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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I hit the ball straight 99% of the time, my problem is still greatly under-hitting the ball by only getting 75-90% on iron shots.
  2. 77 over to finish. Nobody's topping that, I'll take my trophy now.
  3. The sad thing is that if Bianchi hadn't scored those points in Monaco that Marussia wouldn't even be considering not sending out the second car, if they still had zero points then only running one car could cost them millions of dollars at the end of the season.
  4. Marussia are debating whether or not to have a second car in the Russian Grand Prix this weekend, Alex Rossi will get the drive if they do. I don't have a problem if they do if only to make sure they secure their full sponsorship agreements, plus there's a side of me which says that not sending out 2 cars should be reserved for when someone dies and not sending a second car out doesn't sit right with me when Bianchi is still very much alive.
  5. I'm not a big fan of it coming down to only the final when it comes to picking the winner, but if that's what they go by then the winner was right here. Just seems a shame that the best overall baker (Richard this year, Ruby last year) doesn't win the competition because the final doesn't completely suit them. EDIT: Actually you can throw James from the year before last into that as well.
  6. There is a strong element of that score which belongs to me giving up at around hole 15.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck you New England CC in 17 mph winds.
  8. I intend to play. Looking forward to finishing last.
  9. I've just found out that DriveClub comes out in the UK on Friday. I've heard good things about it but there are just so many games coming out at the moment I can't keep up.
  10. This. This is wonderful. And perhaps a bit too late for me in this People's Champion but NEXT TIME.
  11. I cannot believe you're better than me already.
  12. Same with me for my 2000th game for the second SR Paige. Had to faff about a bit and reload the game a couple of times before she showed up.
  13. RIP Geoffrey Holder. An amazing dancer, choreographer, legendary voodoo villain and non-caffeinated beverage advocate :(.

  14. Jesus fucking Christ. I had no idea he went in so fast, but I guess it was 130R. That marshal was so lucky not to get absolutely obliterated as well. Kats is right, it's a miracle he wasn't killed on impact.
  15. I'm in the UR Paige zone now but I've fully levelled up my pro SR Paiges from the ladder rewards. However if I get up a couple of thousand places I get epic Cesaro which isn't helpful to my arrow scheme. I might just hold fire and keep the Paiges and go and play Smash Bros 3DS.
  16. Just to change things up from the really depressing news of the day, can I ask you guys what you think about the discussions of three car teams that have been banded about? Personally I would absolutely love this, more cars on the grid means more action all over the track, qualifying becomes significantly more interesting, there would be more chances for drivers with actual talent to get a drive (i.e. you can have your pay driver(s) AND a talented driver in your team), plus it would open up more sponsorship for teams with more drivers so we may also get more teams involved as well. I really hope it happens but I get the feeling there will be too many nay-sayers.
  17. I just downloaded Smash for my 2DS (seriously, I can't actually believe I downloaded a SSB game onto a portable console in 30 minutes, this technology thing is crazy) and it looks fantastic. I was planning to only play it at lunch-times but the online features make it too good to ignore at home as well. And Jesus Christ how can something on a portable console look better than stuff that was on the Wii? I always said I wouldn't get a Wii U but SSB Wii U, Mario Kart 8 and the Xenoblade sequel might change my mind.
  18. There are calls that Suzuka should be dropped from the calendar because as an "old" circuit it doesn't have the same safety features as the modern tracks. As if the circuit had anything to do with the torrential rain and the complete fluke of a car spinning off and hitting a recovery vehicle. Suzuka is a great track.
  19. I like the fact that "comic mischief" is an area that is taken into consideration for game classification.
  20. I went to outside the top 5k because I foolishly decided to sleep. Judging by the time I'll lose to further sleep and work I expect I'll finish around the 10-15k mark.
  21. Spoilered for any traumaticness, a picture of the car moments after the accident. Sky F1 have just abandoned all programming for the time being whereas the BBC are showing a full replay of the race on BBC1. Odd decision.
  22. I was watching the race on Sky+ but I came across a tweet from Natalie Pinkham saying "praying that Jules is OK" so I spent the whole race waiting for something bad to happen. I didn't think it would be this bad. I don't want to make any guesses as to what the outcome might be because it just makes me sad. What really needs to stop is the drivers being forced into media interviews when they are quite obviously going through an emotional wringer, common sense just doesn't seem to apply sometimes.
  23. Gunnar Nelson lost his first fight tonight after getting beaten up by Rick Story. It's kinda disappointing when yet another European prospect gets shown up. The judges scores were fun, one gave it 50-44 to Story, another gave it 48-47 to Nelson, and the other 49-46 which was actually correct.
  24. I'm playing a solid 5-8 hours a day. This is where being single and living by myself in the middle of nowhere starts to pay off Of course I have work on Monday which will likely hinder my chances of a high finish.
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