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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Don't forget about the amazing Song selection(especially at the end) By far the worst movie I have ever seen. ← Very true, and oddly enough, it was more fun to watch than any movie I've ever seen. I think someone seeing this as their first movie would realise how unforgivably terrible it was. Again though, fun fun fun! I was gonna see Garden State tonight, but apparently only LA and NY whores get it this week. Us Torontonians gotta wait until the 6th of August .
  2. I'm surprised that I haven't seen Garden State yet. Of course, it's only been open for a few hours and I just got home from a week long vacation, but I'm shocked nonetheless. Other movies that have been out for more than 3 hours include Ed Wood, The Godfather movies and The Unforgiven.
  3. 15 in and not one of those I nominated have appeared. Hope this means Leonard Cohen is Top 10. On a more serious note, Prince pwns.
  4. They already did. Kim and Chase took desk jobs so they could raise the kid. Tony is in jail. It would make sense that Michelle would follow him out of CTU. Palmer didn't seek re-election. As for the rest of CTU, they said that Jack is no longer working for them. The only thing left to explain is why.
  5. I think he was mentioning Nina in passing to lay grounds for the presence of dirty agents within the CIA.
  6. Orange County - 6/10 Colin Hanks and Jack Black are both really good. Hanks isn't his father, but he's shaping up to be one hell of an actor. Schuyler Fisk isn't exactly Sissy Spacek, but her role doesn't exactly call for that much depth either. That being said, it's probably good that she hasn't done any acting since. The supporting cast is good enough to make up for what is more or less a cliched yet smarter than normal teen flick. Thumbs up.
  7. This is good news. No need to mess with what works. Hopefully this will ensure Disney releases no more Brother Bears.
  8. Ananas

    The EWB Band 100

    Our Lady Peace Coldplay Bill Evans Miles Davis Frank Sinatra Outkast Bob Dylan Queen Weezer Leonard Cohen
  9. 1. Dogma 2. Star Wars: A New Hope 3. Chasing Amy 4. The Great Escape 5. Fight Club 6. Return of the Jedi 7. Empire Strikes Back 8. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 9. Clerks 10. Pulp Fiction I don't really have a list, so this probably changes every time I do it.
  10. The Girl Next Door - 8/10 Fuck the critics. You know what? I don't think I enjoyed this film any less than upon first viewing back in I believe February. Of course, the fact that this was the unrated version I'm sure didn't hurt, but I don't think it helped that much either. It's just a really good movie, with a really charming cast, backed by some cool tunes.
  11. DJ Format ft MC Abdominal - Vicious Battle Raps A Tribe Called Quest - Can I Kick It? Frank Sinatra - New York New York Frank Sinatra - My Way Dean Martin - Volare Dean Martin - On an Evening in Roma Bill Evans - Minority Bill Evans - Peace Piece The Pharcyde - Passing Me By Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze Vincent Guaraldi - Linus and Lucy Cream - Sunshine of Your Love Van Halen - Eruption Joe Satriani - House of Bulets Lovin Spoonful - Daydream Our Lady Peace - In Repair Our Lady Peace - 4am Coldplay - A Rush of Blood To The Head Coldplay - Trouble Led Zepplin - Stairway To Heaven (You CANNOT do a Top 20 Songs list without Stairway man)
  12. Judging by the movies on that front post, I don't think anyone's still doing it.
  13. Indeed. Even ESPN isn't so soccer stupid as to give Donovan the win. But the point is, the MLS (by every stretch of the imagination) is an inferior product to UEFA. Would the best pitcher in AAA baseball get nominated for the Cy Young?
  14. Poster (Because it's too big to post in the topic) The Hunting of the President - 4/10 60% of this documentary is absolute bullshit. It attempts to insinuate that somehow Bill Clinton is to be vindicated in the Lewinsky Sex Scandals (and all of his sexual deviations), because after all, the Republicans were "out to get him". I'm shocked. So, you're trying to say that the Republican party, Clinton's political opponents, want to see him, get this, defeated? Now that's revolutionary. Almost all of this is stuff we've seen before, and it's careful choice of words and deceptiveness take away almost everything credible about this film. Someone needs to stop the production of these political documentaries. They're just getting annoying and cliched now. Thumbs down. P.S. With all the whining about partisanship in this film, guess who directed it? Harry Thomason, perhaps Clinton's closest friend.
  15. *SPOILERS AHEAD, YOU WERE WARNED* King Arthur - 5/10 Normally I give non-descript reviews so as to not ruin the movie, but the problem is that the issues I take are with the plot. The idea for this film was that of a historically (and because of that quite obviously un-magical) movie. Because of this, certain things (namely Lancelot's mortality) were changed from the book. What I can't stand about this is that there are numerous complaints about the film's accuracy. Apparently they couldn't even do that right. So, if they obviously didn't put much effort into making the film historically accurate, then why did they make sure to have the script as unlike the book as possible? This accuracy shit is stupid, you have the book right there as a guide, so just use it! Nobody is taking history lessons from this movie. Keep Lancelot alive, and have a successful (and likely much better) series of movies. Arthur without the magic is just a disappointment, despite all the good that was in the movie. Thumbs down. */SPOILERS* PS The soundtrack to the film is amazing, for anyone who's into that kind of stuff.
  16. Can you say OBLIGATORY AMERICAN? ESPY's Credibility Just Went Down a Point.
  17. In the realm of things, it's Kiefer Sutherland that's important to 24, not CTU. This is a great move, and if they do it right season 4 ought to be really good.
  18. The Whole Ten Yards - 3/10 Sequel to a movie that wasn't really funny the first time, The Whole Ten Yards is a dull, dreary comedy that goes from bad to worse in 90 minutes. I can't remember a movie in which the characters were this one dimensional. Bruce Willis as the oddly effeminate hitman. Matthew Perry as the goofy chickenshit he's played in every other terrible film that has been unfortunate enough to feature him. Kevin Pollak as the generic Lazlo, non descript mob boss. There isn't anything to this movie beyond the surface. Every minute or so the writer attempts a back and forth in the vein of Abott and Costello's "who's on first" and fails. At the end of the film, you have the distinct feeling that you're coming away worse off than before it started. A truly terrible, and almost pathetic sequel. Thumbs down.
  19. Sleepover - 2/10 Bow down New York Minute, and worship the worst movie of 2004! I'm pretty sure nothing this bad is going to be released in the next 5 months or so. There will be no movie which with perfect precision paints women as smart and men as dumb. There will be no movie that suggests it's okay, even desirable, to have a most likely illegal relationship with an older dude, or makes cool driving as well as drinking underage. Most importantly, there will be no movie that has absolutely no entertainment value. I'm excited to see a new champ crowned, but I'm afraid that nothing else this stupid will challenge it this year. Thumbs so far down that the tips of my fingers are touching molten rock.
  20. Ananas

