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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. King of tact Helmut Marko has basically said de Vries has three races to prove himself or he's gone, but also says they'd go to the Red Bull young driver pool (what's left of it) rather than Ricciardo or Mick.
  2. GS maybe, but I don't think anyone thought they'd go out to the dried-out husk of the Grizzlies team. It's why I was so annoyed at the Timberwolves for giving up their lead in the play-in game, because the Grizzlies were ripe for the picking. I have to think Denver wins, although there's part of me that wants success for the many, many former T-Wolves players on the Lakers roster. With regards to Mark Jackson, he has apologised and said he "forgot to include" Jokic on his MVP ballot. I wonder if he'd have remembered if Jokic was American.
  3. I'm so disappointed, but I also can't blame Poch for not wanting to come back. I also have this feeling nobody from Spurs even bothered to ask.
  4. I don't think I said it here, but I thought they would at least get to the Finals, if not win the championship after getting KD. What I didn't take into account was the inevitable CP3 play-off injury, Ayton becoming a walking liability, and perhaps most importantly, trading away the entire depth of their squad to get KD in the first place.
  5. I Wrote A Song is a genuinely good song, and would be a prime candidate for winning if it wasn't representing the most loathed country allowed to take part. I'm going to assume it will be another Ukraine victory (and will assume the same until the war ends).
  6. I stand by that the Hamilton era wasn't as bad as either Schumacher or Verstappen, because most of the time his team-mate was a viable threat (Rosberg) or had some decent competition (Ferrari/Red Bull) who often found ways to screw themselves over. Ferrari was obviously built around Schumacher winning, and Red Bull is built around Verstappen winning, so when they have/had the dominant car then we know which specific driver is winning the title.
  7. Shame on Brighton/Everton for a mere 6 goals in their game, step up the entertainment please.
  8. Aaaand Max is second, and likely to catch and pass Checo at some point with Max on the Hard and Checo on the Medium. How fun.
  9. If I ever make it to 83, I want to be like Jackie Stewart, going under a security barrier, running through a hoard of security, ignoring each and every one of them, just to go and fetch Roger Federer for a thirty second interview with Martin Brundle.
  10. Or, let's face it, his own team making a "strategy decision" which "accidentally" leaves Max ahead after a pit stop.
  11. YES CHARLES! Beautiful time to crash. Fernando P2! K-Mag P4! Max P9!
  12. Stroll out in Q1 (and not even close), Hamilton only 13th in Q2. Russell's lucky to be in as well, if Hulk had managed to get round fast enough to get another lap in then he would have likely gone faster. Quite nice to see so many empty seats, hopefully this will make the organisers notice how they're robbing people blind with tickets that are three times more expensive than Australia for 75% less content (no F2, F3 or Supercars).
  13. As with last year the Miami GP has bizarre start times, so to save you the trouble: Qualifying is 21:00 BST tomorrow, the race is 20:30 BST on Sunday. Still no idea why it's a half-past start again.
  14. What a garbage move. From a basketball standpoint he literally has the best win-loss record of any coach in the last 5 years. From a human being standpoint, his brother died during the Heat series and he still coached every game.
  15. Better spoiler it just in case, but it has absolutely zero plot information other than answering the question:
  16. I don't see Pep or Klopp holding a 100% record in international football management.
  17. It's always nice to see a real-world example of actions having consequences. The sad thing is someone will pick him up.
  18. It's even more annoying that Whitmire is willing and able to re-take the role, but Disney seem to have a vendetta against him and won't back down.
  19. On a similar note, the replacement voice of Cleveland on Family Guy is also right on the money. I think they found him doing Cleveland impressions on YouTube, which seems like the best way to find someone these days. This does leave the question of why they can't find someone to voice Kermit the Frog that sounds like Jim Henson or Steve Whitmire.
  20. Got there in the end, well done to him.
  21. Selby has really dragged himself back into this, not sure if Brecel quite knows what to do to stop him at this point.
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