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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Fox will definitely give PB another year. The ratings are pretty solid, and compared to FOX on other nights, they're golden. In fact, I'm pretty sure that PB is going to be the highest rated 8pm program on the network. Obviously that will change when AI comes back, but in the meantime FOX needs to stick with shows that deliver for them in the fall.
  2. Boston Legal - "Trick Or Treat" - 7/10 This show has been way more balanced this year. Good stuff. Smallville - "Fallout" - 6.5/10 This whole Lana trying to outbadass Lex thing is silly, quite like her on again off again ability to fight. Raya coming back was cool, even if it was only for one episode. Is it racist of me to have thought when there was a long fade in shot of two black kids playing basketball on a court that Pete might come back? >_>
  3. Ananas


    /forum/index.php?showtopic=45653&hl=Grindhouse">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....p;hl=Grindhouse The search function is awesome. (Y)
  4. Biggzy is so scene. >_> Good for him. On Monday this won't be news, and Barney'll still be the funniest character on TV.
  5. Ananas

    The Borat Movie

    "Running of the Jew" is perhaps the funniest thing I've ever seen in a movie. Such a solid movie.
  6. I don't agree with that premise, mainly because I don't believe it's childish to appreciate a happy ending. The central theme of the film is redemption. What's the point if we don't see the character given the opportunity to redeem himself? Imagine Les Miserables if Jean Valjean had waited until he was about to die before he recanted his criminal life? The build up, the greed, exploitation and eventual fall just make the redemption and resolution seem so much more fullfilling. Casablanca I hardly think was a sad ending. Yeah Rick doesn't end up with Ilsa, but everyone ends up alive (accept for the Nazi who meets a fate deserving of a villain). Empire Strikes Back was part two of a trilogy that would end up on a profoundly good note. And Titanic, well, I suppose you can debate whether that's a "great" movie. And I'm not saying neo-realism or even negative endings in general don't have their place. The ending to "The Bicycle Thief", for instance, is perhaps my favorite in film history. It's just to say that flights of fantasy and morality plays work a hell of a lot better when they're met with positive resolution. In "Click" Michael hasn't really redeemed himself when he keels over in the streets, he's just repented. And once we're drawn back into the present, he gets the opportunity to right the wrongs he was starting to perform. With that ending, it says "appreciating loved ones and life will lead you to a happier life". Without it, it just says "appreciate loved ones and life or else". I'd certainly prefer the former.
  7. ROC is clearly NOT punk rock. >_>
  8. fuck you, its not showing in my town
  9. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan - 9/10 I don't believe I've laughed that hard ever at a movie before. Instant classic. No need for further elaboration, since you've almost certainly heard of Borat before, and you either think it's funny or not. If you do, then there's no way you can possibly miss this.
  10. Anna is clearly going to appear in season 4, although I doubt as a regular. They set it up as her being a schoolmate of Summer's, so they're bound to bump into one another sooner or later. They better find someone awesome for Taylor to pass the time with though.
  11. Taylor is an enigma. Remember when people liked Anna? LOL. Taylor > All.
  12. Shut Up & Sing - 7.5/10 I don't really care for the Dixie Chicks. And to tell you the truth, I initially found their whole "we got fucked over and never stood down" thing to be a little hypocritical, considering they apologized to Bush a week after lead singer Natalie Maines suggested she was ashamed that he was from Texas. This film really puts it all in perspective, however, from the more or less coerced apology to the vicious and sometimes life threatening backlash these women faced for speaking their minds. Really entertaining for a number of reasons, not the least important being Maines' personality. Definitely worth checking out, whether you're a country fan or not. P.S. The poster above is the Canadian/International version. And the American version? Censorship is alive and well.
  13. Kevin Federline - "Playing With Fire" The most glorious trainwreck ever. "From Justin 2 Kelly", meet your film equivalent. This is way more fun than that ghastly Paris Hilton record.
  14. Changing the rules halfway through? What kind of banana republic is this? >_>
  15. EKO! So that's what, every character from the back hatch dead? Or is the bad guy from Wolfram and Hart still kicking? We haven't seen him at all in season 3.
  16. Okay I'm listening to Arsis' new album. Definitely a must.
  17. Apparently Arsis' new album leaked online. I haven't heard it, but clearly that's something with enough potential awesomeness to warrant checking out.
  18. On the other hand, I do think that Singer's vision of Superman clearly illustrates that Rattner is better at doing special effects sequences. Singer's always interesting and writes his films really well, but the action sequences themselves are usually par for the course: good, but not mindblowing. If you want somebody to tear everything down and do it with plenty of holy shit moments, Rattner's your man. The only problem is that from all accounts, there is the intent to do another film. Singer's got the next Superman though, so one guesses Rattner is back again.
  19. I'd rather have Ali Larter than Ali Landry. And yes, it was insinuated that she died, although in shows like this it's hard to say with any certainty.
  20. I hope to god this is a joke list, because Mrs Doubtfire, Home Alone 2, The Sandlot, Kingpin, and Click don't deserve to be on any best list ever anywhere.
  21. 1. Leonard Cohen - Songs of Love And Hate 2. Bill Evans - Everybody Digs Bill Evans 3. U2 - The Joshua Tree 4. James Taylor - Sweet Baby James 5. Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine 6. Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 7. System Of a Down - Toxicity 8. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema 9. A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders 10. Metallica - The Black Album
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