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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. We are really, really bad. Post-match interviews could be fun, assuming Conte doesn't just get in his car and drive off, throwing the key to the dressing room out of the window as he does.
  2. It's hard to gauge what my favourite game of 2022 is because I utilise GamePass so much so I don't actually know when a game was first released. If I had to guess though: 1. Power Wash Simulator - I don't think I've played a game more than this one throughout the year, I never would have thought a game about power washing could be both so therapeutic and also have a surprisingly good story. 2. Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga - Good grief, the amount of content they put into this game was astonishing, and perhaps explained the amount of delays the game had for its release. I'm annoyed at myself that I never fully completed it, but it's still installed so never say never... 3. Pokémon Violet - I'm still only less than a third of the way through it because of the ridiculously stringent way I play Pokémon games (everything needs to be at the same level - including everything in the boxes - and I catch different type possible) but I've been enjoying it. The performance issues haven't bothered me that much. 4. Gotham Knights - Disparaged by some, but I enjoy playing it. It could probably do with a bit more variety but the grinding isn't something I mind doing. An interesting story as well. 5. FIFA 23 - I'll put this here instead of the usual NBA 2K game as it's been something I've played a lot more than recent FIFA years, and I'm not entirely sure why. Midnight Suns would have probably got on the list if I hadn't banned myself from buying it until I'd finished one of numbers 2-4. Really looking forward to 2023's releases, Spider-Man 2 topping the wishlist at the moment.
  3. I'm relatively new to the NBA from a history perspective, so to those with more knowledge; Where would you rank Luka and the Mavs on the all-time "one man team" scale?
  4. The combination of the graphics (particularly the movement animations) and the lack of features feels like going from playing GTA5 to GTA3. It's really off-putting, and this parent simulator opening is not helping. I'm stick with it though, got to get through them all before I allow myself to play Like A Dragon again...
  5. That's a bad cough. Sounds like you've been using too many of Mission Winnow's parent company's products.
  6. Well my initial reactions are: 1. Kiryu's shoulders are now approximately ten feet wide. 2. Kauro's an entirely different person based on her face. 3. Every cut-scene looks like a PS2 Tekken ending. This might take some time to get used to...
  7. I've just finished Yakzua Kiwami 2: Time for Yakuza 3, which I guess is the first outside the engine made for Yakuza 0. What are the biggest changes?
  8. Be thankful I don't use my powers of foretelling for evil. I know the World Cup and a weekend Christmas caused it, but a Wednesday night at 7pm made it feel like such an afterthought.
  9. FIA bans drivers from making political statements without permission. I'm beginning to think the similarity between the FIA and FIFA is not just how many of the same letters they share.
  10. I'm not sure they'd be able to exert that level of control over it, the phone vote usually ends way after TOTY has been given out.
  11. I think it's safe to assume a Lioness sweep in SPOTY, Team of the Year, Coach of the Year and anything else they might be available for. The England cricket teams deserve as much credit for their success in both Tests and T20s, but the Euros coverage and reaction was far more notable. Given that Sky Brown won Young SPOTY last year I'm guessing she'll win it this year as well, and potentially every year until she's not eligible (which could be a while).
  12. Or Souness, who I am assuming is sat in a Qatar airport right now still explaining to anyone who will listen how the ball was definitely out of play for Japan's second goal against Spain. He saw it with his eyes, you know.
  13. Funny how these awards are going to the players who are at the stadium.
  14. Superb refereeing in the game, probably helped make it as good as it was.
  15. I've just been playing with the settings of my TV thinking there was something wrong, turns out they've just turned the stadium lights down.
  16. I think every single penalty went to the keeper's right, even the ones down the middle.
  17. The referee is literally stopping Martinez going anywhere near the ball
  18. Martinez is the ultimate shithousery shoot-out goalkeeper.
  19. Same spot as the other two, so close to being saved. I want the nerves that run through Messi's body to replace my freezer.
  20. Martinez looks completely lost whenever he gets a chance. I suppose maybe he knew he was offside on that one. WHAT A SAVE. MARTINEZ AGAIN. THE OTHER ONE. THE BAD ONE.
  21. I love penalty shoot-outs, but I want this to go on to a second extra time please.
  22. Holy shit. The most under-stated extra time World Cup final penalty in history.
  23. THIS IS INSANE. I'm sure there's an offside in there... THERE ISN'T.
  24. Definition of a block being as important as a goal there. Martinez's horror world cup continues...
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