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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Okay, so at least we know it's not a joke:
  2. I like both series so I don't really care either way, I was just curious. And I guess you didn't see anything beyond the pilot of the American version.
  3. Ringo and I were just trying to compare the two, and while the UK original's remake seems to have such a strong reputation, we can't seem to find one instance of a British character being better than its American counterpart (aside from Tim/Jim and Finchie/Todd Packer). Opinions?
  4. In fairness, the Q&A recap at News Askew said that he said this after being peppered for information on his next project, so he might have just been messing with them. Either way, it could be cool to see him do something different. Or, since we've never seen him do anything other than comedy/dramedy, it could be awful. I still remember hearing that he'd had a romantic comedy greenlit with a 15 million dollar budget though, so it might still be a smokescreen.
  5. Oh God, I hope this doesn't mean she's taking the Mother Theresa role. >_>
  6. Ananas

    Admit It.

    I wasn't aware that Mean Girls was a guilty pleasure. I've always thought it was just a very good movie. It gives me hope that Tina Fey's show 30 Rock might be good.
  7. SNL has fallen hella far, but it's not even approaching the awfulness of most reality TV. I'm gonna go with any of those dance contests for worst show on television, and hopefully the strength of this year's scripted shows will be the straw that breaks the camel's back as far as reality TV goes.
  8. Hard Candy - 7/10 It's interesting how seemingly unshakeable it is for a overwhelming majority of music video directors to make the jump from short to longform without making a film who's biggest problem is its length. David Slade is no exception. Hard Candy is a high-concept moral drama that succeeds on the strength of two equally complex characters who are neither heroes nor villains (or perhaps, instead, they are a bit of both). It centres on a 14 year old girl who meets up with a 32 year old male photographer after talking online, only for the man to find that he has been set up by the girl who suspects him to be a paedophile. Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson are equally fantastic as Hayley and Jeff, respectively. While Page takes what might be considered a dream role for a young actor, Wilson has taken an extremely risky role, and to those who see the film, it will almost certainly pay off. To hit home that there really is no hero, Slade does a good job of both humanizing the captive as well as de-mystifying the captor which, given the situation, is anything but easy. On an issue like this where the most extreme of hatred seems almost mainstream, it's an interesting perspective for a director to tell a story that just presents the events and allows the viewer to make up his or her own mind. Obviously the issue at heart here is not whether or not paedophilia is an acceptable practise or not, it's a measure of just how far we ought to be willing to go to react against it. And Slade does good work of framing this argument, even if he takes a little long to get to it.
  9. /forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=843620">Clerks II - 9/10
  10. Ananas

    Clerks 2

    Saw it again tonight. Just noticed how cool it was to have the Alanis song towards the end, since it was kinda like having one more cameo from a VA regular. And if Jeff Anderson doesn't get more non-Kevin Smith roles after this flick, Hollywood fucking sucks.
  11. There already is a Dylan movie in production. Sort of. It's called I'm Not There, and will feature numerous actors playing Dylan, including Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger, and Julianne Moore. It's directed by the guy who did "Velvet Goldmine", and is currently filming in Montreal.
  12. It's definitely crunch time now for the Blue Jays, with the trade deadline only a few games away and the team in reasonable proximity to the division/wildcard, and JP's gonna have to make the decision of whether to buy, sell or shut down and wait for next season. I have to think he'll probably choose the latter, as the team isn't supposed to play its playoff level ball until 2007 anyway, and with both the team's struggles this week and the difficulty of their remaining schedule, it might prove foolish to try to make any kind of impulse buys. It's been a good season and who knows, maybe they'll have a really good last 2 months. But for now, caution might just be the best way to go.
  13. Ananas

    Clerks 2

    I'm waiting until the promised commentary track comes out before I go check it out again. Unless they're assuming all the hardcore fans will crack and go see it again anyways, and waiting until next week to post it. Because I have to see this flick at least twice.
  14. For those who haven't seen the trailer, here it is. I think the show looks promising, especially for a show about a superhero as lame as Aquaman.
  15. Ananas


    The new update is pretty awesome. I like the last 3 and 6 months charts. The fact that I played a ton of Tracy Chapman tracks a year ago doesn't really matter much to my recent tastes.
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