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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. (That's Drugovich, not Massa by the way) Those Seb rumours always sounded a bit far-fetched.
  2. It sure is. If I've been reading the reports about testing correctly, these are the major things: - Red Bull have already won the drivers and constructors titles. - For a few hours it looked like Ferrari had designed a front wing which changed shape at high speed to reduce drag, but of course it turned out to be a manufacturing flaw, because, Ferrari. - Aston Martin have improved significantly - McLaren have deteriorated further, with reports of Lando punching walls in frustration - Mercedes don't appear to have made any improvements - Alpha Tauri are likely to be sold by Red Bull because they're no longer cost effective.
  3. To my Yakuza-playing friends: In Yakzua 5 I know there's a lot of hunting with Saejima, if I stick to the main story how likely am I to avoid it? I hate hunting/fighting animals in games so the less I have to do it to just get through Saejima's part, the better.
  4. Maybe I've not been paying enough attention, but I don't remember Sam Matterface or Guy Mowbray going off on a 20 minute lecture about the effects of global warming during an FA Cup 5th round tie.
  5. Very sad news. He was certainly the voice of football for me growing up, and probably ranks alongside Murray Walker and Richie Benaud in my personal list of iconic commentators. Perhaps the most important thing that he brought was a genuine interest in the game, no matter who was playing, and the research he did beforehand was evident for every game. There's certainly a few commentators these days that could learn from listening to his work.
  6. Felipe Drugovich is replacing the injured Lance Stroll at this week's test. I'm glad it's Drugovich getting the drive, it's always seemed unfair that the F2 champion isn't allowed to compete again below F1, it's not their fault they don't have a daddy to buy a team for them, or that the rest of the teams won't let any new ones enter.
  7. I think the digital age has taken a lot of the fun out of these kind of secrets, back when there was no YouTube the only way to see these kind of things was to play the game yourself, save for the low definition photos you might get in a games magazine. Nowadays you have full game guides telling you exactly how to do everything, including every secret or easter egg, and if you don't want to do it yourself you can just go on YouTube and find thousands of videos of every part of the game. There are no rumours that gain traction any more, because any rumour can be debunked in a few clicks of a mouse.
  8. More Power Wash Simulator news! The next DLC is out March 2nd and will be based on Final Fantasy VII. Just like the Tomb Raider one I haven't played FF7, but I will literally power wash anything.
  9. They said the Clippers needed a good Point Guard, so they now have someone who is, undeniably, classified as a Point Guard.
  10. Well it's been three years since they decided to leave (for the fifth time), so it must be time for Honda to start thinking about going back into F1. This company is hilarious.
  11. It's finally on sale, so I got Midnight Suns for the PS5, and I've been really enjoying it. If I had to sum it up in four sentances: 1) I really like the friendship mechanics and the bonuses you get from putting the work in. 2) Just as in real life, I am not great at knowing the right things to say to make friends. 3) I love the battle system, the tactics, knowing when to use moves and bonus actions, every part of it is so fun. 4) I am really bad at battling, I usually win, but often through sheer luck rather than tactical nuance.
  12. I forgot how much I hate the Control level on GoldenEye. I failed it four times (on Agent) before I got it done, three times because Natalya got killed (twice after she had completed her hack), and once because I was so happy Natalya had survived I forgot the second objective to destroy a load of servers.
  13. I don't think I could say anything different to that. It's fun in places, disappointing in places, and just pretty average. I think the ending could have been treated a bit differently to give it more impact, but the post-credit scenes do at least remedy that somewhat. The amount of CGI is off-putting, particularly for an Ant-Man movie where the rest of the franchise has saved the CGI for the characters, not absolutely everything. And the choices made in the casting leave a lot to be desired...
  14. It will have the pink/blue inverse colour scheme for the first three races, same as last year.
  15. I played Tapped Out so much a long time ago, but gave up on it after it became far too repetitive. There used to be differences in events, but it became "make this person do this task 5 times" for everything, with the standard EA "it sure would be easier if you spent real money on this character" on top. Any chance something has changed in that regard?
  16. I did wonder how they were going to make last season remotely interesting, unfortunately it seems the answer is making the team principals front and centre. Still, time to pay for one month of Netflix to watch it.
  17. The Mercedes is here, and you'll never guess what colour it is... At this point there's nothing more useless than the colour setting on my TV. Yesterday was Ferrari, who have also added more black to the usual red. I'm aware I'm turning into this guy.
  18. Another team choosing black as their main colour. Thankfully the papaya should still stand out enough.
  19. The FCC are getting ready to count the millions of dollars they're getting in fines from all this swearing.
  20. Clark Hunt getting ready to celebrate his undeniable talent of inheriting a franchise from his father. Way to go, champ.
  21. This game is ridonkulous.
  22. The pitch seems to have got even worse. Someone slipped on every play on that drive.
  23. I was wondering that too, based on the seemingly deliberate choice of that outfit to highlight her midriff, and the fact she did very little dancing. Fair play for her for going on that platform because it was wobbly as hell.
  24. They have one dance move, both arms swinging in the same direction, and by God are they going to do it as many times as possible.
  25. The audio on this sounds really weird.
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