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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Jesus christ. I'm only a casual football fan, but that has to be the best career mode I have seen in ANY game. It's basically an entire RPG, and wipes the floor with any wrestling career mode. If they release it for the GC I might get it. EDIT: After checking a few sites, I've realised how stupid I was to think it might be released on the GC. Oh well.
  2. No order: The Simpsons Big Brother Friends Joey The Apprentice (UK and USA) Hustle Red Dwarf Desperate Housewives Family Guy Frasier
  3. God I'm fed up of Kemal, Makosi and the rest of Team Diva (Derek and Science aside). I have no idea how they've managed to convince the public that THEY are the ones in the right in all this, when it's them that have been causing most of the trouble.
  4. They weren't the results. They were just the guys predictions. Nominations are on Tuesdays. ← Nominations are on Mondays, but are kept strictly confidential within the Big Brother production team until the housemates are told at around 3-4pm on Tuesday. The public's first knowledge is from BBLB, unless you watch the live feed. And to whoever asked, Anthony and Max were banned from nominating for discussing the likelyhood of people being nominated. No names were mentioned by them, and they were told by Big Brother privately rather than the plasma screen jobby.
  5. Maybe it's because I'm not a big music fan, but I think the BBC dedicate way too much time to it. Just chuck it on BBC3 and let the "grown-ups" watching something intellectual.
  6. Just been watching the live coverage, and Kemal's been questioning the whereabouts of his wipes that Orlaith took on Friday. BWAHAHAHA. And Orlaith was lying in bed just "wearing" her duvet. Yum. Kraigy's right actually, Kinga does look a lot better without make up. By 7am tomorrow Madozy has somehow got to get all three of the Secret Gardeners from the diary room to the showers and back without the other housemates noticing. Looks like this task is failed then.
  7. Chris2K

    Pokemon RPG

    Colloseum was the first step towards this, but whether or not there will be one that is as detailed as the GB games in things such as wild Pokémon etc. can only be seen in some sort of crystal ball.
  8. As a non-PS2 or X-Box owner, I'm getting pissed off with all these games that never even get considered for the GC.
  9. Golden Sun is a very good RPG that has Pokémon-ish elements to it (i.e. the Djinn).
  10. Orlaith (yep, that's how you spell it) is mega-hot, as Kraigy said, the fittest of the year by far. I like Eugene cos he's a lot like me, tee-total, kinda boring, kinda half good-looking/half-ugly but can be funny. And Kinga is just.... ew. I seriously thought they said her name was Kingdra, and I thought she was a Pokémaniac .
  11. They have new songs every few weeks. I remember it being "Vertigo" by U2 not so long ago.
  12. I think the Aussies are back.
  13. Great news for England, Michael "What's an attacking shot?" Vaughan may not be fit for the next match against Australia. What a damn shame. [/sarcasm]
  14. I quote from BBC Sport: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport...one/4109538.stm
  15. Few things: 1) Ferrari were the one team that didn't comply with the building of the chicane idea. The other nine teams did. 2) Jordan said they weren't going to race, then did anyway. Pissed off by this, Minardi raced as well to try and give the fans some entertainment. 3) My favourite Schumi moment is Jerez 97. Obvious deliberate attempt to take Villenueve out to defend his minor world championship lead, and he suffers for it by crashing out himself, handing Villenueve the title.
  16. I was there LIIIIIVE today, and watching Pietersen bat was worth the entrance fee alone. His last six off Gillespie went two yards away from me, and it went by so fast I didn't even see it. I got on TV though. That triple wicket over was also great, as was Collingwood's catch. And the crowd's relentless insinuation that Jason Gillespie was a gypsy.
  17. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA. I laugh at fans of Sam. Finally the girl with lips far too big for her face is gone. *banned*
  18. Vernon Kay also married and impregnated Tess Daly. Who is hawt.
  19. Girls on looks: 1. Saskia. 2. Vanessa. 3. Lesley. 4. Mary. 5. Sam 6. Makosi.
  20. Currently eliminated from the box challenge: Vanessa (didn't take part) Science (quit) Kemal (quit due to Science) Sam (quit) Maxwell (quit) Saskia (quit after pissing in condom, and then spilling said condom) Derek, Roberto, Craig, Anthony and Makosi remain. Big Brother's been shouting stuff at them, such as: "Stay in your box if you've got no friends. Particularly you, Craig. Billy no mates." "Put your hands up if you're really cool. Can't see your hand, Makosi. That's because you're a loser." "Stay in your box if you smell of cheese. Derek, you smell of cheese." Can't wait to watch all this.
  21. Anyone else just see the ECW One Night Stand advert on a piece of cardboard behind Davina?
  22. According to The Sun, Mary was working as a "massuese" in a "massage parlour" (please note the apostrophes) less than six weeks before she entered the house. Seriously, who'd pay for THAT?
  23. If you're gonna get a Bond game, get Everything or Nothing. Mario Kart DD is awesome, even on one player mode. Mario Party 5 or 6 is always good for a multiplayer laugh, especially with four people. SSBM's ok multiplayer wise but can get a bit too hectic sometimes.
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