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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. No, we already did that for Ottawa. If we did it for you too everyone would start asking us. Oh wait Raycroft's starting? Consider it done.
  2. I dunno, to me the lack of a solid attacking midfielder is still painfully obvious. They had a couple decent crosses from just outside the box and I liked the new, more assertive Jim Brennan, but they need somebody to replace RoB's quality service last year. Let's not forget the scoring troubles this team had when O'Brien was hurt, and now we can't count on him to return and bail us out. If Musampa had signed we might have been fine, and if Amado Guevara does we probably will, but until then we have this huge weakness.
  3. Gotta love the excuses the Fox Soccer Channel announcers were cooking up for Donovan and Beckham, too. "Well they've been playing in these friendlies so obviously they're jetlagged" "That penalty took their momentum away" "it's obviously just this awful altitude". No, it's obviously that Donovan can't hit a target unless he's taking a penalty, Ruiz isn't a team player, Beckham has yet to properly adapt to the MLS and they have no defense whatsoever. Oh who am I kidding, my excuse for TFC is that "at least they weren't as bad as Galaxy Saturday".
  4. But not as shit as Galaxy though. I love hearing FSC announcers trying to put Donovan over as anything more than a penalty taker. Andrea Lombardo has better finish. Also the announcers trying to make excuses for a team with no defense and an overrated front line was hilarious. :lmao:
  5. No, but we definitely are shit.
  6. Lombardo is going to score this year!
  7. Better offensive numbers, better defensive numbers, more experience, more years left on the contract, no steroid come-down... all Glaus has is a slight edge in power. Everything else is a win for us. As for McGowan, I think he's definitely the third starter going into the season with an eye towards number two should Burnett contract his usual injury troubles. He's got a spectacular arm and people have compared his fitness level to Halladay's. If the shock of shocks happens and Burnett should manage to stay healthy, you're looking at one of the best 1-2-3 combinations in baseball (and depending on how Marcum holds up in '08, one hell of a #4 as well).
  8. I'm more concerned with us not giving him a chance, trading him for some over the hill power forward and having him turn out to be a top flight player.
  9. Good. Now let's play Pogge and see what the future has in store.
  10. Rolen's the only injury I'm really disappointed in. Stairs is a secondary concern, you need him when the injury bug really kicks in because right now you've got a pretty set line up. Even with Rolen out, Scutaro will be just fine on the hot corner. Sucks to lose Janssen as another competing arm in the bullpen, but we've got all sorts of alternative starters to turn to for that. Hopefully we get Rolen back soon, because I still can't get over how much that was a highway robbery in our favour.
  11. Ananas

    Scars On Broadway

    The first song's been made available at their official website. I actually dig this. After Serj took SOAD's eccentric Zappa-esque stuff to the extreme, it's cool to see the band's base sound applied to something more grounded. The song is obviously written for Daron's voice, so he sounds the least awkward I've heard him in anything. I don't know if it'll have as high moments as I felt "Elect the Dead" did, but you get the feeling that this will probably be a much more digestable rock record. Thoughts?
  12. Ananas


    I'd much rather see a full 8th season than a series finale that's rushed because NBC isn't willing to front the cash for more episodes. What we've seen of season 7 is pretty good so far, and definitely better than the 6th. With the end in sight, they've got more things they can do and it shows.
  13. All 30 TFC matches will be televised. Source - GoTorontoFC.com
  14. In case there are any interested fans, cbcsports.ca will be streaming all three of TFC's Carolina Challenge Cup matches online. Should be a trainwreck, seeing as Wynne, Edu, Hemming, Roselund and Lombardo are all off on international duty. Nonetheless, it'll be some MLS for the first time in 2008. San Jose/Toronto starts in 10 minutes.
  15. Ananas


    For the record, the American companies (I believe it's NBC Universal and FOX) have no choice but to block the content, ditto for the network websites. The problem is that when they sell the syndication rights to foreign networks, those networks get all the rights including digital streams and sales. To make those programs available in those countries on Hulu would violate those contracts. If you're really upset about this, you should be writing these networks in your country and demanding that they use their digital rights and get on board with broadband programming. Because until our national broadcasters get on board with it, we won't have any real equivalent.
  16. Ananas


    Someone of lesser morals might find a program to set up a VPN and access the site from an American address. I'm happy there's no one like that here. Yep.
  17. They should have won it in '78!
  18. Ananas


    Now this is something I didn't see coming, Scrubs the subject of a bidding war between ABC and NBC for ANOTHER 18 episode season...
  19. So after an offseason of doing absolutely dick all, Trader Mo sends Ronnie O'Brien to San Jose for $450,000 in allocation and a 1st rounder. Asked about it, Johnston says the money will give them an opportunity to bring in players "next year". Glad to see they're giving up on 2008 a month before the season is to begin. Hmm, so a radically supportive fanbase which is treated to absolute shit on the field by management that isn't willing to take the steps to make the product better. Yep, sounds like a team owned by Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment to me.
  20. I don't seek to explain the minds of Academy Award voters (nor do I have any opinion on the winner, considering I've only seen Julie Christie and Ellen Page's fantastic work), but it's entirely possible that Cate Blanchett was doubly hurt from her double nomination splitting the vote as well as some perhaps reluctance to give her the award due to her having already played the role in "Elizabeth". Also, I really MUST see La Vie En Rose.
  21. I know it was "La Mome" in France and "La Vie En Rose" in North America. What it was called everywhere else is beyond me.
  22. Well for starters I heard about the rushed writing and lack of traditional video gags earlier in the week. I'd also heard about the use of some of the contingency material Stewart wrote pre-strike (I'm assuming that's the spoof monologues that even in context weren't funny). The C-list group of presenters has been out there for a while. And Jon Stewart bombed first time around. He's been a bit more comfortable this time around, but that said I've found two jokes funny in 2 hours, and they were both in the monologue. Too bad that a year with such a worthy bunch of nominees ought to be met with such a snoozer of a show.
  23. I've had some laughs this week about how this is going to be the worst Academy Awards ever. Seriously. This is going to be the worst Academy Awards ever.
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