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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. I'm just waiting for Jack to fire Jordan to cover his own ass so art's imitation of NBC life can be complete. >_>
  2. For anyone who might have been turned off by the show's original documentary style presentation, they've officially transitioned to the more traditional talent show style, which suits the show's purpose way better. Brett Ratner has been jettisoned in favour of weekly guest judges (this week's was Disturbia director DJ Caruso), and with less focus on the "human drama" we actually get to see the filmmakers' products, which are for the most part quite good. There were three or four absolutely fantastic efforts, and probably about the same bad. Everything else was tolerable to good, and more than worthy during the summer season. Of tonight's efforts, I'd say "Danger Zone", "Soft" and "Dance Man" stood out as the most unique and interesting. Of the bottom of the heap; "Wack Alley Cab", "Bus #1" and, unfortunately (seriously, who'd thought Italy of all places would produce one of the weaker finalists?), "Blind Date". They piled on "Two Screw In A Lightbulb", but I actually laughed at her basic message, "Q: How many men does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: None, because a woman figured it out first." No idea how they're gonna fill an hour tomorrow, though.
  3. Ananas


    I don't know what the best line on Scrubs so far is, but I agree with YI that it's something from Kelso. Like for instance... Baby Jack: Your skin is wrinkly. Kelso: Yeah? Well that shirt you're wearing is gay.
  4. I remember reading somewhere (although exactly where now evades me) someone saying that last night's episode was an excellent example of how well they could do the show without Danny, Matt or Jordan. I couldn't disagree more. If anything, this show was an example of exactly why everyone (viewers and critics) turned on the show: it's just way too smug for network television. It's usually anchored by Perry and Whitford's sharp work, but this week's 10 minutes of Simon trolling for a date and the ridiculous bomb plotline (apart from drunken Jack; he's like Jeff Zucker only talented and not a whale with 5 chins). The sketches were, as usual, completely unfunny and probably would have been unfunny even if it weren't the "disaster show". They did nothing to explain Matt and Danny's absence (unless I missed something in the last episode before the hiatus) which is just silly, and the only good stuff was Harriet doing her whole reflection on Matt and everything Cal did (even if he'll always be the doubting brother from Field of Dreams to me). Disappointing, and hopefully better next week.
  5. Per John Mayer: I'm actually a fan, but I'm with GoGo on "Your Body Is A Wonderland". So fucking annoying.
  6. Okay, so remember how NBC in the past two years has debuted wonderful shows like Black Donnellys, Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip, The Office, Raines, My Name Is Earl, 30 Rock, Heroes and the critically beloved Friday Night Lights while the other 4 networks fell back on shitty reality shows and redundant dramas? Well the guy who's responsible for all that... is out. According to Nikki Finke and a few other sources, Kevin Reilly is going to be replaced as President of Entertainment of NBC by Ben Silverman, the mind behind Ugly Betty and The Biggest Loser. Honestly. Well he was also behind the U.S. version of The Office in a sense, but I'd suggest Jeff Zucker's hard on for Britcoms and the fine creative work of Greg Daniels more to do with that. Variety reports that people close to the situation have denied the rumours, but the truth is that rumours have been swarming about a change up top for months. Because really, somebody has to pay and it can't be Zucker, who tanked the network in the first place. If you've dug the shows coming out of this network for the past few years don't get used to it.
  7. That was funny. Jonah Hill is funny as hell anyways, and Katherine Heigl is adorable. I've been looking forward to this movie since I heard it was a Seth Rogan starrer, but since the R-rated trailer hit I've been anticipating it as potentially one of the better comedies of the year. Just further proof that Judd Apatow can do no wrong. And Harold Ramis as Seth Rogen's dad is the greatest casting choice ever.
  8. Ananas

    Female Vocals

    Neko Case is a kick ass female vocalist. Her solo stuff as well as her work with the New Pornographers. Those are both worth checking out.
  9. Ananas


