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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Ananas


    Awesome, I thought after she didn't appear in season 3 that they'd stopped using her. Hopefully we can finally draw some conclusions from the attack on Palmer at the end of season 2, because I sure as hell don't know what that came to.
  2. NBC announced it's fall schedule today, the first of the 5 networks this week that will do so:
  3. Both fantastic episodes tonight. I was told in advance that Scrubs was zinged, but knowing it was coming got my expectations up, so I was disappointed when it finally happened. Still, that was easily the best new episode of Family Guy's 4th season so far.
  4. Tom gets the million dollars, but Ian gets the class vote, and probably ensures himself a spot if they ever do an All Stars 2. "Survivor Guatemala" looks extremely cool and perhaps necessary, because at this point they need to mix the game up a bit, and putting the castaways in Mayan ruins will probably do that. Here's to an equally compelling cast next time.
  5. It all comes down to who wins the opening immunity. If it's one guy, then the other is going home. If neither win, it'll probably be Tom. Either way, I figure the dude who makes it to the final three will win, unless Caryn's talked enough trash behind the scenes to skewer a few jury votes away from them.
  6. what can you guys not understand about dividing up a country's team actually weakens them. Same can be done with the Domincian Republic. Comparing it to the FIFA World Cup is retarded because a) Soccer has a much bigger following worldwide B) is played in more countries and c) has a different qualifying system. Iraq didn't take a deserving team out....they qualified from their region. That's how the system is. ←
  7. If it's a tournament aimed at deciding which country is the best at baseball, then the organizers shouldn't take steps which compromise the idea of 1 country, 1 team, just so as to make it more media savvy. It's not like the Americans are certainly going to field the best single team anyway; giving them 2 teams just gives them 2 chances to win.
  8. Letting one country field more than one team is a detriment to the tournament's legitimacy. I'd rather sacrifice a bit of competitiveness than lose face by not having 16 teams representing 16 countries.
  9. The last concrete news on this came 8 months ago. I wouldn't hold my breath, although neither of the 2 stars are what I'd call in demand, so I'd suppose they'd be very much interested.
  10. I think that this latest "Survivor" has been one of the best yet. The drama is intense, and it's good to see the more interesting characters getting through instead of ganged up on and voted out right away like Vanuatu. Ian and Tom made probably their only mistakes in the game so far last night, but otherwise they're some of the best to play in the show's history. At this point I'm picking Ian to win this Sunday, but really outside of Jen, any one of the final four would be alright winners. Thoughts?
  11. Ananas


    Last episode was the best episode ever. I'm not basing this on whether it was well written or acted or anything, but after Jason Teague died, I listened to "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang for an hour on repeat. The last few episodes have made up for how disappointing the rest of the season was. Hopefully the season finale is half as cool as the season 3 one.
  12. Ananas


    I think John McCain might have something to say about the Republican leader representing all Republicans.
  13. This is the tournament that baseball fans have been waiting for. I'll be waiting with wide eyes, even if Canada is kind of outclassed by some of the heavy hitters that will be in the tournament.
  14. I ain't no meal ticket. Besides, if anybody needs to blamed for this ordeal, it's the catchy... nay... addictive music stylings of Canadian hip-hop icon, Maestro. This jam is amplified, so just glide, and let your backbone slide... Word up. Look out fo da cops. ←
  15. Ananas


    Secretary Heller was a bad ass Republican. The only sissy Republican is Logan.
  16. Good for Phoenix, but I hope he still stays a part of Hockey Canada when it comes to putting together the national teams.
  17. The Moonwalkers bassist Tits McGee was better.
  18. If you've seen one Hugh Grant rom-com you've seen them all.
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