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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. This one? http://www.poobala.com/crossoverlist.html
  2. And you base that on... what, exactly? He's lived from 12 to 20 in another country. Those years are much more formative than the ones he lived in Canada for. It's not only acceptable a theory, but logical to assume that he probably developed a connection to this new country.
  3. 1. Jack Nicholson 2. Matt Damon 3. Robert De Niro 4. Michael Caine 5. Tom Hanks 6. Johnny Depp 7. Kevin Spacey 8. Alan Rickman 9. Christian Bale 10. Peter Sarsgaard All kinds of people deserve a place ahead of some of my picks, but if we didn't take favorites into account everyone would be picking varying shades of the same ten.
  4. If Hargreaves and Jono had stayed in Canada they would never have become anything resembling what they are now/will be. The real Judases are the CSA, whose incompetence has caused a nation that plays soccer consistently more than any other sport to look at it as an afterthought. Get some competent management in place and the team we have now should be competitive for a World Cup slot. Until we can at least do that, why should a kid who's lived nearly half his life in a more competitive soccer country (and spent his formative years in that country I might add) come back here to slum it with us?
  5. Next to announce post-strike plans is NBC. Today they announced the returns of "My Name Is Earl", "The Office", "Scrubs", "30 Rock", "ER", L&O Classic and L&O Special Victims Unit. "Medium" was already running in the Monday 10pm slot and will continue to do so. "Medium" (Mondays, 10-11 p.m. ET) Continues current run "My Name Is Earl" (Thursdays, 8-8:30 p.m. ET) Resumes April 3 with one-hour episode "30 Rock" (Thursdays, 8:30-9 p.m. ET) Resumes April 10 "The Office" (Thursdays, 9-9:30 p.m. ET) Resumes April 10 "Scrubs" (Thursdays, 9:30-10 p.m. ET) Resumes April 10 "ER" (Thursdays, 10-11 p.m. ET) Resumes April 10 "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (Tuesdays, 10-11 p.m. ET) Resumes April 15 "Law & Order" (Wednesdays, 10-11 p.m. ET) Resumes April 23 They've also announced the renewal of "Chuck", "Life" and "Heroes" for the fall. Neither will return in the spring, but "Heroes" will run in all originals apparently during the fall. Nothing we didn't basically know already, but it's good to see it confirmed that "Chuck" and "Life" are safe. All of this courtesy of The Futon Critic.
  6. 1. Star Wars 2. Casablanca 3. The Matrix 4. The Godfather 5. The Bicycle Thief 6. 8 1/2 7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 8. The Great Escape 9. It's A Wonderful Life 10. Swingers 11. Dogma 12. Amelie 13. Empire Strikes Back 14. Goodfellas 15. Rashomon 16. Lost in Translation 17. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 18. Young Frankenstein 19. Mulholland Drive 20. Donnie Darko Might fiddle with the margins at some point, but that's the basic structure of it.
  7. As usual, Ausiello has the scoop on what lies ahead. Good news for Cloudy is all three of those shows are expected to shoot new episodes this season.
  8. Fears have been alleviated, the strike is more or less over. The WGA East and West both met today and their membership was said to have enthusiastically endorsed the tentative deal. All that's left now is for the WGA Board to recommend the deal and then a vote to end the strike in the 48 hours following. Judging by the reaction to the deal at the meeting, I think it's safe to say that the writers will be back to work within the week. Source: The Usual Suspect
  9. The strike isn't over. Michael Eisner is neither a spokesperson for the AMPTP, nor is he employed by any of the companies. He's a failed Disney exec who hasn't worked for the moguls since he got fired 2 and a half years ago and is now running a bunch of websites. Here's what I've heard, compiled from various sources: A breakthrough was reached on new media last Friday afternoon after back room figures encouraged both sides to make concessions. Apparently the deal they reached was to keep the DGA plan for streams in the first two years ($600 for 6 months, $1,200 for a year, 2% of distributor gross afterwards), and then substitute a percentage figure of 2% of Distributor Gross for the third year. This is big. The WGA Negotiating Committee briefed the board of directors on Monday and then on Tuesday called membership meetings in Los Angeles and New York for tomorrow. They're currently drafting the language of the agreement and hope to get the wording finalized sometime today in order to send out a membership wide mass e-mail with the deal points. Tomorrow they will presumably present this deal formally to the membership and take the temperature of the room. The Board of Directors will meet Sunday, and if the reaction to Saturday's meeting is positive they could either call off the strike effective immediately or schedule a vote sometime Wednesday or Thursday. While Eisner is certain the deal will be accepted, nobody else seems to be. This could go one of two ways. Hell, if they don't get the deal language finalized quickly enough to get it to the members in advance of the meeting the whole deal could go up in flames. Word is that this deal is contingent upon saving the Oscars from the moguls end, and if the membership reacts negatively and in a knee-jerk fashion to the deal, it might be impossible to sell the deal quick enough. The next 2 days are going to be very interesting. Sources: Deadline Hollywood Daily, Variety, the New York Times, United Hollywood, Jonathan Handel's "Digital Media Law". I am such a nerd.
