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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. That was an hour long Buffy "spoof" that consistently referenced the same one or two jokes over and over. This was easily the lamest episode of season 5 so far, and one has to assume it's because of the "freak of the week" sort of structure it took. So Chloe saw Lana recoiling in the light and pieced together she was a vampire? That's not vampirism, it's a hangover. Buffy Sanders/Buffy Summers, and the attempt at the irony of Buffy being the vampire were lame. So was "Slaying Buffy the Vampire". All in all, lame episode.
  2. Wait, when did Jay-Z stop being retired?
  3. *The opinions of the Leafs fans above are their own and are not necessarily shared by the Toronto Maple Leafs and/or their fanbase.
  4. what exactly it is that you can possibly prove by playing against women?
  5. Jesus Matzat, now how the hell am going to be able to wait until January? This is the best looking season of 24 yet, and it doesn't start for 3 months.
  6. Uribe deserves 2 rings for the way he played the 9th. That catch was very Jeter-esque.
  7. Kicking And Screaming - 4/10 Cliched and unoriginal, "Kicking And Screaming" rests all of its hopes on the physical comedy of Will Ferrell. Unfortunately, while he does deliver most of the time, nearly all of the supporting cast seem well out of their element, and the child actors come off less endearing than annoying. The little league comedy genre has been done to death, and if you've seen a few of the films it has produced, you're not likely to find much new here. If you're a Ferrell fan, you're better off checking out any of the multitude of films he's done that are more laugh out loud funny and creative than this one, and if you already have, you'll find nothing new from him either. This is a PG-13 version of "Frank the Tank", a 1990's "Ron Bergundy" and a caffeinated "Buddy the Elf". Jesse Dylan (yes, he's Bob's son) has directed his first disappointment in this film, after two very successful physical comedies ("American Wedding", "How High"). This is a obvious starring vehicle for Will Ferrell, and a lame one at that. Thumbs down.
  8. It's about damn time... maybe Quinn will be able to stop being critical about the game every time the Leafs lose.
  9. I'll wait until we have an idea of what channel picks it up before making any judgements. If it's not cable, it'll probably suck. But if they do get an HBO or a Showtime and get some original cast members back, I'm definitely looking forward to it.
  10. Damn, I just looked at the ratings for last night's episode: the show did a 3.9, which I believe is higher than the premiere, and clearly shows promise that few actually expected out of the show this year. Maybe those 6th season hopes are perfectly reasonable afterall. It finished in 3rd in it's our in adults 18-49, and 4th overall, meaning in the 18-49 demographic it outdrew ABC, FOX and UPN. Sure the ratings will take a hit when "The O.C." returns in two weeks, but with this consistency, probably not all that much.
  11. Untested, but when you're openly admitting to saying shit based on a ludicrous premise just to get a rise out of Leafs fans, that's trolling. And I quote:
  12. Overrated: The Aviator - I don't get how this was such a critical darling. For starters, it was 30 minutes too long. The performances were passable, but nothing out of the ordinary. Most importantly, it tells a sympathetic story, but the narrative is so poorly structured that it's hard to tell where the high moments are, if there are any. I gave it a 6/10, which is a marginal pass, much lower than the literary fellatio the critical community gave it. Underrated: What Dreams May Come - I never saw Robin Williams in a role this captivating, and I've hardly ever seen visuals this intriguing. It's beautiful abstract cinematography and sympathetic storyline are enough to make it a must watch for those who are yet to see it. I can't remember what I gave it, but I think it was in the 8-9/10 range.
  13. It's 6 games. And two of those games would have been a tie. Another was against a un-healthy Bruins team. Ottawa always starts off fast but they always crash and burn in the playoffs to the same team year after year. would have been a tie? You mean if it was 2003/04? Who gives a shit what would have happened in the old rules, they aren't around anymore, so your precious Leafs lost, forget the excuse man. Lots of teams are 'Unhealthy' take Columbus, they were without three top draft picks to start the season, and they still managed, and the Bruins have a much better core without Thornton than Columbus has without Nash. Ottawa won good games, decisively, and are one of the best teams considering the shape they are in. When Chris Neil starts scoring, you know everything is clicking for your team, so Ottawa is going to ride their success to the end of the playoffs, baring any terrible injuries.
  14. It's 6 games. And two of those games would have been a tie. Another was against a un-healthy Bruins team. Ottawa always starts off fast but they always crash and burn in the playoffs to the same team year after year.
  15. Jennifer Ellison is fucking gorgeous. She > the rest of the British chicks on this list.
  16. Man, if they're offended by That 70's Show, they ought to be kept away from Showtime, lest they die of simultaneous heart attacks while watching "The L Word".
  17. How did Kou's favorites get back to back? Better yet, who other than Kou put Morgan Webb that high?
  18. Bob Dylan - "Times They Are A-Changin'"
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