    Christian Rock...

    Talking about God doesn't make you Christian. Ben Harper is the most spiritual musician I've ever heard and I don't think he considers himself Christian. These bands may be Christian, but it doesn't make them Christian rock. POD doesn't even consider themselves Christian rock, just a rock band with a Christian upbringing.
  21. Baadasssss! - 8.5/10 In this slightly fictionalized 'making of' themed film, Mario Van Peebles follows the making of "Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song", the movie his father used to break down racial stereotypes that had become all too prevalent in mid-20th century cinema. Van Peebles directs and stars as father Melvin, who, after achieving success with the box office friendly but racially stereotypical hit "Watermelon Man", decides to direct and star in a film that tries to break down those stereotypes. The film follows the filmmaking process and the many issues that arise with a mix of political conscience and humour. Rounding out the cast is filmmaker turned actor Ossie Davis, TV star David Allan Grier, and up and comer Joy Bryant, all of whom deliver terrific performances. It's great to see a film that has more than just entertainment on it's agenda, and this film certianly does more than entertain. It sheds light on the dark points of late-60's to early 70's cinema, which exploited minorities for cheap laughs. I think perhaps the best part of the film is that it makes no attempt to cover up Melvin's lesser points; such as his irresponsible shortcomings as a father while making the movie. Thumbs up, and a resounding recommendation for anyone who wants to be royally entertained but not have their intelligence insulted.
  22. That was a noticeably mindblowing album. Miles Pwns. The last album I dug was The Killers - Hot Fuss, although I wouldn't say it blew me away. Same goes for Outkast - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below. The last albums that really blew me away were Coldplay's "A Rush of Blood To The Head" and Our Lady Peace's "Spiritual Machines".
  23. The Prince and Me 2.5/10 Finally a movie to give competition to New York Minute. Certainly from a computer that prints out scripts based on a template comes The Prince and Me, a film that somehow manages to portray the Royal Family as dumber than the British one. Sure, it's Denmark that the film bases it's faux Prince Charming, but we all know he's a fictional William, whereas the father is a fictional Charles. We also know that Julia Stiles has worse delivery than Jessica Alba. To be honest, only two things about this film interested me: 1) my passion for awful movies, and 2) the fact that extensive filming was done at my school. However, this isn't one of those fun awful movies. Instead of a wacky poor quality film that strikes out at every corner, this is a lame duck generic rom-com that strikes out at every corner. It's no fun when they strike out without trying. Thumbs down, the second worst movie of 2004 so far.
  24. Hellboy - 7/10 In a year filled with comic book adaptations, Hellboy and Spiderman 2 so far stand alone as the only ones that haven't been disappointments. This one comes from director Guillermo Del Toro, whose super cool Blade 2 made over eighty million dollars and has already spawned a soon to be released third film. Hellboy is the brainchild of Mike Mignola, the artist who has worked on everything ranging from X-Men and Daredevil to The Avengers and Batman. The on screen adaptation reportedly remains remarkably truthful to the original comic, and from that truthfulness spawns the wit and charm that makes comics so popular. Ron Perlman is a natural lead in the film, while talented co-stars like John Hurt, Selma Blair, Rupert Evans and Karel Roden make it much easier to lose one's self in the illusion. Perhaps this is archetypical stuff here, but it's still very good. Thumbs up.
  25. 24 isn't really a cult show. It's still one of FOX's most watched shows. It's also a HUGE sponsor grab, from trucks to cellphones. I doubt that 24 is in danger of cancellation; the biggest thing working against it is what ultimately did ECW in - after a while, the program just won't be as shocking.
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