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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Best Band of 2004: The Killers Best Album: Bjork - Medulla Best Debut Album: The Killers - Hot Fuss Best Single: The Killers - Somebody Told Me Breakthrough Artist: Kanye West Best Video: Goldie Lookin Chain - Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do Best Solo Act: Bjork Best Live Act of 2004: Ozomatli (AKA the sex) Best Festival Moment: Hero Of the Year: Gordon Lightfoot (for telling death to suck his nuts, and then coming back as awesome as ever) Villain of the Year: Fat Mike for being such a trend whoring vagina Outstanding Contribution to Music: Tom Waits
  2. This was just one of three extremely odd newsbits from the stage that came out in Toronto a couple days ago. The other two were Elvis Stojko (Olympic Figure Skating Medalist) as Danny in "Grease", and Former Liberal Member of Parliament Sheila Copps playing the lead in a stage version of "Steel Magnolias". Toronto isn't exactly Broadway.
  3. Out of the movies I've seen, Dodgeball, The Girl Next Door and Shaun of the Dead were all good, with The Girl Next Door and Shaun of the Dead being the gems of the bunch. Couldn't tell you about Resident Evil and Alien vs Predator, but the consensus about those movies has been not good.
  4. Ananas

    Psychodelic Rock

    There's plenty of pyschodelic stuff that came before and at the same time as Jimi ←
  5. Ananas

    Psychodelic Rock

    Hendrix. That's all you need from that style. Everything beyond Jimi Hendrix was influenced by him in one way or another.
  6. That'll probably be announced closer to 2009, since they'll most likely choose a young, up and coming comedian at the time. ←
  7. I don't see how this is really good news at all. We all pretty much knew that Conan would inherit one of the 11:35 slots, only now we know that Leno's going to be around for 5 more years. That's easily 10 years too long. This is just a stopgap to keep Conan happy and prevent him from jumping when Letterman retires.
  8. Ananas


    There isnt just one girl, there's a few. It's just that the action focused on one main girl. My main beef, however, is that this must be the plane ride from heaven: No old people. no annoying kids, and a fair amount of knowledgeable/hot people. I wish all planes were like that. Well there is one kid, but he seems supersmart. ←
  9. Definitely one of the most entertaining movies of 2004. I think what really worked was that the movie was made with a real sense of originality instead of descending into cliched satire. There was a sense of legitimacy with the zombies too. I'm looking forward to Simon Pegg's future works.
  10. A Cinderella Story - * Holy Camp Classic Batman! This 21st century update of the classic Cinderella story is easily the most cliched and campy version yet. With all of the energized cheese of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, this film is going to be a favorite of both teenaged idiots and smug movie critics (like myself) for years. Hilary Duff (in what I believe is only the second film I've seen her in) is clearly inept at conveying anything beyond the one dimensional teenage twit she portrays on "Lizzie McGuire". Hey, I guess art imitates life. Jennifer Coolidge has got to be one of the least talented actresses in Hollywood though, so I guess Duff's not the worst in this tripe. Who knows, maybe she'll go the way of Lindsay Lohan and get good with age. As is, a pitiful movie, but plenty of fun for camp fans. Thumbs down.
  11. I believe that they used the plot for this movie to make the first few episodes of the upcoming Family Guy season 4, but I could be wrong. EDIT: I got scooped.
  12. Star Wars - Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi ***** The culmination of the original Star Wars trilogy came in the form of the audacious and inventive Return of the Jedi, which was both the brightest and most commercially friendly of the series. Whether it be the heartwarming tale of father and son, the relationship between Leia and Han Solo, or even the irresistibly cute Ewoks, most viewers of this film would acknowledge that there's definitely a different tone to this film. Sure Yoda and Anakin Skywalker dies, but in the end, the Emperor is dead, and the Rebel Alliance has triumphed over evil (and apparently Lucas Film has gone back and revised history again, this time including Hayden Christiansen as Anakin the spirit). It was the perfect way to end perhaps the greatest trilogy of movies ever made. Two films into the prequel trilogy, one can only hope that Lucas can manage to end it on a high note somewhat akin to this, but we all know that Revenge of the Sith cannot end on such a happy note. Never the less, this film was brilliant. Thumbs up.
  13. Shaun of the Dead - 8/10 Whenever a British comedy makes its way to North American theatrical markets, I'm always excited to check it out for a two reasons. First, it's always refreshing to check out films that are made outside the North American mainstream, which those of us who live in the continent are completely overexposed to, and grow tired of before long. Second, when a movie is successful enough to be taken out of Europe and thrown in to the sharktank with other North American movies, there has to be a damn good reason. With Edgar Right's Shaun of the Dead, the reason is simple: it's really, really good. As opposed to the two dimensional and overly childish satires generally produced in Los Angeles, this film is witty, sharp and consistently hilarious, all the while delivering an acceptable amount of horror and gory action sequences. The cast is filled with British TV actors such as Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Spaced), Lucy Davis (The Office) and Dylan Moran (Black Books), not exactly an A-list cast from an exposure perspective. However, for the purposes of this film, a cast of up and comers is perfect; everybody delivers solid performances, and the film benefits. Thumbs way up.
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