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Your Mom

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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. In this game am I allowed to start fights all the time instead of playing? This is the only way it will make it here. I live to play Christopher is sports games and make him mad because of my lack of actually ya know playing the game
  2. Which Manchurian Candidate? And I was watching Air Bud because it was on Fox this morning and there was nothing better to watch.
  3. Air Bud: World Pup: 3/10: Was so comically ridiculous that I found myself enjoying watching parts of it. Especially when Air Bud is subbed in against the Norwegians and helps the US Women claim another World Cup victory.
  4. Your Mom

    Jimmy Fallon

    The Prince Show single handedly had me tuning in to every episode just praying that he would it again.
  5. Get The Ring on DVD and watch the part that says "Don't watch this". I was scared out of my mind the first time I saw that and actually called someone and had them come over after it was over so I wouldnt be alone.
  6. Ah. Well at least you get a good song out of it since the movie sucked and all.
  7. If you know the song title providing it would be helpful.
  8. Sounds ok to me. I would rather have all them make sense as long as it doesnt look awful.
  9. The Superman thing would definitely qualify as this... ← Things like him doing his "superman thing" are what bothered me about the two other movies. Not that he could fly, but that the first movie had been so good and then they resorted to lame characters like the guy who said that and mindless action.
  10. Ok so if they had to change the end to The Matrix what was it supposed to be originally? Does anyone know? Cause yeah it basically implied that he shut the matrix down at the end of the first movie.
  11. Not the worst ever, but yeah it did indeed suck
  12. I was playing Legend of Zelda and this mean looking orange spider came up and I was all "EAT BOOMERANG SPIDER!". And then I hit him with my boomerang :thumbsup:
  13. The Matrix: 9.5/10: Neo's muderous rampages aside this is a classic and everyone already knows that by now
  14. Exactly. I mean it's not like they tried to sneak in and had to resort to killing the guards. It was "We need Morpheus back. Lets kill em all!"
  15. No they arent fake. The real people in the tubes or whatever die when they get killed. So Neo may be "The One" but he is also a mass murderer.
  16. Ok Christopher threw in The Matrix. I absolutely love this movie right, but I have a problem with it. I know Neo and all of them are supposed to be the good guys because they are freeing everyone from The Matrix, but when they come to that building to save Morpheus they kill dozens of clueless innocent people who are just doing their jobs trying to stop two crazy people with dozens of guns. I mean I understand needing to get him back, but they killed alot of people who were just as innocent as them if not more so. How do you justify that?
  17. Leon: 9.5/10: It is very hard for a movie to be perfect, but this one comes incredibly close.
  18. Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your gin and juice in tha hood: 6/10: Title may not be right, but you know what I mean. This is the peak of what Shawn and Marlon can do. It was funny in parts and lame as hell in parts, but still way better than all their other comedies.
  19. Whats wrong with liking Snoop?
  20. NO MAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
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