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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. The guy who thought he had a patent on 80's influenced rock is calling someone else a self obsessed egomaniac? If I think about this too much the irony might implode my brain.
  2. If you people went in with more reasonable expectations, you'd probably enjoy the show much more. Of course Napoleon Dynamite wasn't the best film of last year. Lindsay Lohan wasn't the best actress, Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't the best actor, and Dustin Hoffman wasn't even close to best comedic performance. It's not about who wins these awards; it's a spectacle. If you went in looking for some decent comedy, you probably weren't disappointed (the Star Wars parody especially stood out for me).
  3. Ananas

    The Inside

    Fox doesn't indicate that there will be. I'd say that there really wasn't anything you need to know that was said in the pilot beyond the female lead is new to the team.
  4. Ananas

    The Inside

    For all 5 people who actually tuned in on Wednesday, how awesome was that? I really feel that this could be FOX's companion to 24 if it finds an audience. Adam Baldwin was in classic bad ass form, but the writing was also really strong. Thoughts?
  5. Coldplay - X&Y Death By Stereo - Death for Life
  6. Methinks, good sir, that reefer may cloud one's judgement when posting about cartoon dogs in the wee hours of the morning. If Goofy was anymore a dog he'd be Clawson's dear old mother.
  7. After two singles off that album, they went from being this interesting "new" style of music to the most maligned band in rock history.
  8. I decided to get off my ass and write something for my website, so with a new Coldplay album being essentially all I was interested in at the time, I reviewed it:
  9. If they'd let an actor go so easy I'm guessing it's not one of the three most important cast members (Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly or Terry O'Quinn). My money's on the hobbit.
  10. I refuse to listen to the album until I pick the CD up tommorow, but the Coldplay Live Special Much aired last night pumped me up for it completely. Although they didn't list titles or anything, the new tracks sounded amazing.
  11. /forum/index.php?showtopic=22074&view=findpost&p=410468">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....ndpost&p=410468 /forum/index.php?showtopic=21631&view=findpost&p=397525">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....ndpost&p=397525 /forum/index.php?showtopic=10451&view=findpost&p=188758">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....ndpost&p=188758 /forum/index.php?showtopic=11045&view=findpost&p=184403">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....ndpost&p=184403 Up to and including this topic, that's now 5 topics you've given us your "enlightened" opinion on the show in pretty much exactly the same way. There haven't even been that many Lost topics yet; you just "cry your eyes out about us praising this crap" whenever the show is mentioned.
  12. You know, instead of giving us your baseless attacks on the show everytime a Lost thread comes up, how about actually legitimizing your opinion with some fact? Or even better, how about just not posting in "Lost" threads? We get it; Matzat doesn't like Lost.
  13. Lost is fucking fantastic. The start is a little slow, and the first episode is, IMHO, the worst episode of the season. Once you get into the season itself though, it becomes incredibly gripping and taut. If you're the least bit interested in this show, I highly, highly, highly recommend it. IMHO, Lost is the best, most intriguing, most exciting drama on television now. If it was airing on HBO or Cinemax, it would be getting critical raves and be getting nominated for Emmys left, right, and center. In summation: watch Lost. You won't regret it, I promise. ←
  14. Yes I can, *rips off shirt* ←
  15. Ananas


    Probably because she went all bad ass and followed Jack's orders instead of Driscoll's, but yeah, she rocks.
  16. David Fury + JJ Abrams = Best Show on Television.
  17. This is making up for the lack of bad ass moments on the "24" finale.
  18. Man, Daniel Roebuck just can't catch a break. The stuff about the "clique" was gold.
  19. I'm concerned about season 2 of "Lost". I hear they were planning on moving production away from Hawaii and on to a soundstage, which would really hurt it in my opinion. As for tonight's finale, if it loses in the ratings to the American Idol finale, there is something wrong with America.
  20. They might as well not even do "Lost" if Locke weren't on it. Daniel Dae Kim rocks as Jin, and Hurley is cool as well, but Locke is "Lost's" Jack Bauer. Anyway of course I'm looking forward to tonight's finale after the awesomeness that was last week's episode.
  21. Ditto to any of Kevin J. Anderson's stuff, as well as "I, Jedi". In fact, Michael Stackpole is another of the fantastic EU writers; check out his Rogue Squadron stuff.
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