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The Donators
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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I currently have a Doncaster Rovers game. I have Jamie Cureton, Kerry Dixon and Ian Lawson up front. We're second in Div 3 .
  2. When I lost my CD of it I thought I'd never play it again, but thanks to eBay I have a chance to play the greatest game ever. Any other SWOS fans?
  3. Players stats go up when you increase a specific field on the coaching. For example, if you increase the defensive coaching level, the players defensive stats will go up, and eventually their star levels.
  4. The intended combined controller (according to IGN).
  5. I normally go 6-8 aggression for LO batting. Some people start off at 5 and build it up as their innings progresses, but I go for the more direct route.
  6. Yeah, the Twenty20 is only available in the English county mode. They've also taken out the Scenarios, so no more World Cup only.
  7. I didn't think it'd happen. But it did. Oh fuck yeah.
  8. I'm a scorer by trade, and work for Somerset as well as my local town side's first XI. I can actually play as well, and am quite a good wicket-keeper/batsman.
  9. The batting is very hard to get the hang of, but it has the added advangtage of full lincencing for countries, counties, Aussie states and names, and a lot of real player-look-a-likes. BLC has licencing for balls, bats, and every player looks pretty similar unless they're mega-famous.
  10. All the little things are being ironed out over at CricketGames.com If anything, the trial was released as a worldwide BETA version for when the full game comes out in shops around August.
  11. Get a free trial copy of ICC2005 here: http://www.childishthings.co.uk/
  12. Screw how good the match was, Khan was absolutely devastating. Regardless of how bad the opponent is, it takes some beating for the towel to be thrown in after thirty seconds. Even if it is blatantly ignored by the referee.
  13. Robinson's confirmed his new deal, Atouba wants to leave and go to Hamburg, and Javier Saviola is a target. Thoughts?
  14. Any last episode is always emotional. I had a tear in my eye during Friends, Fresh Prince, Cheers and Frasier.
  15. Jesus christ. I'm only a casual football fan, but that has to be the best career mode I have seen in ANY game. It's basically an entire RPG, and wipes the floor with any wrestling career mode. If they release it for the GC I might get it. EDIT: After checking a few sites, I've realised how stupid I was to think it might be released on the GC. Oh well.
  16. No order: The Simpsons Big Brother Friends Joey The Apprentice (UK and USA) Hustle Red Dwarf Desperate Housewives Family Guy Frasier
  17. God I'm fed up of Kemal, Makosi and the rest of Team Diva (Derek and Science aside). I have no idea how they've managed to convince the public that THEY are the ones in the right in all this, when it's them that have been causing most of the trouble.
  18. They weren't the results. They were just the guys predictions. Nominations are on Tuesdays. ← Nominations are on Mondays, but are kept strictly confidential within the Big Brother production team until the housemates are told at around 3-4pm on Tuesday. The public's first knowledge is from BBLB, unless you watch the live feed. And to whoever asked, Anthony and Max were banned from nominating for discussing the likelyhood of people being nominated. No names were mentioned by them, and they were told by Big Brother privately rather than the plasma screen jobby.
  19. Maybe it's because I'm not a big music fan, but I think the BBC dedicate way too much time to it. Just chuck it on BBC3 and let the "grown-ups" watching something intellectual.
  20. Just been watching the live coverage, and Kemal's been questioning the whereabouts of his wipes that Orlaith took on Friday. BWAHAHAHA. And Orlaith was lying in bed just "wearing" her duvet. Yum. Kraigy's right actually, Kinga does look a lot better without make up. By 7am tomorrow Madozy has somehow got to get all three of the Secret Gardeners from the diary room to the showers and back without the other housemates noticing. Looks like this task is failed then.
  21. Chris2K

    Pokemon RPG

    Colloseum was the first step towards this, but whether or not there will be one that is as detailed as the GB games in things such as wild Pokémon etc. can only be seen in some sort of crystal ball.
  22. As a non-PS2 or X-Box owner, I'm getting pissed off with all these games that never even get considered for the GC.
  23. Golden Sun is a very good RPG that has Pokémon-ish elements to it (i.e. the Djinn).
  24. Orlaith (yep, that's how you spell it) is mega-hot, as Kraigy said, the fittest of the year by far. I like Eugene cos he's a lot like me, tee-total, kinda boring, kinda half good-looking/half-ugly but can be funny. And Kinga is just.... ew. I seriously thought they said her name was Kingdra, and I thought she was a Pokémaniac .
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