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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I'm baffled how Theo Walcott is considered their best penalty taker, not that it matters now.
  2. As much as I'd love to watch the 100m final tomorrow night I really can't justify staying up/waking myself up in the middle of the night on a work night for a 9 second race.
  3. Chris2K

    The Flash

    Well when your two leads are former Glee cast members it only makes sense to utilise their talents, right? .... Right?
  4. They have every night of the week to choose from and they decide to air their CM Punk documentary on a Monday night? Whose bright idea was that one?
  5. My second WM fusion was Undertaker which will at least be a pretty strong card, plus a left arrow for Ring Domination.
  6. I've played the mobile version of the game quite a lot and it's very fun, I had no idea it was coming out on PC though. Should be great.
  7. Australia lead the US by five points at half time. Surely they can't do it?
  8. I've got the MITB Becky and added it to my KOTR team, also shuffling everything around to replace my 8MB weak Divas team with a Weak male team. I'm currently 24-0 and that's even when I only get to re-energise every 8 hours or so. I'll be getting one Charlotte to pro the one I have and then I'll probably start saving for the next prize list.
  9. A future update to Go (being tested now) is apparently going to replace tracking with "sightings" (the text for this is already in the game), where instead of footsteps it will show the Poké Stop nearest to the respective Pokémon. It sounds fine for city/town play but anywhere where Poké Stops are limited will be frustrating. On an unrelated note it's my 30th birthday tomorrow () and my friends have organised a dinner for me at a local Italian restaurant, partly because I love Italian food but they chose this specific one for me because it's a Poké Stop.
  10. I know it won't last but Venezuela are giving the US a decent game in the basketball and it's brilliant.
  11. Amazing game between Croatia and Spain in the basketball, even if Mike Carlson was evacuated from his commentary position for most of the third quarter.
  12. It seems the teams doing well are the teams that have been actively competing in events during the times between TV shows. Some really exciting battles in this show though, probably the best episode so far. That 30 seconds in the second 4-way when two of them avoided the pit by inches was insane.
  13. 23 seconds. I hope the returning King B wins.
  14. Mike Carlson is doing commentary on the basketball for the BBC so everything is awesome.
  15. Proing my SV Becky sent me to WM tier and my freebie was... Trish . Both a new diva for my team and a new card to be my avatar.
  16. I'd do it. Any WM Fusion you get would be better than the Henry pro.
  17. Squash not being in is still the most bizarre decision imaginable. I can't see how Climbing is a more interesting sport to watch.
  18. This is my first Telltale game and episode 1 of Batman just feels... so, so short
  19. After all my complaining about SV Pros I now have five to train up at the same time: Roman Reigns Mark Henry Rusev Becky Lynch Charlotte (once I cash in my contracts) I've decided to just do a throwaway KOTR to get them trained up as with a PCC this week there's no way of using the event to get them all done.
  20. Based on the Rollins/Reigns event cards compared to a standard SV Pro, the event card is about 100 stat points better. Perhaps unsurprisingly the Becky event card is 1000 contracts more than 2 Charlottes.
  21. Same here, particularly to try and get stronger Divas which (if it's anything like the Season 1/2 crossover) will allow me to get stronger divas to start off Season 3.
  22. Oh it was awful, but almost worth it to hear Noel Sharkey call it "the worst battle I've ever seen in history of Robot Wars".
  23. I take it back, one blow did some damage in that match. The Thor guy obviously lives for this and I want him to do well purely for his enthusiasm.
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