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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Beautiful is such a fantastic song, it certainly would have been interesting if Pink had sung it instead, personally I think Aguilera would probably still be the better choice. I always liked the Kumars at No. 42 as a show, but Spirit In The Sky isn't a song I like that much. Nothing against Gates, just found the original song a bit bland as well.
  2. This is right around the time I was listening to the radio at every free moment I had, so this should be a blast and I'm sure iTunes might be getting some purchases after I see some of them. Already love the first two.
  3. Ugh, I can't think why anyone would choose Sutil over Di Riesta unless it was financially motivated. So I guess it's financially motivated.
  4. Maldonado is confirmed at Lotus, so my guess would be Hulkenburg and Perez at Force India (although I reckon they'd both be better off at Sauber) and Gutierrez and that Russian kid at Sauber. And I'd much rather it went back to teams having specific numbers than individual drivers.
  5. I think you're misunderstanding the 'personality' bit, it's not an award for charisma, otherwise Cabaye would win it every year. It really should be renamed Sports Person of the Year. Yeah I completely agree with you, but the argument I often hear about Murray winning SPOTY is "he has no personality". I have no idea why that should factor into anything.
  6. Has to be Murray this time surely? I really don't like the whole "Personality" thing, just give it to the person who has achieved the most in the calendar year.
  7. Looks like Chilton has a strong chance of keeping his seat. If he drives next year and Di Riesta doesn't it will be the perfect example of what F1 has become. Also if you're bored like I frequently am there's a website with direct links to all the highlights programmes the BBC website have put up over the last few years: http://www.huwselby.com/f1/f1vids.htm
  8. Australia should always start now, and they should go back to Adelaide and end it in Australia too But yeah, Brazil should be last, if anything it kinda works in the starting in the East and ending in the West way. To be fair to when Bahrain started it was due to the Commonwealth Games being in the same city at the same time as the season opener rather than any political/financial reason.
  9. Looks like Kovaleinen is all but confirmed driving for Lotus in the last two GP, but only because MICHAEL SCHUMACHER turned down Lotus' attempts to get him to drive. And that new nose design looks horrendous.
  10. The BBC are being wacky with the Magnussen thing, their article headline says "Magnussen to replace Perez at McLaren" but the article itself has numerous quotes from McLaren distancing themselves from any actual confirmation. That said I don't expect it will be long 'til it's confirmed.
  11. Massa has signed for Williams next year alongside Bottas, so right now Maldonado hasn't got a drive if Hulkenburg goes to Lotus. That said if there's a driver with that much money floating around I'm sure Caterham and Marussia wouldn't pass him up.
  12. I was thinking that if the Brazilian shows continue to be this good then they should go there more often. Then I realised that it's not physically possible to go there more often than they already do. I'm starting to like the Brazilian shows because every time a Brazilian loses to a non-Brazilian the epic silence from the crowd makes me laugh hysterically every time. As for Belfort, it's amazing what you can do with at 36 years old when drugs allow you to have the testosterone level of a 22 year old.
  13. Hallowe'en will be over the next time you update. Seeing Springfield in bright light again is actually quite weird. Anything that produced GOO now creates money so it's worth keeping the burial ground and wailing wall around. But it's also time for a new level, and here come the Van Houten family!
  14. Needing Rivalry ideas for my WWE2K14 Universe Mode -

  15. Chris2K

    WWE 2K14

    I love Universe Mode, it throws up some absolutely insane stuff. After Jinder Mahal defeated Sin Cara despite Mark Henry running in and attacking Jinder for no reason, THIS HAPPENED.
  16. Chris2K


    HAITIAN FROM HEROES SIGHTING. HAITIAN FROM HEROES SIGHTING. I started marking out as soon as I saw his name in the credits. Am I the only one that doesn't find Summer Glau attractive? And why doesn't Sara Lance's mouth move when she talks?
  17. Chris2K

    WWE 2K14

    I think Yukes have pretty much free reign over what movesets they put in as long as they don't name them anything that might infringe a copyright.
  18. The prize for the 30 million GOO was really disappointing. It does nothing but block off half your city unless it's right at the back. I think all my non-money earning Hallowe'en stuff will be gone very soon.
  19. Chris2K

    WWE 2K14

    I've just downloaded about 20-30 CAWs to get the Wyatts, Goldust and most of the NXT roster that's available. Now watching Universe matches, in the first match Luke Harper just beat Kofi Kingston, Kofi hit his double leg drop signature and got a 2 count, they got back up and BANG! - Clothesline from Hell wins it for Harper. It was amazingly realistic. There's a guy called Le_Goldust who has done a great job with the NXT roster (albeit with their stats a bit high for developmental guys) but the Wyatts need their movesets made.
  20. I got the house about 10 days ago, I think I'm around 18,000 GOO so far so I'm getting my fair share of donuts. Looks like the final community target for the GOO is about 3-4 days away.
  21. Still very much like that. There's so much premium content now and doughnuts are still very difficult to get for free.
  22. Meh, it would have driven me crazy. Bam-ba-lam. I'm happy to be the only one who would have wanted Kids by Kylie and Robbie included.
  23. This is on the GTA Wiki, and I'd like to know if anyone actually believes this is canonical:
  24. I found this baby at the airfield so I took it for a spin: Then I even landed it just to prove I could.
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