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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Aww, come on Biggzy, I'm not competition. I'm your friendly Montreal neighbour . Quite simply, it's an absolute fucking nightmare. Biggest problem are the idiots who don't untick the "Need Contract" button and tell you "I'm training him up for a bit, sorry." I'm offering 550,550,550 as my base pay and people still aren't interested. You're just rubbing it in now. I have 3 fights that need confirming on my next two cards .
  2. Wish I hadn't started an org in Montreal. Completely forgot that the EWB one was based there. Plus it's just a nightmare to sign new fighters.
  3. I'm trying to play more than one game in a week in Franchise (as owner of all 32 teams just to get used to it), but every time I play one game the others get simulated. Any way around that?
  4. Hieron's been talking a lot about Strikeforce and DREAM, so I don't expect him to go to the UFC. I hope Mousasi does, but I can see DREAM offering him a more attractive deal. Rothwell I think is over-rated but I can see UFC picking him up with their recent Heavyweight resurgance.
  5. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=15512 Made a new guy for Montreal JUST for you. He's a 145lber who probably sucks.
  6. I've just got started on this, anyone got any advice for a newbie?
  7. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    Well they managed to fuck that up pretty spectacularly. Not entirely sure how they passed.
  8. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    Well this "personal challenge" is just juvenile rubbish. HAHAHA PERMANENT MARKER MOUSTACHE.
  9. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    There are two people in there I like. Freddie and the Indian guy. The rest are just a joke. And if this delays my Peter Kay fix, I will not be pleased.
  10. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    Oh look, the last guy just broke the Tool-o-meter.
  11. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    I like this Indian guy. He seems fairly normal, but I expect he's in because people will look at his culture and say "HAHAHA DIFFERENT IS FUNNY".
  12. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    I love these crowds that boo people before they even know who they are. Why would they turn up just to boo them?
  13. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    I'm so fucking sick of gimmicks. Am I the only one who longs for the days of the early BBs when people were NORMAL?
  14. I just tried online mode, got so much lag I couldn't move my fighter around. Not fucking happy at all, but I should have expected it, got the exact same thing with SD vs RAW.
  15. I'm paying through the nose on Amazon to get mine, something like £46 with the insurance it's delivered on Friday. I could've just gone to Sainsburys in retrospect.
  16. Friday for the UK, which really sucks. I've pre-ordered it to be delivered to my work address so I can read the instruction manual in my lunch break. I wanted to take a half day, but two other members of my team already booked it off. Bastards.
  17. So I'm playing through Pokémon Diamond, and I've played for 110 hours and got three badges. No, I didn't leave my DS on for a day, I decided to train up every Pokémon I caught to the same level, currently they're all at Level 30. I'm not sure why I decided to do this, I think it was based on me not having a great knowledge of Gen III/IV Pokémon, so I didn't want to miss out on a good new Pokémon by favouring the older ones. And that's awesome news about the Gen II re-makes. It's just scary that they came out ten years ago...
  18. Does anyone know if THQ have a multi-game deal with the UFC? I'm just wondering if the 2009 moniker might mean it will become a yearly franchise...
  19. All the Pokémon games, and all the GTA games from III onwards. With Pokémon, it would be awesome to go through the games again without the set plans I have in place beforehand. With GTA it would just be great to go through all the great stories again, plus I played them out of release order, so a lot of the cameos were lost on me.
  20. If anyone wants a left footed striker, I'm your man... http://11strong.com/player/boost?player_id=8483
  21. What's the general feedback for playing it with a friend on the same console? I haven't yet, but I'd guess it would be much more fun than playing SDvR because of the more realistic nature of it.
  22. Career Mode Details Video This game is just getting beyond awesome.
  23. It is great, but my lack of gaming skill means I can't beat the Onni king, so I'm stuck. Feel free to mock.
  24. I'm so pissed off with online, I either lose to a far better player, or start winning and my opponent quits on me. I don't think I've won a completed match in days. If anyone does want a game, I'm at Chris_KOTW on the PSN.
  25. I think chemistry is a bigger deal for the teams that aren't full of gold players. When you've got superstars all over the pitch it doesn't really matter much. And how do you get so many coins? Is it just by wheeling and dealing on the trade system? Partly wheeling and dealing, partly playing matches, mostly by plowing real money into it to get gold packs...
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