    It is a classic. (Y)
  10. I originally had mixed feelings about the flash forward but now, thinking about the possibilities there are for extending the show's shelf life and maybe allowing them to do so much more in these last 3 seasons, I'm actually digging the idea. My assumption was that Sawyer was the other man and Juliet was the deceased, but I suppose Ben is a possibility. In Jack's case it could be just an example of his having left the island where he was completely free of societal limits and gone back to civilization where he collapsed into a spiral of depression, but I feel (and hope) it's something more sinister. I'd love for the last season or so to be the "return" to the island Jack hinted at in his flashback, as if they had some unfinished business to attend to. Does it make the rest of the show anti-climatic? I don't think so. Did anyone really think Jack or Kate, the show's two key marketing points, would be killed off at any point? Hopefully not. As for their relationship, we watch "How I Met Your Mother" knowing Robin is introduced in voiceovers as "Aunt Robin", and "Smallville" knowing that Lana Lang is not Clark Kent's future. It's the process we follow, and if it's done well enough I don't see the problem. Of course I'm the biggest apologist for this show in the world; I haven't once finished an episode of "Lost" I didn't enjoy watching. But this episode in particular I felt to be energetic, audacious and heartfelt. And although I don't think I'm necessarily as tortured in waiting until the new season as I was during the first two seasons (we seem to know more about this particular cliffhanger than the other two), it's definitely going to be a long summer. Of course that could just be the grim realisation that the best show on network television will be "The Loop", though.
  11. What makes you believe that he could win? There was only bad publicity and no one votes for a sheriff anyway. The kids get to drink again, Keith is back to being a PI. Charges get dropped since there is no proof that anyone purposely erased the Hard drive. Everything would be back to normal within the first 10 Minutes of the next episode. I am not saying that this would be good or bad, but I don't really see the cliffhanger, it seems pretty clear to me.
  12. Loser. And all the bad comic book movies.
  13. It was the start for the non-existent season four. Rob Thomas took a risk figuring the show would be back and lost, so we get a half assed ending. Although there are now rumors that it will be back for a 13 episode run on MyNetworkTV..
  14. The UK version, honestly, is 100% believable. As for the documentary aspect, documentary crews can take forever to get the footage they need. I'm sure Beyond The Mat took at least 1 1/2 years to get it's shit together. I've never heard(in either Office) what the crew is actually there to capture. Who knows what their objective is? If you've never seen the UK version, it actually gets to the point where the doc airs....and that makes the show even more believable.
  15. This is from the most recent "Ask Ausiello" on TVGuide.com. Interesting peek into what might have been:
  16. I watched up until about the halfway part of this season. The characters have just grown consistently less interesting, and after they had Jeffrey Coho come in and be awesome for one episode, it just went back to crap and I just gave up. I think I stopped watching a few episodes after the whole incestuous mother-son thing. Jeffrey Coho was great though. They shouldn't have fucked him up. :@
  17. What the hell was that? I mean if it were a season finale it would have been fine. A step down from the first two, but fine. But to end a series? The Jake Kane thing seemed rushed and poorly sold and the whole last episode felt awkward (which, since it was made only as a season closer, really shouldn't have). The best part was Logan, the only character that can really be said to have gone out with a bang. Dick had a few good one liners, and I suppose any Weevil is better than rest of season 3 Weevil, but man, how far did this show fall this year? And closing with a completely open ended cliffhanger? If they do decide to go ahead with some sort of spinoff (and the CW has yet to admit that won't happen) it might be cool, but otherwise it might be best to forget season 3 happened.
  18. Is it just me or would a prequel season be awesome? An excuse to bring back Nina Meyers and Tony Almeida! Ratings disaster? Maybe. But I'll take any excuse to have Tony back.
  19. Well it's Veronica Mars finale night so I'm definitely not watching it now, but I'll tape the west coast airing as it might be decent. Nothing will top the Affleckness that was Project Greenlight though.
  20. Right up until the end I thought the episode was pretty awesome. I can't wrap my head around the logic of Nathan sacrificing himself for seemingly no reason (there were other ways they could have dealt with it without anyone dying, as has already said). The way that they built up Peter as some sort of Christ-like figure seems to indicate that we haven't seen the last of those characters though. It was a cool tease to see the characters all working together, and hopefully we'll see more of that next season. I'm curious as to how they're going to balance the rest of the cast's adventures with Hiro's 1690's turn. Nonetheless, I'm definitely there next year.
  21. Commercials on a soccer broadcast? Really? And then skipping ahead 35 minutes? If CBC is just going to use TFC as its stop gap between hockey and the news, let Rogers fucking air it. At least we're leading at the half (or were, the game's on tape delay and I neither know nor want to know how it ended).
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