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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Me 2-0 TCO. Very flattering scoreline as TCO had about a thousand corners but my keeper was just keeping everything out. Goals were a Dempsey penalty and Erik Friburg taking advantage of a loose pass late on.
  2. Sent it. FUT game finished 4-3 to me with 2 own goals conceded by them and 1 by me. Lets not have anything that wacky.
  3. @TCO give me 10 mins to finish a FUT game and I'm free.
  4. Me 2-0 Rich. The Sounders attacking three really help my style of play, and Clint Dempsey will hopefully be a difference maker, he scored both here.
  5. Invite sent @Rich. Is it worth everyone listing their PSN names to make sure we have everyone we need? I'm Chris_KOTW.
  6. I'm around most of the day but I'll need half an hour's notice probably. @Rich are you around at 1.30ish?
  7. I hereby renounce my support for the qualifying changes in their current format. Q3 was abysmal.
  8. 10. By Kansas City; to amend Rule 14, Section 2, Article 1 (Half-distance Penalty) to add penalty yards to the distance needed to gain a First Down. That makes a lot of sense, but I still think something needs to be done in a similar nature for defensive penalties in their own red zone. Maybe its because the Aqib Talib penalty from the Super Bowl is still on my mind, but it does seem unfair that a defender can deliberately give away a penalty inside the five yard line knowing it will cost 2.5 yards at the most.
  9. I think it's a Survivor. I got a SV Warrior when I was at Leg ++ I really should do the RTG to get the Legendary Bayley, but I am still going through my lull of not having any interest of playing. I did contribute five wins to the Team RD though
  10. Renault have unveiled their livery: I for one am happy to see some yellow on the grid again.
  11. Almost as amazing as India being 43-7. Hilarious stuff.
  12. The World T20 starts today, the actual good bit as opposed to the minor nations competing for the honour of getting knocked out first. @Lineker did you have anything to do with the BBC Live Text commentary starting with a history lesson of the Monday Night Wars?
  13. Bryant being suspended isn't ideal in the slightest but the fact is if he fails his test he gets the punishment, hopefully he can sort himself out in his year off. It'll be interesting to see if we do anything to cover his absence, although you'd think Brown, Heyward-Bey, Wheaton and Coates could cover enough with Green in at Tight End.
  14. Sure, as long as I'm not CSKA Moscow again :P.
  15. I'm enjoying the new Hitman, it allows you to do the assassinations in the way you think best but also gives you hints as to how to pull them off in more spectacular ways. It always frustrated me that I knew there were cool ways to do the kills but could never find them. I've not had any server trouble and the online contracts looks promising if slightly underwhelming at the moment, it will be better when there's more than a handful of levels to create from though.
  16. Maybe the 49ers in addition to those two. There's so little depth in back-up QBs though he could probably get a spot on any team willing to take a chance on him, which he would likely fail.
  17. I'm tempted to say the French league may now be a bigger waste of time than the Spanish league. I never expected that I'd be thinking that.
  18. Both Kimbo and Ken failed their pre-fight drugs tests for unspecified banned drugs. Because, you see, that show COULD get more preposterous.
  19. I don't get Osweiler's decision at all unless he is purely money driven and the Broncos weren't offering what he wanted. Even if you ignore the Super Bowl win you have a chance to play offense with one of the best defences of the last ten years backing you up. And say hello to the current Broncos starting Quarterback Trevor Siemian!
  20. Sorry for my lack of activity but I was busy the last two nights. I normally am on Mondays and Tuesdays so if you want to get rid of me for somebody more active then go for it.
  21. In possibly the wackiest news of the week/month/year, Paige VanZant is on the next season of Dancing With The Stars.
  22. Guess I'm not watching a second of C4's coverage then. There's very few people I dislike more than that knob.
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