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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Re; the timing. I feel like before it was as soon as the hands touched the shoulders and now you have to wait a half second or so after that point this time around.
  2. Oh yeah, the corner stuff is pretty specific. The tutorial also messed up when telling you to do top rope moves - it says initially you can press the button with left, right or up but it doesn't count it up you do up because that's for the avalanche specific training that follows it.
  3. In what sense? Seems about standard to me.
  4. Oh. And a dedicated pin button is the best thing ever.
  5. Yeah it's kind of new in this game - I wouldn't say that it teaches you absolutely everything, but it's better than "LIGHT" "MEDIUM" etc. It'll help you hammer out the timing and the idea that you need to start with light things, move up to medium and then do strong attacks and the spacing you'll need to figure out. It doesn't really tell you things like needing to breathe to get your stamina back and fails to mention holding directions for different moves until later but still it'll get you most of the way there.
  6. Yep, I've done enough to make it clear to me that it's worth the purchase. And it isn't even a finished product! I'd be more than fine with everything we have right here out of the gate.
  7. Holy shit these face off things are cool. You can get into a slugfest with back and forth strikes - chop, kick, chop, he knocked me down with a spinning kick and I got right back up and hit him with a lariat before we both collapsed.
  8. Once there's a decent set of guys up there, I'm totally up for doing a pick'em and recording the matches for some fun themed tournaments.
  9. Man my timing is way off - it feels like it's a bit later than Returns was.
  10. I think the last time I played Postal 2 was right before prom.
  11. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Pick me. Or someone else. Do whatever you want. Just leave me alone. Quote the raven. Nevermore.
  12. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    This was posted on the 2K website in regards to the Switch version. So that doesn't look to be the case.
  13. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    I don't really know if there's any actual understanding... it all just looks like conjecture and conspiracy theories. The Show is literally the only game that has it, right?
  14. I bit the bullet and got it on the Xbox sale and I love it - adding the gear system really puts it over the top for me. It barely feels like a fighting game to me - at least the stigma that makes me not enjoy most fighting games.
  15. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    With it being confirmed for the Switch, barring any major downgrade - I'll consider getting it there for sure.
  16. I'm hoping to do some AI tournaments if this turns out to work decently enough.
  17. It's really, really simple - a button for strikes, a button for grapples and a button to interact with stuff for the most part. It's been a while but I don't even think in most of the games that there is a reverse/defend button, that kind of stuff was all up to the stats you had. The appeal was almost entirely just the insane shit that you can do on one hand and the total freedom that the career mode offered you as you got contracts to wrestle for various places and tried to make an impact to get a bigger contract with more money, more creative freedom, etc. And then there's just the fact that people can get amputated mid-match. And default characters have fun SeriousParody names - like Kurt Angle/Kirk Angel and Taz/Ghetto Child.
  18. I love those stupid fucking games, awesome.
  19. That's what I've been scared of - people talked the premise up to me in a big way and how I'd love it since I in general like dark humor but I've started it like twice (which isn't uncommon, I most times don't know what I'm in the mood for) and I just can't get into it. I'm going to start Morte by Robert Repino here soon - partly because I bought the novella that follows it, Culdesac when I saw it on sale but also because I opened the cover and saw the picture that made me impulse buy it in the first place.
  20. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    It's beautiful once you get past all the initial wrestler callouts. OUCH. TO THE GUT. OOOOOHHH.. AHHHH. TO THE MIDSECTION. HOLY COW!
  21. Undershooting.. hmm could relate then to when you visually think you should be jumping vs. when the collision boxes themselves would be best for jumping. Even if it's not an issue with the specific shape of the collisions, anything thats off from the original could throw a player off. Crash 1 vs. the others wasn't a difference in controls for me, it was the level design and the way that the save system worked. But even in the crazy levels, the jumps were perferctly spaced so you only have to really worry about direction and landing on the right space - distance jumped was never really an issue I dealt with.
  22. The pill shape basically means less surface area is fully impacted when you land, especially on the edge of a platform and there are a lot of really precise jumps in the Crash games. Think of the standard collision box being the eraser side of a pencil, and the pill shaped one being more like the sharpened edge - when Crash is hitting the edge, his velocity isn't being slowed because it's taking a bit more to spread that all out, ergo you'll slip off the edge.
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