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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Emily Haines - Knives Don't Have Your Back is a good record, probably better than Metric's latest. Just further proof that the Canadian Indie scene > anywhere else. >_>
  2. Trailer Park Boys: The Movie - 5/10 I dunno, if you're a newcomer to TPB you might find this rehash of old jokes from the series funny, but for me I only laughed like twice. It's a really uncomfortable attempt to make what works fine on the small screen draw an arc that probably would have taken an entire season on the show into 95 minutes. Disappointing.
  3. He really isn't. Heroes needs to get better in a hurry. If this is the consistent level of crap that will consistently show up both Heroes and Kidnapped need cancelled by NBC.
  4. The Americans win for Steinbeck and Kerouac, although I don't know why the people who wanted to fag out on Brit writers didn't mention Orwell. Oh, and Hugo is great. Even if I only read the English translation. >_>
  5. They have a reality show called "House of Carters" on E! now.
  6. This version is censored but it has way more Aaron Carter dancing like a retarded tribesman, so I count it as better.
  7. "Friday Night Lights", which I thought would have been NBC's safest bet when the schedule came out in June, pretty much tanked with a 4.7 rating. A "Law & Order" rerun probably would have drawn more.
  8. EVERYTIME YOU FIGHT ME I RUN AWAY FROM YOU! YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! And all this over Paris Hilton? Thank the Lord for Paris Hilton.
  9. Heroes - "Don't Look Back" - 8.5/10 This could seriously be Heroes "Walkabout" for this year. Such a sharp upturn, although last week's was very good too. The numbers are alright for the show thus far, and I hope they continue because NBC is very successfully marketing this one as "event TV", and it fits the billing. How I Met Your Mother - "Brunch" - 6.5/10 I didn't feel like they were really going anywhere with this one, but Barney trying to impress Ted's parents was great. Let's keep those parents away from now on though, shall we? Lilly and Marshall together/not together but sorta together is wishy washy to me. They could have waited months before going back to that again, and it's disappointed that they're rushing to it so quickly. Veronica Mars - "The Welcome Wagon" - 7/10 Okay like I said in the VM thread, disappointing. But at least the show proved better on the TV than streaming online for some reason. It'll be interesting to see if they can do anything weightier if Veronica doesn't have a huge mystery to solve, but I suppose it'd be a tad cynical to just assume they couldn't after two years of awesomeness. But Piz is no Beaver, and new Dick is no old Dick. Someone needs to make Dick a dick again. Boston Legal - "Desperately Seeking Shirley" - 7.5/10 Jeffrey Coho is a fucking icon. And Denny was great this week. Shame that Allan has been so lame recently, but everyone else has stepped it up this year so it's all good.
  10. Something needs to happen to bring the awesome Dick back. ROC'll be heartbroken otherwise. You know... cuz he likes the Dick so much. >_>
  11. That was fucking awesome. I love that the characters on this show already seem to be on a "Lost" level of awesomeness. Hiro was already awesome, but now Claire and Niki have gotten great too. NBC gets awesomer by the week.
  12. The Black Dahlia - 6/10 You know for all it's shortcomings (and there are many), I just can't seem to dislike this movie. It's got a charismatic cast of easy on the eyes stars, the enigmatic style of Brian Depalma behind the camera and an in your face presentation of the story that really keeps the viewer involved. It's no L.A. Confidential, obviously, but that hardly disqualifies it from being a decent film. If there's nothing else catching your eyes at the theatres, give it a try. You might be surprised.
  13. The Class - "The Class Learns About Hurricanes" - 8/10 Great episode. Easily the best of the run so far, as Lizzy Caplan and Jason Ritter have finally come to the forefront and proved themselves capable of leading a show. Lina and Richie are still the best thing about the show, though. Corner Gas - "Two Degrees Of Separation" - 6/10 Easily the worst of season 4 so far. Corner Gas is still funny, but I can't help but notice that its punchlines don't seem to have the same bite as they once had. Maybe it's just early season cobwebs, but it's definitely a drop off.
  14. I watch too much TV to go over everything I watch, but over the past few days... One Tree Hill - "The Same Deep Water As You" - 8/10 One of the sharpest, most well written episodes of One Tree Hill to date. It successfully navigates the momentum of a big cliffhanger and turns it into the successful kick off to a new season. Now hopefully they'll transition this into a better season than last. Prison Break - "Subdivision" - 7/10 Definitely a T-Bag fueled episode, but nothing special. It's not as intense as the first season, but season 2 should run solid just for the number of payoff moments that were built from the start. Smallville - "Zod" - 7/10 As usual it's rife with overwraught performances and not terribly inspired writing, but hey, this show bottomed out in season 4 and there's no way they let it that low again. Exciting enough, but there's not a lot introduced in the premiere, so only time will tell how the rest of the year goes. My Name Is Earl - "Jump For Joy" - 8/10 Great stuff, and a big step forward from the season premiere. Joy is still > Catalina though. >_> The Office - "The Convention" - 7.5/10 More great stuff. Michael as a character has improved leaps and bounds since the first season, and these last few episodes have really gone a long way to make him a relatable and entertaining contributor to the show. They kinda rushed into bringing Jim back together with the rest, unless he comes back to the Scranton branch in the next few episodes, and if that's the case then I'm cool with that. Jericho - "Fallout" - 7/10 I will say this, Jericho at 8, Lost at 9 and The Nine at 10 will make Wednesday a great night of TV. Jericho isn't spectacular, but it hasn't begun to lose it's charm yet, and for most mediocre shows that generally begins in the second episode. But man, that lame "It's never safe around you" line is the worst thing I've heard in a TV series since Kyle XY. Bones - "The Truth In the Lye" - 6.5/10 The first samey episode of the season so far. Still better than most of season 1 though. House - "Lines In the Sand" - 7/10 House is awesome. Moving on. Boston Legal - "Pro Ana Bo Bana" - 8/10 Jeffrey Coho is the greatest thing to ever happen to this show. Having him, Shore and Crane on the show at the same time is enough to restore my interest in Boston Legal completely. Finally a casting choice on this show that doesn't suck!
  15. Let's not kid ourselves, if this were any other year this show would be getting the crazy accolades of "Earl" in 05, or "Lost" in 04. As it stands, it's nowhere near the top of the class this year, but definitely one of the most interesting pilots of the year. Definitely looking to see where they go with this, and if NBC can continue it's miraculous resurrection this season.
  16. Ananas

