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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I can't wait, but I also can wait because the longer I do, the longer they are all still alive in my MCU viewing canon.
  2. 2 Rushing and 1 Throwing TD is pretty much a guaranteed MVP if Philly win.
  3. Imagine willingly giving up a 24-year-old AJ Brown in a trade.
  4. This is going to be a ridiculous game if the first 10 minutes are anything to go by.
  5. Someone better make sure Salt Bae isn't around to get his hands on that trophy.
  6. My food preparation for this has been abysmal. I've somehow left myself with only Monster Munch and Creme Eggs.
  7. This season. It's made what used to be a clear decision (BBC) into a tough one as both ITV and Sky will have adverts. I'm going Sky because I'm paying for it, so I may as well use it. I'm sure the US commentary will be on both though. Nothing sums up DJ Khaled like being the hype man for both teams. Dude will literally represent anything that pays him, and I'm still struggling to understand why he is popular.
  8. Yakuza 4 done. I cannot stress enough how much better 4 was than 3. On to 5 we go...
  9. I may or may not still do this. It's never shown to work, I just did it back when the rumour was prominent and haven't stopped. Mortal Kombat's rumours and secrets are always fun, even if it's something they started themselves with the inclusion of Reptile in the first game. My favourite has to be someone seeing "Ermac" in the game code and thinking it was a secret character, when in reality it stood for "error macro". But then they made a character called Ermac for the next game anyway.
  10. I no longer support this statement, as it appears Beverley is getting a buy out to rejoin... the Timberwolves.
  11. The last hour has been mad, I refreshed Woj's Twitter after a fifteen minute interval and about ten trades had happened. My favourite might be the Lakers trading Pat Bev to the Magic for Mo Bamba.
  12. This just begs the question; who are the 2023 versions of Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett?
  13. Well this is what I get for going to sleep during the trade deadline silly season. Firstly, and obviously most importantly, Conley is a great short-term improvement on D'Lo, who has deteriorated quite spectacularly this season. The only issue is that he's very good friends with KAT, so I'm worried this might encourage KAT to look elsewhere. How the Suns managed to get KD without giving up CP3, Booker or Ayton is crazy. Those 4 on the same team gives them no excuse not to at least get to the finals, provided they can all get/stay healthy. And they need to win now, given that they now have next-to-no 1st round picks for the rest of the decade. Jakob Poeltl has gone to the Raptors, which is strange because I was expecting him to go to a bigger contender like Boston, but also because the Raptors were expected to blow up their entire team and they seem to be going the other way.
  14. Nothing says "2022-23 Lakers" like LeBron breaking the scoring record whilst the team loses at home to the Thunder.
  15. I must be some kind of prophet. Some time between posting it and joining the Mavericks, Kyrie's apology about his anti-semetism has been deleted.
  16. I'm just a stick in the mud who likes variety, so having three teams running predominantly red and black liveries is annoying. Not McLaren and Midland running identical liveries annoying, but still annoying.
  17. The Power Wash Simulator x Tomb Raider content is fun, although that's purely based on it being new Power Wash Simulator content as I've never played a Tomb Raider game. I'm sure people that have will have a lot more attachment to any references or easter eggs.
  18. Huh. They have both Duracell and Gulf as sponsors, both of which have iconic colour schemes that could be integrated into the livery, and they just stick with "lots of different types of blue". Bit disappointed to be honest. I've just seen Duracell's "battery" colouring at the top, which means they had the thought to do that, but not to extend it to more of the car...
  19. At this point I believe the Timberwolves' next first round draft pick hasn't been born yet.
  20. I thought they were trying to get Doncic help, not a hindrance. That's a 2029 first round draft pick by the way, so who knows what it'll be worth. That said, I have to think this is not what Kyrie was expecting to happen, last week's unprompted LeBron lovefest made it clear where he wanted to go.
  21. Irving prepared to sit out the rest of the season if he isn't traded before the deadline. Literally, the worst team-mate in the history of professional sport.
  22. According to Woj, the Nets are getting a lot of enquiries... about what Kevin Durant is likely to do if Kyrie leaves. It's quite funny how Kyrie is the #2 guy in his own trade request.
  23. What a wonderful way to repay the organisation that stood by him whilst he put himself on a pedestal of stupidity and ignorance. Twice. I really hope this is the part where his ego tells him he is so intelligent that he can make a league as successful as the NBA just by his "star power" and "talent" alone and doesn't darken the doorstep of another NBA team.
  24. There's no doubts surrounding him. His actions and words were recorded. How footballers keep getting away with this is beyond horrifying at this point.
  25. I think it looks alright, but then it isn't the vehicular personification of the Russian flag, so the bar to clear is pretty low.
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