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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Woy does the same kind of hand clap I do when a team I support scores/takes a wicket etc. Mine isn't quite that camp though.
  2. If Red Bull were deliciously evil they'd send Seb to race in the Caterham and promote Kvyatt and Verstappen
  3. There are reviews out. Almost unanimously 5/5, 10/10 etc. with many saying the first person view makes it feel like an almost entirely new game for the better. So I guess I'm definitely getting it then. Also: BACKSTREET BOYS~!
  4. I was being unnecessarily trolly in my Steve Blackman post so sorry about that, and yeah it was more aimed at the previous argument about the minor modes that had been removed. The tired finishers is a great concept and looks like its been executed really well, hopefully it's the same for every wrestler and not just a select few.
  5. I hear that WWE2K15 doesn't have Steve Blackman in it, even though WWE SmackDown! Just Bring It had him in the game. They're obviously screwing the consumer over by not having content that was in a previous game.
  6. They went back on and completed the game, finished 1-1. Far be it for me to defend my part country but the Croatian fans threw the flares after lighting them in the stands. I'm not sure how Italy have done anything to warrant punishment, although I've not seen everything that happened.
  7. If they can promise us a crash like Heidfeld/Prost again I'M THERE.
  8. Raising money for one race with absolutely no intention of competing the next season is already embarrassing, I would hazard a guess that a lot of the people that donated were doing so to keep them going for the next season, not just for a jolly-up in Dubai.
  9. If nothing else I'm finding Arno to be a million times better a protagonist than Connor was in AC3 (didn't play AC4 so I'm not sure what Edward was like). He goes about exacting his revenge in a more civilised way than shouting "WHERE IS CHARLES LEE?!" a thousand times.
  10. I was playing it up until better games came along. It's alright at best, the driving itself is perfectly good but the AI is too fixed on rails, punishments are handed out against you but never to your opponents, there's no real attempt at a career mode just an early Gran Turismo style winning races for the sake of it, and there's still a lot of network unreliability. It's worth getting when it's reduced but not for more than £20 at the most.
  11. I'm enjoying Unity so far, played a Co-Op mission that took a while to complete but it worked pretty seemlessly. There's the usual glitches in textures and free-running that you'd expect but I'm so used to them by now that I don't even care.
  12. I miss Pacific. They were really bad but the effort was there. As for Caterham I am stunned they're racing. I actually expect a female driver in the second seat just for the novelty value.
  13. Rogue/Unity Link Spoiler I might actually get Rogue if I can put the sailing boredom to one side.
  14. It sounds a bit brainless. At this stage I'd say the majority of people are still more comfortable with having a physical copy of a game rather than a digital download and that's not likely to change if the prices remain higher in the PS Store than every website, supermarket and shop.
  15. And The Crew. Seriously, you should all get The Crew. I've pushed buying GTA back until the new year to try and alleviate some of the bottleneck. Anyway, ACU. I've heard good things about the new system for missions which allow you to carry on even if you're spotted or something else compromises the main objective.
  16. Based on Tito's usual subtlety I imagine his "spies" are walking around in shirts with "I AM NOT A SPY" on the front. Henderson/Mousasi @ 185lbs co-mains the Stockholm card so they're going all out with it.
  17. Has there ever been an explanation given as to why it's so ridiculously more expensive to download than to physically get a copy?
  18. I've got it (Unity) arriving on Friday despite my fears of not liking it, plus having three new games in four weeks sounds like very poor planning on my part.
  19. No disrespect to Kevin Magnussen but... I hope we get an updated version of this:
  20. I ended up with a pair of UR Randy Savages to go with my pair of Kane URs I got from winning a KOTR. My team is looking reasonably decent now.
  21. I went on an animal scouting mission in The Crew tonight deep in the Michigan woods. Found a moose, a wild pig, a female deer, a male deer, a fox, a raccoon and a black bear. They all run away if you're too noisy but if you drive really quietly they just stand and eat grass or drink water if they're by a lake. They don't attack each other like in AC3 though, the bear was happy plodding along next to the moose and the deer without getting aggressive. At one point I forgot it was a driving game.
  22. The combination of Spurs and the Steelers today has made me hate sport. I don't know how I ended up supporting the two most laughably inconsistent teams in professional sport.
  23. I thought it was ridiculous but for the reasons MJB stated. Piquet interviewed Rosberg normally, goes over to ask Hamilton about Sherzinger, then immediately goes over to interview Massa because, let's face it, that's what the crowd wanted. I have no idea how Hamilton was meant to react to a question about his personal life that had nothing to do with the race. I think they're back together again now by the way.
  24. For me the Spurs game that stands out is when we beat Man Utd 4-1 on New Year's Day 1996, although a lot of that is down to it being during primary school when it was me, an Arsenal fan and a Reading fan existing with 20 Man Utd fans.
  25. The Brazilians starting their "You're Gonna Die" chants and then being immediately silenced by OSP knocking Rua the frack out did make me laugh. A lot.
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