    Good Charlotte

    I don't see what everyone's so out of sorts about. The song sucks, yes, but I don't see how it's worse than anything else they've done. Probably a bit better if anything.
  17. Ananas

    Your Top 10

    1. The Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) 2. This Mortal Coil - Song To the Siren 3. K-Os - Electrik HeaT / The SeekwiLL 4. A.C. Newman - Come Crash 5. Ill Nino - Zombie Eaters 6. The Deftones - Rapture 7. Lupe Fiasco - Kick Push 8. Alexisonfire - This Could Be Anywhere In the World 9. DJ Shadow - Backstage Girl (ft. Phonte Coleman) 10. Jack Johnson - Upside Down
  18. Alexisonfire - Crisis is a pretty fucking great record. This is my first time listening to a full length AOF album though, so I don't know how it stacks up.
  19. Jays can do no worse than a tie for 2nd in the East this year. Thanks in small part to Baltimore and Tampa grabbing a few from Boston this week. Way to break up the divisional hegemony boys.
  20. I... I can't find the words to describe it. It's like a record skipping over and over while a butch man named... oh let's just say RCOC, rapes a screeching Clawson and a walkman quickly running out of batteries plays some shitty Swedish pop music from the mid-nineties. And then it's over. And that moment is the greatest of my life. Oh it's An Albatross alright. An Albatross that pecks out my fucking ears. Over to you Fizzy. >_>
  21. I tend to blame Timbaland for the fact that he did the same thing to Justin Timberlake 2 months later. The only difference being that Nelly was interesting before all this happened.
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