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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I'm assuming Red Bull were on the phone about Alonso before the lights had even gone out. God knows what possible advantage he could get from being even further off the racing line. At least he got to lead a few laps.
  2. Absolutely not. It's refreshing to see someone in the club itself say it, even if his motives were likely to get his departure accelerated.
  3. It would feel more interesting if we all didn't know Max will still win from 15th.
  4. Far more bizarre... Roy Hodgson considered an option to replace Vieira at Palace.
  5. Chris2K


    Taskmaster renewed for 6(!) new seasons, and an 8 part Junior version.
  6. Huh. I'm not sure how that gun gets from his house to Colorado without going on the team plane, or into the team locker room. Also that 8 games is back-dated, so he can play again next Monday. This doesn't feel like much of a punishment.
  7. Erling Haaland. Good grief. He is the fifth highest scorer in the 2022/23 Champions League in this one game alone.
  8. Chris2K

    WWE 2K23

    I made a late decision to pre-order the deluxe version, not sure where I'll find £85 lying around, but everything I'd seen about the game so far was impressive enough for me to splash out. I foolishly thought I could download 71GB in 2 hours, in fact I only got to 20GB, so I'm sat here watching a CPU v CPU Roman vs. Brock match until I go to bed. It looks so good on PS5, and the match has been pretty entertaining too. (Roman won after kicking out of an F5, Brock kicked out of a Spear, Roman hit a second Spear to win. Genuinely exciting.)
  9. Be very, very thankful this isn't AC2 and you haven't started collecting feathers. ... It's not AC2, and you haven't started collecting feathers, have you?
  10. I think that was Harry's first penalty since the World Cup. Very glad he scored it.
  11. Assuming they traded up to get a QB, trading away their top receiver to get it seems, at best, misguided.
  12. Happy for Nando, but the midfield are going to have to carry the entertainment for this season. I'm going to predict Max winning 20 this year.
  13. Ferrari gonna Ferrari. That Alonso overtake was worth staying watching for.
  14. I can't remember the last time I gave up on a race halfway through, but this may be doing enough to justify it.
  15. I have no idea how either Alonso or Stroll don't have major damage after that. Different year, same Stroll.
  16. Ja continues to double-down on his batshit stupidity by going on IG Live and waving a gun around. At this point of his wannabe-gangster run he's one rap album away from going fully OG Loc.
  17. There was some hope from FP2 and FP3, and even during Q1 and Q2, but that Red Bull dominance doesn't appear to be a myth. Great that Hulk is right back in the top 10 though.
  18. As much as my fear of a boring season worries me, the release of the new opening titles still gets me pumped. George and Charles' poses are something else.
  19. No trophies again, but that electric kart racetrack is gonna be awesome, and isn't that what really matters?
  20. The Red Bull certainly looks like the best car, so maybe Checo will be able to make a title challenge?
  21. Splashed out on Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator because I love cooking games, despite not being able to cook in real life. I'm really enjoying it, it has a lot of cooking actions to carry out without getting overboard like Cooking Simulator does (you don't have to measure out exactly 300ml of cooking oil for example) but it is already dialling up the difficulty after just a few extra recipes. I never knew how much goes into a sauce for a sole roulade. I haven't done much simulator stuff yet, I have no interest in re-designing the dining room for example, but one thing that has jumped out is something that I am afflicted by in real life too. I'm refusing to let my sous chefs help, at the cost of people getting their food way too late, because y'know... I can do it better.
  22. The Circuit de Catalunya will revert to its previous format for sector 3, going back to two fast right handers instead of a chicane and a right hander. From a personal perspective I expect this will improve my lap times in Spain on F1 23, because I was terrible at taking that chicane.
  23. The BBC (unsurprisingly) have comissioned a second series of The Traitors I have a fear that this might suffer from Big Brother syndrome, where the first series was a genuinely interesting look at human psychology, and it soon deteriorated into being the go-to spot for people looking to get some cheap fame.
  24. At what point do we "forget" to book Conte a flight back to London?
  25. Even if you don't want it to be a straight red for the shove in the face, surely a yellow for the foul and a yellow for the shove would be warranted? EDIT: Apparently Havertz made the initial foul.
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