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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. The Season 4 commentaries are pretty good, especially the ones with Conan O'Brian and Jon Lovitz. And as for the question:
  2. I love my Gamecube. So it doesn't have online play, so what? I have friends who I can play the games with, and its much more fun to laugh in their faces than say 'lol' over the net. And when my friends aren't around, I have great one player games like Simpsons Hit and Run, Paper Mario 2 and FIFA 2005 to keep me entertained. Selling it is the cowards way out Srar .
  3. Glad of the win, even if the red card wasn't deserved and the second goal was a fluke. Ricketts might be going on loan to my local club Swindon...
  4. I take consolation in the fact that although they scored five, Arsenal, the "best team in the country" conceded four goals to a team who had previously scored 8 in the last 12 matches.
  5. I don't know how anyone can say this is bad. It's the best football management game ever. And yes, of COURSE there are similarites to 03/04, IT'S THE SAME GOD DAMN SERIES. What did you expect, a completely new game? Anyway, so far as Chelsea manager I have experienced: Delight: Beating Arsenal 5-3 at Highbury Despair: Losing to FC Copenhagen twice in the Champ. League Relief: Grabbing a last minute equaliser against Barcelona in the Champ. League Friendliness: Nice words being said about me by Kev Keegan and Gary Megson Obnoxiousness: Santini and Benitez saying I won't win the Premiership. 'In your face'ness: I then beat Spurs 5-0, and Liverpool 2-1 after those comments. Anger: When Arjen Robben kept shooting and missing in a 0-0 draw with Birmingham. The only thing I haven't experienced yet is success .
  6. I don't believe TNA have made a bid for him yet. Wait this isn't The Ring.... Excuse me
  7. The thing I'm most worried about is that when it arrives, I won't want to play it. I ordered it the day I knew it was going to be released on the 5th (admittedly that was only Saturday), but the thought of playing it made me want to play CM4. I'm now managing Coventry, and pretty much enjoy staying there and managing them. So it's up to FM2005 to make me want to play it over my current game. And with a delivery date going further and further back, it might have a struggle on its hands
  8. Damn my late ordering. Doubt I'll get it by next week at this rate.
  9. Excellent news about the release date. God bless those Italians. Hopefully Play.com will get it to me on Thursday as well, so I can play it without worrying about stopping to watch The Simpsons on C4
  10. Talking of embarrassment, our defence is abysmal right now. Conceded five in seven, now we've conceded seven in the last three? What the hell's going wrong?
  11. Well I wouldn't go THAT far. The story mode itself is pretty damn good, it's just it's virtually un-replayable. JBI was a disgrace to wrestling, and let us never speak of it again.
  12. Having completed the story mode, I agree. I've tried starting it again on the SD brand, but fighting the same people in the same way with the same stips is tedious
  13. Yeah, I joined Evolution too. Pity, I wanted to beat the crap out of Randy Orton .
  14. Bought it today and I'm very impressed. The Story Mode seems superbly put together, and every match isn't a walkover by any means. Too many reversals is the only fault I've found so far.
  15. The games are definitely the same. And they work on both systems. Just a legal thing to do with where they were bought I guess.
  16. Chris2K

    Chart Wars 3

    6pm GMT = 7pm BST. Hope he knows that...
  17. I'm quite impressed by the first draft of it. Hopefully it will continue to impress when it's developed more.
  18. I'm having some battles with random pokémon at the moment. I've had to completely change my team thanks to Kraigy's 'rules' though .
  19. Not signing Murphy is idiotic. Selling Carr is quite smart, so we can spend the 2m on someone completely useless. Hopefully Santini will play King in DEFENCE, and get a decent partner for him soon.
  20. Just been battling Komodo in an EWB room. Anyone else is free to come along. I'm lonely now .
  21. I'll be in whenever the next tournament is. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it.
  22. Here's a rundown of everything that happened from DS:BB: Emma and Michelle returned to the house at approximately 10.45pm last night - most of the group were pleased to see them back but Jason and Victor took it particularly badly, having thought they'd already picked off two of the competition Emma let Nadia and Marco in on the secret of what she'd been up to in the bedsit over the past week - both were angry and horrified to hear some of the things Jason and Victor had been saying. At the same time, Michelle spilt the beans to Stuart Emma, Nadia and Marco - all somewhat drunk - began to wind Victor and Jason up, both deliberately with passing provocative comments and unintentionally by being loud A water fight and food fight erupted in the garden, sending Vanessa into complete shock. She broke down in tears in the bedroom, slating the others for their "lack of respect" and "behaving like animals." Threatening to quit, she was comforted by Shell, also in tears Seeing Vanessa in tears appeared to be the final straw for Jason, and at around 1.15am he confronted the harem in the living area, flipping a table and screaming at both Nadia and Marco "I'll fucking take your head off," Jason told Emma as she became involved. Soon she was arguing with Victor, who threw white wine over her. Plates were smashed and much profanity was abound as the whole group got involved in the clamour - at one point Victor apparently shoved Nadia across the room Victor and Emma were dragged apart as Big Brother called Victor to the diary room immediately. "I'll fucking take your head off," shouted Emma, being carried away by Daniel Stuart held Victor back and eventually managed to get him into the diary room, where he was joined by Vanessa and Jason In the bedroom, Emma was fuming, accompanied by an equally irate Marco, who claimed to have been threatened by Jason,/li> Shell was also present - very much shaken up by the whole affair - and shortly before 2am she collapsed on the bathroom floor Seconds later producers cut live streaming from the house completely. The feeds remained off air for an hour, returning at 3.08am Victor was seen in the garden with Jason, Michelle and Stuart, remarking on how "fucked up" the whole situation was. Security guards had been brought into the house for the safety of all of the contestants but stayed in the background, off-camera In the bedroom were Nadia, Marco, Daniel and Ahmed, all similarly in shock at the situation (with the possible exception of Ahmed, who was trying to sleep). at this point there was still no sign of Shell, Vanessa or Emma Finally, at around 4am, Shell and Vanessa were back with half of the group in the living area. From the bedroom, Nadia tried to beckon over Shell but Michelle conveyed to her that Shell was "very upset" with her over her earlier row with Vanessa By 5am, both separated parties began to settle down for some shut-eye. Emma had still not returned to the house As of late this morning, Emma is still not back in the house - instead she's being kept in the bedsit while producers decide what the next steps should be.
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