  10. Way to go boys! Only 4 points back of the Kings now! Let's get Stamkos or Doughty in 08!
  11. As was mentioned on today's Bryan & Vinnie show, anyone else think Tim Sylvia would be a great second opponent for Brock? I mean, if people get off seeing Sylvia humbled, this would be a genuine humbling. Reach advantage or not, I'd love to see Sylvia try to avoid Brock's take down attempts. Brock looked like a monster tonight, and I can't see a better way for him to establish credibility than to dominate the former champ. Great show. On paper iffy-to-bad, in execution good. Like the anti-Rumble.
  12. The rumors are becoming less rumory and more facty. According to the LA Times, the WGA leadership may brief the board of directors on a contract Monday, meaning the big issues might have been worked out and all that leaves is to draw the deal up and bring it to the membership. 3 months of Hollywood being out of work and it took the possibility of losing the Oscars to get the moguls to bargain in good faith. Ridiculous.
  13. That's the worst use of :@ ever. :@
  14. Ananas

    Clips Shows

    They're cheap and if they're used pre-season when people are desperate for something new you can add "deleted scenes", a "preview of the new season" or other such shit and pop a decent rating for really cheap without having to pay anyone again. Scrubs did it in a way that was supposed to be a goof on clip shows but really it's a way of making an episode on the cheap to make some extra dough, especially if they've gone overbudget on something else (Scrubs with "My Musical", for instance).
  15. Train - Ordinary Which is glorious. The only Train song I can really say that about.
  16. For the record (even though I don't like the idea myself), the Stanley Cup Champions vs. NHL All Stars format was actually used for the first 20 or so seasons they played such a game. Of course back then there were only 5 other teams and with the talent so concentrated back then 1 team going up against everyone else's all-stars might not be such a mismatch. But when one team only constitutes 1/30th of the league's players, it could be safely assumed that it would be a one-sided thumping if they tried to return to that format.
  17. Forgive us if we don't share your confidence in your deductive skills. They spent the first 20 minutes hammering home that Rob was in love with Beth. The whole film is inter spliced with clips of Rob and Beth. When they're in the train station Rob says "I keep thinking that the last thing I said to her was, 'Good luck tonight, Travis'.", which he said to her, on camera, 20 minutes into the movie. Why when processing all of this, would you not immediately assume that the girl he's going after is the girl he admitted to loving not 15 minutes earlier? This isn't even subjective; if you didn't pick up on it that's your inattentive viewing, not the fault of directing choices by any means. That you didn't realize Beth had been specifically featured in the first 20 minutes of the film even after you'd arrived home to share your thoughts hammers that home. Your complains about Marlena are also suspect. Hud puts a camera on her, asks her to do some devotional to someone she barely knows and she's awkward and leaves. How does that make her a bitch? Not only was it a solid character, but Lizzie Caplan gives in my opinion the best performance in the film. She reacted the way you would expect her to react. Horrified at something catastrophic that had just occurred. Then fear and panic as the new reality set in.
  18. Totally awesome movie. Admittedly I haven't seen a ton of monster flicks, but I can say absolutely that this is easily the most intimate of any of them. The hand-held technique does so much to increase the suspense, and the fact that the performances are delivered so solidly just completely envelop the viewer. How refreshing is it that in an era of torture porn and slasher flicks that we can come across a movie that can be horrifying by creating really likable characters and making us fear for their safety? The film is also a true masterpiece of post-production and budget-efficiency; I haven't seen many people with 200 million dollar budgets create more realistic and frightening monsters than this economically budgeted 25 million dollar thriller. I'm hooked. If a sequel is in the cards, I'm hooked for that too. A great movie in January! Stranger things have happened. I think...
  19. Marvel and Lionsgate sign deals. This puts the "Ant-Man" movie back in development. I had zero idea that Marvel was actually making an "Ant-Man" movie. Odd. Also the WGA and Moguls entered informal discussions yesterday, presumably with the same intention the DGA had of working out all the major issues in advance and not getting back to the table until they're within spitting distance of a deal. I am hopeful although not overly expectant. Lastly, this may not be The Daily Show but it is done by their writers. Funny stuff: http://unitedhollywood.blogspot.com/2008/0...iters-mock.html
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