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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Doug Gilmour You fucking knows it.
  2. Rashomon - 9/10 How many movies are made these days with this much to say? Better yet, how many modern movies have anything to say beyond topical political statements? What a fucking gem, and further indication (in a larger sense) that we really aren't in a golden era of cinema that the Academy seems to think we are (read: they don't make 'em like this anymore).
  3. Nice work, JFJ. If the Leafs make the playoffs this year, they're going to have to do it on their own because Fergie couldn't swing any deals. And with the Richardson deal and Klee being traded away, we're actually worse off than we were before. So at the end of the year, Belfour's gone, Quinn's gone... is our GM out too?
  4. I'd rather be in Toronto instead of places like Tampa Bay or Kansas City
  5. Or maybe they're doing the best they can with the looming reality that Toronto is the last place most MLB-ers want to go?
  6. And now Ken Klee for Alexander Suglobov? Ferguson better be making cap space for a big pick up, because this does nothing to prevent Wade Belak from playing defence.
  7. Good job, Fergie, because what the Leafs need now is MORE old players. Richardson was an underaverage defenceman on an underaverage team. I suppose nothing's changed.
  8. I guess the people from JoBlo.com who called it the most overrated movie of the year were just being homophobic then. Or maybe they just didn't think it was good enough.
  9. Holy Shit! My pick actually won for once?! This really is a freak year.
  10. PSH winning works for me, although I was pulling for David Strathairn. Is it just me or have the Academy been big on finally rewarding underappreciated actors as of late?
  12. Yes, he can cry all the way home to the five Oscars he's already got.
  13. Brokeback was overrated. I'm thrilled it's lost both awards thus far, although not because of any grudge but rather the fact that I found nothing overly impressive about the performances of Michelle Williams or Jake Gyllenhaal. Had Anne Hathaway gotten a nod, I might have been pulling for it. Good to see fresh blood like Rachel Weisz winning; could Keira be next?
  14. The "goaltender stole the game" excuse was nonsense when it worked for Sens fans, and it's nonsense even if it works for Leafs fans. If Emery lifted the Sens past the Leafs, the Sens played better. It's not like he's some neutral force that just happened to play in their favour, he's a team member, and if he makes the team better single handedly, so be it. They did what they needed to do to win, and they won. This need to shift the blame from a losing team to how well the opposing goalie played is pointless rationalization.
  15. Canada lost to the Jays today. Yeah, they're gonna suck.
  16. Havoc - 7/10 Havoc is a film that runs a bit too short, despite having both style and substance. It would be easy to dismiss a film like this as an R-rated vehicle for Anne Hathaway as a "serious actress" (read: she does nudity now), but that would dismiss all the bite that this dramatic satire has. This is the best skewering of suburban Los Angeles since Malibu's Most Wanted, only with this film comes some actual gravitas. It runs short, yes, but it's a perfectly self-contained story that rises consistently and peaks at the right time. The characters are off the wall without being one dimensional, the direction is consistent without being stagnant and the script is snarky without being preachy. The message is clear: white suburban rich kids should find something better to do than courting desparity. And in all honesty, what the film is is great; there's just not enough of it to be memorable. Thumbs up.
  17. What Dreams May Come has a really in depth vision of heaven and hell. I thought it was awesome, although a ton of critics disagree.
  18. I marked for "Jane Espenson" calling the secretary. I suppose this is the second episode David Fury has written.
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