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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I did wonder if something was up, I got Sting at 9am Saturday morning and by 4pm the same day I was only 50 points into Neville and couldn't guarantee winning +1 games. At that point I just gave up. I'll put some effort into the Team RTG as I need the energy cards.
  2. It really was a great show all around, even the usually cautious opening multi-bot battles had memorable moments like Carbide destroying the bloody arena. I didn't mind Carbide attacking at the end of the first Apollo battle, it's not over until cease is called and there was a strong (and correct) possibility of them fighting again in the final. I can only hope it comes back again next year with a much bigger field and hopefully the removal of the multi-bot battles to start with, 4 knockout matches leading to the league of 4 would be the better option in my opinion.
  3. I mean... it used to be worse.
  4. Let's not also forget that in his post-fight interview he literally admitted he knew Bisping was out and threw another one to "shut him up" and a lot of people laughed and thought it was wonderful.
  5. Yeah he was the main sidekick, the plot itself was mind-bendingly weird but they did the best they could with it. The show itself ended with the main character being "killed" but that was supposed to just be a cliffhanger, instead it was never brought back so the show definitively ends with her dying and that being it.
  6. I found Revolution to be hard to watch because the lead female character was by far the most frustrating, self-absorbed lead character since... well Kate in Lost. I could not bring myself to have any symapthy for her or support her in any way so I gave up watching. I did like Alcatraz which got cancelled after its first series although from what I understand pretty much everyone else didn't like it.
  7. I've been saving up for a bit so I have 2,500. It'll be interesting to see how much the SummerSlam cards are going to be.
  8. Everything I heard about this very positive so I went look for it in the PS Store. Unfortunately I found Need for Speed for £35 less and got that instead. I'll definitely get it in the winter though.
  9. The Japanese Prime Minister appeared at the Closing Ceremony by rising up through a giant green pipe wearing a Mario hat. Tokyo 2020 is already the greatest Olympics of all time.
  10. I'm not sure what I want to do with my SS Rusev. If I level it up fully then it'll unbalance my team (unless I pro my MITB Rollins), but if I don't it'll be a waste of my strongest card...
  11. I'm guessing none of us are show jumping experts, but my mother is a former show jump horse trainer so here's her opinion: So there you have it.
  12. I remember the scenarios from an earlier game as well, I think you got different levels of EAFC coins as a reward depending on the level of difficulty you chose. It's probably been around since then but I tend to ignore the EAFC stuff these days.
  13. I think my Legendary has become a Survivor but I can't actually remember what I had to begin with. More importantly it seems the grand sum of all my best cards put me into WM tier for RingDom, so I will hopefully get a SummerSlam tier card by the end of the weekend. The only problem is that without my usual way of setting up a team I'll struggle to win matches, but it may be worth it.
  14. I've been burned by Codemasters F1 games and their promises of career mode evolutions before so I'll be hanging fire until it's cheaper. I got F1 2015 in a PS+ sale with the expectation of playing it some day and I never have. The version I really enjoyed was F1 2010 but they never really made much of an advancement on the detail of career mode for that, until of course dropping it completely last yet.
  15. We now have the same number of more total medals as than China. Not bad for a country with 1/20th of their population. Also if Kenny and Trott ever have a child then the poor boy/girl is going to have very exhausting weekend bike rides with their parents.
  16. Is 24 too young for someone to be knighted? Only one way to find out...
  17. So that was quite one-sided. The only bit of interest was whether Aguero would outscore his number of missed penalties, which he did eventually 3-2.
  18. I'm not criticising what they've done at all, I just wanted to make sure I knew what was going on. Saying that my only issue is that the Mystique character got ret-conned so hugely (I assume due to Jennifer Lawrence being involved) which makes the lack of interaction between her and most characters in the original trilogy completely non-sensical, especially seeing as First Class was before the timeline got changed and her relationship with Xavier should be the same as ever instead of her trying to kill him.
  19. I'm catching up on X-Men films and have just watched First Class and Days of Future Past back-to-back. They've pretty much given up on any continuity between these films and the original trilogy, right?
  20. The midfield of my Serie A FUT team is being decimated in this window.
  21. By "later on" I think you meant three games later. He's falling apart spectacularly at the moment.
  22. We're ahead of China in second place in the medal table. Holy crap.
  23. I'm baffled how Theo Walcott is considered their best penalty taker, not that it matters now.
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