deadly Premonition so I hear I have the gist of it.
  9. Any place that is taking pre-orders other than official ones from Nintendo I'd be a bit wary of. No where has really received an allocation as far as I'm aware - so it's really just taking your money and putting you in line to hopefully get one sometime.
  10. Light hearted film as a statement didn't equal a Han Solo comedy film, just not one where he's an old sad man who gets murdered.
  11. Christ, that article really hammers the 'why is this a discussion' point home pretty hard.
  12. I made a list last night based on what the current machine I could use would handle and what I'd play - it isn't very long, mostly Civ6 and Dead Cells, etc - I'm still debating if I'm going to do anything about it.
  13. I have no issues with the XB1 version unless it was a console specific thing.
  14. Oh dang, I just reinstalled the first one today.
  15. In the same way, I don't see why people take reviewers doing so as a personal affront. Unless the reviewer is snobbish about everything, I really don't take issue with it.
  16. I just found out that Steam lets you just straight up remove games from your account. This is the most cathartic thing - good bye Humble Bundle games I never wanted in the first place!
  17. I hit my goal of 24 books before the midway point of the year so I'm going to keep going and see how far I get. I think i'll plan to do this every year and go +1 what I read the year before to see what my max level is.
  18. Yikes. At least in Canada, Civ6 only went down to the price I figured it was initially. Next year!
  19. Oh that has started? I'm super into it, we were sharing the trailer around a month or so back - looks like it'll be pretty top notch.
  20. I see we have some winners in the comments.
  21. Well now I know that this site exists. http://hasdcdonesomethingstupidtoday.com/
  22. I don't even see where the debate is. Good for Kasdan - he's producing and writing the movie so do whatever they need to. I mentioned serious and grim dark specifically stating that the movie doesn't look like that - cast pictures haven't been foreboding, sad scenes that like the Last Jedi was, ergo I think that it leans more towards a non-serious movie. So my jump being based on that... isn't anything that I've entered into this. Also, I missed the 'heavily ad-libbed' part, even when looking for when it was originally brought up -that's on me. But now that I look into it I haven't read a single article where it has come up - much less the 'heavily' aspect of it. Although it has reminded me that "I love you - I know" was an ad-lib. Doesn't look like it's a really huge deal anyways with Kennedy complimenting them and stating that there were creative differences. Lord and Miller were brought on and figured that they could do their thing since they had earned it, and they haven't been allowed to. That's about it and that's something that we agree on so I don't see what the big deal is.
  23. And once again, why go after "some comedy directors" who have made that basically what they do if they expected anything else? I don't see why 'ad-libbing some lines' moving to them fucking with the script is any smaller of a jump either.
  24. I don't know - I mean, a light-hearted film about Han Solo seems to be exactly what people would want to see after the last time we saw the character. And they hired a guy who was hilarious in Hail Ceaser, Donald Glover to play Lando and the set picture I saw wasn't grim dark and serious like the stuff coming out in the main line movies. Adlibbing a line (we don't know how many times) sees ultimately harmless. Han Solo is my favorite Star Wars character and I don't think I want a super serious tone.
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