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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Here's a thought: why not break the vicious cycle of misogyny and have a female host, namely Sarah Silverman? She's twice as contraversial as Craiggers, and also twice as funny.
  2. It's gotta be John Stewart. He's been the next big thing on the networks forever, and I'm sure he'll jump if he can get out of his Comedy Central gig. Shame about Kilborn though, I was always a fan.
  3. Hmm, maybe it was just a smoke screen:
  4. I'm always up for a comic fan continuing a successful comic series. However, Singer wasn't a comic fan at all, and I think his unbiased approach benefitted the project. As long as we don't see Wolverine in yellow at all during the next movie I'm good.
  5. Spiderman 2 - 8/10 I noticed on the credits that Gough and Millar wrote the script, and I can see the Smallville similarities. Like Smallville, it's going to be fun watching Harry Osborn turning into the man he swears he won't become in Spidey 3. I don't get it though, Mary Jane runs off on Jonah's son to be with Peter and he... continues to work for The Daily Bugle? I don't remember him getting fired from the paper in the comics.
  6. Source. Ah well. This could just be a smoke screen, but I doubt it considering they've put out a press release detailing the continent wide search they'll be doing to find a Superman. I guess we don't get Rosenbaum as Luthor either. :ohwell:
  7. Since most acting contracts go 5 seasons, a complete overhaul is probably what the doctor ordered. This season can build to one big final season, and 24 can be added to the short list of shows that went out still cool.
  8. Anchorman - 7.5/10 Absolute unbridled hilarity. There were parts of this movie in which I laughed for minutes on end. All sorts of top tier cameos make this easily the funniest movie of the year. Thumbs up.
  9. Meh, they should really have a best episodes DVD instead. The early seasons really weren't very good, and I highly doubt the sales will be strong enough to release any subsequent releases.
  10. Jimmy Stewart Steve McQueen Jack Nicholson Robert Deniro Al Pacino Gene Hackman Gregory Peck Richard Attenborough Tom Hanks Clint Eastwood The lack of love for Jimmy "Greatest Actor of All Time" Stewart is disheartening.
  11. Prince is fucking badass, but the greatest guitarist of alltime is Yngwie Malmsteen. GIMME GIMME GIMME YOUR LOVE AFTER MIDNIGHT!
  12. I thought the Longbottom family was one of the four all magical families, with the Blacks, Malfoys and Weasleys.
  13. Jersey Girl - 7.5/10 The most irresistably cute movie of 2004. The second viewing has really brought light to how good Liv Tyler was. She really does bring something more to what is somewhat of a typical Kevin Smith leading lady character. Kevin's writing gets a bit lazy at some points, but a fantastic leading cast provides more than enough charm to make this probably the best date flick you'll see this year.
  14. JK has made it clear that Half-Blood Prince refers to neither Potter nor Voldemort.
  15. The Avengers is the must read out of those bunch IMO, just because I've yet to read a Bendis comic that wasn't awesome.
  16. I thought Henry Cavill was going to play Diggory. Maybe he is still entered in the Superman Sweepstakes. Upon a quick Google search, Katie Leung doesn't strike me as a Cho Chang at all. They're taking a risk making this huge fourth book as one movie, hopefully they don't do the same with the fifth. Anyway, the Harry Potter series takes a definite turn for the better at the end of this book, so I look forward to how Mike Newell attacks it.
  17. That posting was from May, and as a little update, it seems Cavill has dropped out of the running, since it was under McG he was being considered. If you want more information on the plight of Welling as Superman, check out this site. Those numbers seem to indicate that just about everyone would prefer him in the role.
  18. X2 - 8/10 With Bryan Singer at the helm, consider my confidence in the Superman movie restored.
  19. Ananas

    Jimmy Fallon

    Neither has Norm.
  20. Just for Kicks, and while everyone else is doing it, my top 5: 1) Zeppelin 2) The Stones 3) Bob Dylan 4) Miles Davis 5) Beatles In terms of influence and quality, since my personal favorites are at times not even very good.
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