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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Nu-metal, but that's probably just because I went through high-school with it.
  2. Okay so as if we actually needed confirmation of it, the Group of Death was just that today. Kudos to the Polish for some frustratingly solid defense, even if the Brazilians weren't executing worth shit. And the South Koreans were clearly the better of them and USA, but it seems like they weren't patient enough in their execution. Man of the match was definitely Chris Seitz, who bailed the Americans out on numerous occasions. This group's gonna be fun to watch.
  3. Indeed, that's it. Smoother production, but hopefully there's more content on the album than these two. It's on youtube by the way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAzkKUPaVlA
  4. I suppose SModcast is sort of movie related. It's done by Kevin Smith and his producing partner Scott Mosier. They discuss just about anything, but movies obviously feature a lot.
  5. I presume you're talking about Can't Tell Me Nothing, which I've still yet to hear all the way through.
  6. There's a lot going on in that video. It was fun to look at though, so I give him credit as most music videos these days are forgettable. Hope his worldly tastes don't disconnect him from the audience that made him a star though. I read somewhere that the video was going to be billed originally as "Kanye West ft. Daft Punk". I don't know if that was a royalties issue or something, but I guess it went by the wayside.
  7. Comedy flicks I like to check out the commentary tracks, since if it's a comedy good enough to buy the odds are the minds behind it are funny. Deleted scenes are generally fun on a comedy. And a good "Making Of..." featurette can be cool too. Anyway I actually don't own Kill Bill yet, so I'll probably pick this up. Unlike Lord Of the Rings, this is the kind of movie I'd actually like to watch a bunch of extra scenes.
  8. I think I'm still gonna have to check that album out, because even though I've hated every single released so far I've been told that the album is somehow really good on its own. <_
  9. Wouldn't this have nothing to do with the Weinsteins seeing as they left Miramax 18 months ago?
  10. Green Demon: You're absolutely right about Eddie Johnson. Why they haven't started arguably their most explosive player is beyond me. Maybe a little too much Landon love? Guadeloupe is just shocking everyone this year. I legitimately thought that with Honduras' offensive output they could be the dark horse in the tourney. Guess not. With Mexico's lackluster performance so far, Guadeloupe stands a chance. Actually that's probably the way you could look at both semi-final matches: two surging underdogs vs. two underwhelming favorites. Thursday should be interesting.
  11. If Canada and the States come out with the same performance as they did today, Canada wins.
  12. Now this is an awesome trailer. I'm all over this when it comes out.
  13. For those of us who don't live in the States, AT&T Blue Room is webcasting select sets. Lilly Allen is on and is awesome. Awesome "Heart of Glass" cover
  14. Spider-Man 3 - 4/10 After a really fun, exciting sequel, the Spider-Man franchise returns to its bloated roots. The acting is atrocious, the writing is lazy and, frighteningly so, the 260 million dollar budget has done nothing to prevent the action sequences from coming off as video gamey. I'm sorry, but Kirsten Dunst just isn't up to the task of playing Mary Jane (and hell, I'm one of the people who thought she was great as Marie Antoinette). Never at any point does Tobey Maguire approach his performance with any kind of energy, and that really takes away from the likability of the character. And what the hell was with those borderline camp segments during Peter's run in the black costume? It seems to me that this whole flick was put together with a lack of consideration for quality. Just really blatant milking of a cash cow.
  15. It's not like the boy band phenomenon at all. As the article openly admits, the bands were found, not put together. The fact that these guys put a bunch of like minded bands together and cross marketed them means fuck all. It's not a cabal; it's mainstream marketing. And, although the article fails to make mention of it, Fall Out Boy's latest record has gotten a strong, positive reaction from critics. The only thing this article serves to reinforce is why I find hipsters so frustratingly condescending. Naturally anything young people latch onto must be trash, right? Because it's not like their were any 14 year olds banging away at the drums listening to Zepplin in the 70s. Nor were there any screaming teenage girls at all those Beatles concerts way back when. Oh wait...
