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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. I'll be doing either what MPH or Fitzy are doing, depending on the availability. I think if I'm dropping money on MMA, I'm looking for it to have more non-heavyweight boughts to ease my worries about it turning into a shitfest.
  2. Only JP won't be around to spend that money.
  3. Plus, the last time we tried to ape another organization's managerial style we brought in JP Ricciardi to play small ball with his 5 year plan. We're in year 7.
  4. They need a real DH, a SS and a third outfielder. If you're three players away, starting over seems like a really bad idea. And take a page out of the Marlins and Rays book? Marlins perhaps, but the Rays playbook has been to suck miserably for a decade and sop up all the high level draft picks. That's why the crowds they're drawing still suck. Looking at it in terms of the competition is useless in my opinion, because if you're waiting for the Yankees and Red Sox to just completely drop the ball and stop being competitive then you're going to be waiting a long time. They're not that far off being competitive. Trading Halladay and giving up for the foreseeable future is just unnecessary and gives off the wrong message to fans.
  5. There's another solution to the Halladay situation. We could, y'know, try to get good.
  6. Fail. For posting the topic and making me think the site was up. :/ EDIT: And just as I say that, I access the site.
  7. Yeah when you can net a potential Cy Young award winner in a trade after your rookie season, it's kind of hard to call you a bust of any kind.
  8. Bullshit? Did Hamilton not know the rules coming in? Did he not know that he'd have to start over in the finals when he blew his load in the first round? Seems like he probably did. Good for Justin.
  9. He honestly doesn't think it's his place. He considers the wording of section 83 to define MMA as illegal. As for adding to his job, he and the OAC are already documented as being lazy (they wanted to cancel one of two boxing events because they took place within 8 days of one another and they didn't want to drive what I believe was a combined 250km).
  10. Give TSN credit, at least they're making sure we have absolutely zero emotional attachment to the theme by the time HNIC returns next fall. We'll be more than ready for a new song.
  11. Ken Hayashi isn't so much a bad guy as a pussy. He doesn't actually have the power to legalize mixed martial arts, just the ability to choose to interpret the law as allowing MMA and begin to sanction events. That opens the OAC to legal troubles should there be accidents/the authorities take exception. Yes he totally could start sanctioning and yes he's a pussy for not since most provinces have taken the same laws and sanctioned events, but the quick fix is some sort of amendment to section 83 of the criminal code. Of course I'm sure Stephen Harper got beat up a lot in high school and resents all forms of combat that don't involve the military so I don't see that being high on their priorities.
  12. Right there with you. One of the all-time greats, too bad he never took care of his body because he could be ahead of Aaron right now.
  13. I've considered it, only I know precisely nobody else interested so I almost certainly won't. Still, of the Toronto bill... A TRIBE CALLED QUEST, NAS, MOS DEF, DE LA SOUL, RAKIM, METHOD MAN & REDMAN, MURS, KID SISTER, THE COOL KIDS WITH SPECIAL GUESTS: THE PHARCYDE I'm interested in seeing all of those people. Fucking awesome lineup.
  14. Link Also, really interesting quote coming out of a Dana White interview in ESPN The Magazine: Surely it must be a network deal? Makes sense with the talk of "where this business is going over the next five years", as the multitude of free MMA on television may make it hard to maintain the monthly PPV model.
  15. Try reading the rest of the thread, it's been mentioned openly twice.
  16. Normally I'd look at a decision like bringing back Sarah as a desperate attempt to make up for a boneheaded creative decision and judge it thusly, but I'm actually okay with this one. Don't get me wrong, it totally IS a desperate attempt to make up for a boneheaded creative decision, but with all the bad creative decisions they've made over the past two seasons, most of which were attempts to make up for other bad creative decisions, some stability is probably exactly what the show needs. The second half of this season was totally respectable, and a return to an earlier vintage where they didn't need to reply on topping one cliffhanger after another. It's like they finally realized that if they want this show to last they need to slow the pace and stop rushing these things. They've gotten out of the ridiculously packed Monday at 8pm slot, and seeing as they'll be starting a month in advance of "Heroes" I'm totally willing to give it another shot.
  17. I believe WEC's prior highest rating was a 1.0 (I'm pretty sure Bryan Alvarez had mentioned that last week), so that's pretty awesome. I'm also glad that UFC didn't try too hard to counter-program EXC. Not only is it now abundantly clear that they would have gotten spanked due to EXC's network placing, but trying to kneecap a big moment in the history of your sport is just a bad idea. And hell, the success of this EXC show has probably improved their chances of getting a nice deal with FOX. What a good weekend for MMA.
  18. Oh don't get me wrong, totally unprofessional and she deserves shit for not cutting the weight. I was just referring to the broken record that surrounds every fight she has well in advance that completely fails to acknowledge the bottom line: that she has exciting fights and is good for the sport. Not so much the "she failed to make weight again? How unprofessional" as much as the "I hope Young knocks that fat bitch out".
  19. Only the typical "lol gina is fat" nonsense from your typical MMA elitists. Most people said Carano/Young was a great fight.
  20. The teaser trailer for Kevin Smith's new film "Zack & Miri Make a Porno" starring Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks is online and available here.
  21. 2 of 3 from the A's to start the road trip. The Jays are now the only team in the East with a .500 record on the road. Now if they could take this momentum into Los Angeles and New York, they could be knocking on Boston's door by the time they return home.
  22. I know it wasn't aired on Canadian TV, but Aaron Hill's catch tonight is something that has to be seen to be believed. Reminiscent of some of the grabs Robbie used to make. Catch the highlights.
  23. Basically production and distribution are divided into two different sister companies. NBC Television is not the same company as NBC Universal Television Studio. The studio develops the projects and pitches them to the networks. If NBC Studios develops "House" for NBC but the network passes (re: Jeff Zucker is a fucking moron), they'll shop the project around and hence it ended up on FOX. Ditto for "Scrubs" on NBC. More specifically though, "Scrubs" was developed by ABC Studios (which I believe was called "Touchstone Television" at the time) when Steve McPherson was in charge of the studio, but ABC passed on it and the show ended up running on NBC for seven years. Fast forward to 2008, NBC no longer wants "Scrubs" and who's running ABC Television? Steve McPherson, and he's been a big fan of the show since it started. So ABC ends up with a veteran comedy to bolster it's winter schedule, McPherson gets to try and beat rival NBC with their old programming and we get another season of "Scrubs". Everybody wins.
  24. CRS. Now granted that's because only one song exists, but I still want more.
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