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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. There's something strangely satisfying about riding through the streets of Los Santos on a motorbike with a female Hamster on the back firing a machine gun at passing motorists. Then we busted up a drug deal and took 1k each. It went pretty badly and Hamster died perfectly well with no problems.
  2. Trying to get a PS3 session going at the moment for anyone who's around
  3. Hamster and I are turning into Bonnie and Clyde. Except we keep being killed by the same guy. Still, that chase with us in the semi truck and him still killing us was EPIC.
  4. We won an LTS! Twice! Izzy_dead etc. is Fusion so there's three of us in the game
  5. But you did just break my undefeated record in bike races . What happened exactly? I remember seeing the other guy get first, and then you got first, and then I got first despite coming third. Because it's bizarre I ended up with the $4k winnings for coming in last place He tried to force me off the road and successfully made me miss a checkpoint, but then he missed it as well. He gave up, I carried on going, you went through all the checkpoints and won . He was probably after revenge for his failure to use a fighter jet and giving us the easiest $1000 anyone has ever received.
  6. But you did just break my undefeated record in bike races . The servers are so busy so it's really difficult to get into the same session as another EWBer.
  7. The zombie as a prize for 2k made me sad as it was so meaningless. I'm up to just over 2k now, I might do what Hitman is planning and cull those with 0 goo to up my chances of getting it.
  8. After four hours of trying to get into Online I think it's safe to say I am getting sick of Franklin walking out of clubs in cut-scenes.
  9. Could be easier said than done, the servers must be overloaded again as I've not been able to get on for the last hour.
  10. Any PS3ers going to be around this afternoon/evening?
  11. I've added Regia, still can't add Hitman though . Colly what's your Origin ID?
  12. The reason you were waiting was certainly not because I drove past a police station in my stolen car. Nope, definitely not that.
  13. Hearing "I demand a re-match" after every time I won made me laugh more and more each time. As did your guiding me off a cliff in the rally mode. The parachute jumps were a much closer battle even if they get hijacked by some French guys constantly saying "motherfucker bitch" at us. It's so much fun, shame I've got to go out for the evening really as Nerf and I owe some gang bangers a beating.
  14. Cloudy and I are officially the best car thieves in the world. If you want your cars delivered slowly and in barely recognisable condition WE'RE YOUR GUYS. Nerf I'm trying to get you in but you rejected me .
  15. It is, and I've downloaded it. Everything seems to be working OK but it will obviously be tested much more at 6pm tonight. I'm online now, Cloudy was too but he has vanished .
  16. Looks like the PSN has been overloaded tonight as its back to being busted, still at least I was able to get a bit done today. Including beating Fusion in a race and randomly meeting Baddar outside a parking lot
  17. I'm about to do my first ever Deathmatch having never done one on GTA IV. I am going to lose. EDIT: I LOST! But I didn't finish last. I just played an LTS game where all three of my team-mates were wiped out straight away. I then took out all four opponents one-by-one by myself to win it. I have never been prouder of anything I've ever accomplished.
  18. I'm stuck at a loading screen for the mandatory Cypress Flats LTS deathmatch. I too don't want to risk doing anything that loses what I've done.
  19. Everything seems to be running smoothly for me if any PS3ers wanna hang out.
  20. All these extra things with ghosts and gremlins are terrific, gives you so much more to do than just the standard sending people to do things. Sorry if anyone wants Krustyland tickets but I'm going for GOO on my visits for a while .
  21. Nobody that I know of either on here or elsewhere.
  22. I really want to get to Level 57 so I can get the Gangnam Style celebration from EASFC
  23. I understand all that, but at the same time I'm in this thread looking at all the people playing the game without any problems and it's making me frustrated.
  24. I thought they said GTA Online was free? At this moment in time it seems I need to purchase a 360 and another copy of the game to play it.
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