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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. In case anyone was wondering (unlikely), the latest graphic novel confirms that Derek (the guy driving the twins that Sylar killed) stole Claire's car. I'm guessing that will lead Sylar to Claire somehow.
  2. It really needed her to hit the seated senton for it to be mega-awesome. Or maybe to have drop-toe-holded him on to the counter. Hell, I marked out, I'll admit it. I thought it was a pretty good episode too, although the Claire/West thing was a little tedious. Needs more Haitian. And I think the world may be near ending considering we have the amazingness of Sylar conflicting with the suckiness of the twins. Bad things can only result.
  3. I'm afraid I have to agree with everyone who's hating the Maya/Alejandro storyline. Maybe it's because the same thing's happened three weeks in a row or maybe it's a phobia of new heroes I have, but I end up just fast forwarding through anything involving them. And I can't believe they killed Candice off already.
  4. Be A Pro is irritating me. I can't face not having the control of the rest of the team. Watching players walk past my appalling defence makes me angry.
  5. I'm not much of a Zelda-playing type person. I bought it hoping it would change my mind, but alas it didn't. I would eBay it but the hassle seems a little much for me. If I'm likely to get 20-30 quid for the four games I'll definitely go ahead with the trade, thanks a lot.
  6. I'm planning on trading in the following games this weekend: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) Tiger Woods '07 (PS2) Championship Manager 2007 (PS2) Star Wars Battlefront II (PS2) How much do you reckon off one game (say, Super Paper Mario) for these four games?
  7. I was just about to buy it today, but I remembered something about a glitch (See Here) in one of the levels, so I chose MySims instead. Definitely getting this in a couple of months though, I'm a big fan of the previous two games in the series.
  8. Chris2K

    Madden 08

    Well that's a good start. I presume they still have the camera angle that makes it impossible to be a defensive player and have any idea where the ball is?
  9. Chris2K

    Madden 08

    Are there any differences in superstar mode between 07 and 08?
  10. I really enjoyed it. The twist at the end was brilliant as far as an "OH MY GOD" moment is concerned. No real cliffhanger though. And Mikhail Version 1.0 WILL NOT DIE. AND HE IS AWESOME. Seriously, whoever did his missing eye make-up deserves some kind of award.
  11. I like Richard. The fact he doesn't age appeals to me. And Mikhail is so awesome, I just wish he'd win a damn fight one day.
  12. Next week's episode should be fantastic. Ep 20 spoiler:
  13. I'd be interested if I had a DS. And Diamond/Pearl. And a Wi-Fi connection .
  14. Episode 15: That annoyed me. A lot.
  15. I thought 07 did a great job of Melina's face. Melina's face before her surgery of course. 24/7 mode seems ok, I just hope that they FINALLY give some kind of depth to a season mode for replayability. It's like they keep hearing how good No Mercy's season mode was 7 YEARS AGO and just put their fingers in their ears and shout LA LA LA LA LA LA to drown it out.
  16. Wow, I missed that the first time round, but looking back it definitely seems the case. It's a bit farcical having two people buried alive, but hey, it's Lost, you leave reality at the door.
  17. God damn ad breaks. Five would be doing analysis in between drives with Mike Carlson if THEY had the Superbowl coverage. Damned ITV.
  18. I've heard the extra price is partly due to it including a Hi-Res DVD player. I don't have a Hi-Res TV. Thus I don't need a Hi-Res DVD player. Thus I don't want to pay £425 for what I will solely use as a games console. I might get a cheap PS2 now though.
  19. I still think you must be doing something drastic to actually let go of the controller with enough force to break a TV screen or a window.
  20. Well I have Madden 07 and a 1 GB memory card. Apparently you need some kind of console to work them though.
  21. That last paragraph made me laugh for some reason.
  22. I didn't like how they just shunned Harold's leaving for Max's "bombshell".
  23. I actually think a Mr. Burns/JR "whodunnit" could've worked well. So many people would've had a motive.
  24. "Resident Evil" for the Harold attacking Paul episode was all kinds of awesome though.
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