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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. And the re-mix of the Mario Ground theme is pretty decent too.
  2. With the addition of the challenges today there is SO much to do that this could well become my favourite game of all time.
  3. Wow, the way of getting trophies in the Subspace is awesome. Almost Pokémonesque. And talking of Pokémon, RAYQUAZA BOSS BATTLE CONFIRMED~!
  4. Am I the only one sensing an Angela/Sylar combination possibility?
  5. Got to agree about Boyle, I couldn't believe he was repeating all those jokes AGAIN. Amos and O'Brien were good.
  6. He's not a playable character, just an assist trophy.
  7. I was just thinking about that, we were told that Candice dragged Sylar into a sewer after he was stabbed, wouldn't have this been a perfect opportunity to show how that happened and how Sylar ended up in the middle of a jungle?
  8. I wish Nathan had kept the freaky two colour eyes. Stupid full healing power.
  9. Like me, who will be getting the game as soon as possible.
  10. Anyone else heard that the second series might be cut in half because of the writers strike? I think it's December the 11th or something that they're planning as a season finale if needs be...
  11. I'd pay to watch random Pokémon take on random Super Smash Bros people based on today's video.
  12. Did nobody point out that Peter could just... fly himself into the sky to make himself explode in the air and not in New York? I mean... Nathan was standing next to him, surely THAT would have sparked a fuse to make him think of flying away himself. Just wondering about quite a big plot hole...
  13. It's a shame they kept the rolling stage in the game for the DK one, I hated having to try and concentrate on bloody moving screens whilst trying to kick ass. But yes, the new Ice Climbers stage does look pretty cool. Especially the fish.
  14. I was more interested in the coins thing, and how exactly they're going to be spent...
  15. This is going to be the most incredible game I have ever played.
  16. Awesome new stage revealed today: http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/stages/stage15.html
  17. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing in terms of the final smashes being over the top. At least with MK Fatalities the match was already over, so you could have something extra and it wouldn't affect anything. Final smashes just seem to be a bit OTT if they're going to be used mid-match.
  18. In case anyone was wondering (unlikely), the latest graphic novel confirms that Derek (the guy driving the twins that Sylar killed) stole Claire's car. I'm guessing that will lead Sylar to Claire somehow.
  19. It really needed her to hit the seated senton for it to be mega-awesome. Or maybe to have drop-toe-holded him on to the counter. Hell, I marked out, I'll admit it. I thought it was a pretty good episode too, although the Claire/West thing was a little tedious. Needs more Haitian. And I think the world may be near ending considering we have the amazingness of Sylar conflicting with the suckiness of the twins. Bad things can only result.
  20. I'm afraid I have to agree with everyone who's hating the Maya/Alejandro storyline. Maybe it's because the same thing's happened three weeks in a row or maybe it's a phobia of new heroes I have, but I end up just fast forwarding through anything involving them. And I can't believe they killed Candice off already.
  21. Be A Pro is irritating me. I can't face not having the control of the rest of the team. Watching players walk past my appalling defence makes me angry.
  22. I'm not much of a Zelda-playing type person. I bought it hoping it would change my mind, but alas it didn't. I would eBay it but the hassle seems a little much for me. If I'm likely to get 20-30 quid for the four games I'll definitely go ahead with the trade, thanks a lot.
  23. I'm planning on trading in the following games this weekend: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) Tiger Woods '07 (PS2) Championship Manager 2007 (PS2) Star Wars Battlefront II (PS2) How much do you reckon off one game (say, Super Paper Mario) for these four games?
  24. I was just about to buy it today, but I remembered something about a glitch (See Here) in one of the levels, so I chose MySims instead. Definitely getting this in a couple of months though, I'm a big fan of the previous two games in the series.
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