  16. Onstad gets the start tonight, as Sutton seemingly aggravated his concussion in the warm up to the Guadeloupe match. Sutton wasn't a factor in the loss, but I'm still more confident with Onstad in goal. This apparently comes at an extremely fortunate time, as TFC is in the middle of an 11 day break and Houston is just starting theirs. Maybe we can keep him through the first Quarter final. You know, if we get there.
  17. The Loop - "Window" - 8/10 We were all (and by we I mean me, Fitzy and Ringo, probably the only three fans of the show on EWB) concerned about the changes to the shows format (removing the apartment bits with Amanda Loncar and Sarah Mason), but man, did this prove us wrong or what? The show's more stylish and fast paced now, and the new additions (one of which is essentially Barney from HIMYM on a caffeine high, the other Diora Baird) have punched the show up a ton. Shame they left this show until the summer to die, because it's really good. And now Bret Harrison's off to do "Reaper" for The CW, so nothing's gonna happen there. The Loop - "The Phantom" - 7.5/10 Honestly not as awesome as the premiere, but if this is what a typical second season episode is gonna be like, I'm in. Russ, Meryl and Darcy are so awesome in this one. The only downside is that potentially Diora Baird is now gone. On the other hand, if she did at least she went out in a bikini.
  18. Canada's got no one to blame but themselves. Granted Guadeloupe has frustratingly good defence, but Canada had no flow up front at all. I missed the first 27 minutes of the second half, but I saw enough. Terrible effort, and they're going to have to bring better than that if they want to make it past the Group Stage.
  19. Knocked Up - 9/10 This kind of movie is the perfect example of the limitless potential of the comedy genre in general. It's breathtakingly hilarious at points, sweet and poignant at others. Apatow is the kind of genius that can pack a slacker audience in a theatre, reel them in with stoner and sex jokes and then hit them with some message. A lot like Kevin Smith, only I don't think he's one whose particularly good at doing the opposite, because at the screening I went to at least a quarter of the audience was much older. Perhaps it's a new era for comedy, and if so Judd Apatow is most definitely the master of heartwarming grossout. As lofty as the expectations were set after 40 Year Old Virgin, this one's superior in virtually every way.
  20. Knocked Up was a box office success, does that disclude it? Because that's pretty much to this year what Clerks II was to 2006 and 40 Year Old Virgin was to 2005. Insanely funny, well acted and heartwarming. If Kevin Smith and Judd Apatow can agree to have one or the other release an R-rated comedy every year we can be happy. The interest for me in the trilogy of threequels fizzled pretty early after they came out, and I never really was interested in Shrek 3 as the second was very meh. Maybe it's just that the opening week hype is over but I don't know if I'll even see any of them in theatres. Now it's all about Order Of the Phoenix, Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Simpsons Movie and Superbad.
  21. DeGuz, Friend, Atiba and D-Ro were all wonderful today. In fact, upfront they were pretty much wonderful. The back line was predictably shaky, but not as bad as they could have been and at least Costa Rica didn't really make them pay. However, the announcing was ungodly. By about the 5th time they called Martin Nash "Steve", or latinized names that ought not to be latinized (they did it to "Toronto". Seriously), or called corner kicks "fouls" I was ready to tear my hair out. I understand that they couldn't get Craig Forrest and Gerry Dobson (who were off announcing TFC/NY Red Bulls), but Christ, the TLN Soccer Fanatics would have done a better fucking job. It's not like they were even calling the game live; you could tell it was from a studio.
  22. Sarah Silverman was wonderful... "Our next three presenters names each sort of describe something about them. Like, Robin Williams is like the first robin of spring or like... Mandy Moore always leaves me wanting more... and John Krasinski is a dirty polak!"
  23. Apparently through last night's game, the Jays have lost a total of 378 man games to injuries. Over 56 games, that means the 6.75 injured players per game. Overbay is just another addition to the pile, although I suppose I'll accept it for the trade off of having Halladay back. Zaun should be back this week too, and I don't mind Matt Stairs at first if he keeps playing the way he has of late. I'll tell you this, it feels good to be in second again.
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