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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Anyone in the EWB-verse play BATRacer (the F1 browser game) on a daily basis?

  2. Chris2K's Olympic Sport of the day: Volleyball.

  3. Francine, I'll take my sandwich in the study.

  4. I think I just swallowed a fly. That's a bit of a buzz kill.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Swallow a spider.

    2. Rocky


      But make sure you have a bird on hand to get the spider.

    3. botchedpiledriver
  5. Watching World of Sport's British Wrestling is the greatest thing in the world. CYANIDE SID COOPER~! would kick your ass.

  6. I've just finished Revelations and the main storyline is getting to new levels of wackiness. I've played through all 4 games and even I'm not entirely sure of everything that's going on, so I have absolutely no idea how they intend to bring new players into the game at this stage. A 90 second catch-up video at the start of the game isn't exactly going to be enough to cover everything without confusing the hell out of a first time player. It seems a bit of a drawback when you compare it to the GTA method of grouping their games into specific timelines and making a fresh start every so often.
  7. Did you know that sewing up a cut on a cat's paw and the antibiotics for afterwards costs £188.30? I found this out the hard way.

    1. brenchill


      Not surprised. When it comes to fixing up your pets, vets have you by the balls.

    2. StevenRichardsRules


      Which is a lot less fun than it sounds.

    3. larrymann


      if they had you by your pets balls you could just cut them off.

  8. Ahh Pepsi Max. Eases the pain.

    1. Toe


      Could I get a Pepsi Free?

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      If you want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it!

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      And now I can do what I came in here to do; Pepsi Max doesn't eases pain, it only causes more pain.

  9. Someone at my cricket match today made 293 off 145 balls. Good effort that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rich


      sounds like i was bowling!

    4. Mongrel


      Pfft, couldn't hack it in the nervous 290s.

  10. I have Uruguay in my work sweepstake. I'm happy. And that last penalty was just a giant kick in the nuts. But Suarez should be banned from the semi and the final/3rd place match. And it opens up a can of worms about a "penalty goal" rule...
  11. He's released, so Luke's all yours Plubby.
  12. In my defence I signed your Middleweight champion when the org was shutting down and JStarr had told everyone to contact me about contracts. I didn't realise Luke Anderson was the LHW champion until I'd signed him, if JStarr is ok with it I don't mind releasing him and you having him back, he can keep the signing fee I sent too. I don't want any conflict between the orgs because that won't benefit anybody.
  13. Hate to act like the Tycoon equivalent of a vulture, but a lot of managers have been contacting me to say EWB is folding... so if you would like a contract with my Montreal org just let me know. I'll throw in an added bonus for EWBers.
  14. Go to the Map screen (next to Highstreet) and then it gives you an option to move any of your fighters .
  15. Aww, come on Biggzy, I'm not competition. I'm your friendly Montreal neighbour . Quite simply, it's an absolute fucking nightmare. Biggest problem are the idiots who don't untick the "Need Contract" button and tell you "I'm training him up for a bit, sorry." I'm offering 550,550,550 as my base pay and people still aren't interested. You're just rubbing it in now. I have 3 fights that need confirming on my next two cards .
  16. Wish I hadn't started an org in Montreal. Completely forgot that the EWB one was based there. Plus it's just a nightmare to sign new fighters.
  17. I'm trying to play more than one game in a week in Franchise (as owner of all 32 teams just to get used to it), but every time I play one game the others get simulated. Any way around that?
  18. Hieron's been talking a lot about Strikeforce and DREAM, so I don't expect him to go to the UFC. I hope Mousasi does, but I can see DREAM offering him a more attractive deal. Rothwell I think is over-rated but I can see UFC picking him up with their recent Heavyweight resurgance.
  19. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=15512 Made a new guy for Montreal JUST for you. He's a 145lber who probably sucks.
  20. I've just got started on this, anyone got any advice for a newbie?
  21. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    Well they managed to fuck that up pretty spectacularly. Not entirely sure how they passed.
  22. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    Well this "personal challenge" is just juvenile rubbish. HAHAHA PERMANENT MARKER MOUSTACHE.
  23. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    There are two people in there I like. Freddie and the Indian guy. The rest are just a joke. And if this delays my Peter Kay fix, I will not be pleased.
  24. Chris2K

    Big Brother 10

    Oh look, the last guy just broke the Tool-o-meter.
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