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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Been a good couple of days, got a second SV Becky and am only a couple of hundred contracts away from getting the Charlotte SV card, although I'm waiting until I see what the August login bonuses are. I've also got the SV Kane by +5ing the whole way for the first time in either season, I think its a bit easier because so many people have nerfed their teams by putting in MITB pro cards to their teams which are mainly Legendary pros meaning they win 1 match without fail but lose overall to a team of mainly SV pros.
  2. I wonder if McLaren might lure Allison giving him the opportunity to turn their current already improving car into a front-runner again. As for Haryanto I consider it a bit disappointing, he's shown very little this season and it's sad that money is still the deciding factor for who drives for Manor.
  3. Just got a SV Charlotte from my latest KOTR. Guess I have to try and pro that from the MITB rewards before I go after Becky...
  4. Ouch. I'm definitely going for the Becky before anything else but I might not have time to get even 1 of the Cena/Rusev ones.
  5. I've got my WM fusion and it's... Triple H. I've fully leveled it already and its stats are lower than the MITB event cards, and about middle of the pack of my SV Pros. I was kinda hoping it would be better
  6. There was a spoof video made (with Chris Hemsworth) and shown at SDCC detailing what Thor did during Civil War. I wish I could see it because it sounds fantastic.
  7. Can I make a suggestion that we all put in our best Down and Left arrow cards and not just the MITB Reigns/Rollins ones? If we do it would take out the Reigns/Rollins cards from all the other teams if you start at the bottom left.
  8. That's almost exactly my sentiments, I'll never grow tired of the concept of the show and will always watch, I just long for the visual styling of the old series still. Plus I wish they had the same size arena as before, this one seems so crowded.
  9. @R.W. I've actually had more success with 8MBing than 7MBing in SV KOTRs, won two of the last three and am going well in my current one. Naturally it's my diva tag team which is the lowest ones (both Uncommon Alicia Fox). Due to a lack of eggs to hatch my contribution to RD will be much more significant now.
  10. I'll play Team RD when I'm resting from my walking
  11. Matilda's tail-wheel appears to be able to move the Earth off its axis. Well this is the biggest destruction since they sent the weakest armoured robot in the competition in to face Hypno-Disc. And Jesus Christ, that piece of metal that flew off could have killed someone.
  12. MITB mode specific WM Event cards for next month are: John Cena Rusev Becky Lynch There's going to be a lot of Becky Lynch pros around. I still can't find out if contracts disappear at the end of this cycle or not, I assume so but I can't find anything concrete.
  13. I like the round robin format for this round, more battles is more fun. This arena feels like it's about half the size of the old one.
  14. Oh God yeah. It takes me completely out of watching the battle the second it switches away from the main camera. I don't want a slick, professional editing package for Robot Wars.
  15. Forgive the MMA/Wrestling comparison but the biggest let down is how Holm has done since beating the streak. Holly Holm ended the undefeated streak of Ronda Rousey, something that many believed might never happen (assuming Ronda would retire early to do movies), but since then she has looked ordinary against Miesha and bereft of ideas in the latter rounds against Shevchenko to take her out of title contention for a while and has extinguished most of the excitement surrounding her after the Ronda victory. So many times when MMA has provided a great storyline to follow people say "MMA is doing this better than pro wrestling and they don't even get to write the script" but this is a perfect example of something going completely down the pan because of how they have no control.
  16. I feel I might regret what I put in to the WM fusion purely because I expect I'll find a SV Sheamus or an SV Goldust knowing my luck. It'll be interesting to see what I get though.
  17. I think the tracking is broken at the moment, everything is always 3 footprints away even if you're standing on top of it. That said the servers have been fantastic today which is more important. Also I caught a Jynx.
  18. Go went live in Canada today, 45 minutes later the servers are down worldwide. Damn Canada.
  19. Just went around town and had lots of server issues, even now at home with full WiFi I can't do much. Also it does seem like hatched Pokémon are much stronger than caught ones if people are looking to find the best ones. I just hatched a 364 CP Psyduck for example, the only other one I've found was 120 CP in the wild.
  20. I've not been able to play all day but apparently the servers have been down due to some kind of hack?
  21. After watching this show I feel I have to point out again that Joe Martinez is the best ring announcer in sports.
  22. When I get home I'm going to uninstall and re-install from the Play Store, just to be on the safe side.
  23. I've just seen that Sage Northcutt earned $100,000 for his win at UFC 200 ($50k show, $50k win), and former Bantamweight champion and #2 ranked T.J. Dillashaw earned $50,000 ($25k show, $25k win). That's just insulting on so many levels.
  24. It's now officially available in the UK
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