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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I'd love Chukwudi Iwuji to take over (and they have a perfect opportunity to say that the High Evolutionary was a Kang variant as the higher-ups specifically said he wasn't Herbert Wyndham), but I think Iwuji may end being a James Gunn loyalist and get a big role in the new DC universe which would prevent him from being such a major role in the MCU. The only issue they have with recasting is the Quantumania end credits scene where every Kang variant was shown as being Majors in some kind of costume, and if they have any sense their first act will be to cut that out of the Disney+ version. Loki S2 spoilers below
  2. One of the free PS+ games this month is Power Wash Simulator. You all need to stop what you're doing and play Power Wash Simulator.
  3. It's taken a while but he seems to finally be back to his DPOTY form, things are falling off a bit now but the defensive performances at the start of the season were fantastic. I think losing McDaniels to injury has had an impact on that, but thankfully we seem to be able to score a decent amount of points now thanks to Edwards and KAT. I don't see topping the West to last for very long, but hopefully we can get a decent play-off spot. Sorry if that means the Jazz don't get as good a draft spot as a result! And the longer Draymond is banned for the better, and safer, for the league. The annoying this is that the second he retires he's almost certainly going to be one of the most prominent analysts on whichever network pays him the most.
  4. Alpha Tauri's dramatic new name change that everyone was speculating about has now been revealed!!! They're now called Alpha Tauri RB. More importantly, the name Sauber is back.
  5. Chris2K


    They're currently filming Champion of Champions 3, however Mae Martin isn't able to take part due to scheduling conflicts, so S15 runner-up Kiell Smith-Bynoe will be taking their place.
  6. It really looks like Jonathan Majors, whether found guilty or not guilty, has to be replaced as Kang without question. Some of the evidence (documented here) is showing him to be quite the narcissistic egomaniac, comparing his acting as being "a great thing for his culture and the world" and comparing himself to Martin Luther King Jr and Barack Obama, as well as gaslighting his partner/accuser into behaving in a way that does nothing to affect his image and threatening to kill himself because she didn't hug him before she left one morning. He should go away please, and while he's away, get some serious help.
  7. I feel bad for you all, I really do. So... how bout them T-Wolves?
  8. Devastating news. I don't think enough can be said about how fantastic he was in the role of Captain Holt, being able to mix what may be the ultimate straight man reacting to the insanity of Jake/Amy/Gina/Boyle/Scully/Hitchcock in the perfect way, bringing considerable gravitas and emotion when it was necessary whilst representing two oppressed groups and the struggles of a black, gay man being a leader in the NYPD, as well as the surprise moments of breaking out of his usual character which always stand out. "Call me... VELVET. THUNDER." being my personal favourite. In many ways this reminds me of James Avery's death, in terms of the character they played, the legacy they left in the acting world particularly as a "serious" actor becoming a comedic icon, and their death being far too soon.
  9. What a ridiculous time to hold it. This Sunday's schedule at 19:00 is literally just Countryfile and the Antiques Roadshow, I can't see why they can't be moved, and the sports people themselves are going to be just as busy on a Sunday as they are on a Tuesday. Anyway, Broad surely has to win.
  10. For some reason, Logan Sargeant has been confirmed as Williams' second driver for 2024. This means, for the first time I can remember, the first grand prix of next season will likely have the exact same entrants in the exact same teams as the previous season's last race (with the slight caveat of the Alfa/Alpha name changes). (And I've just seen a tweet from Will Buxton confirming it is the first time ever)
  11. Chris2K


    Susan and Sue, probably the friendliest team ever, ending the series on equal points is truly amazing.
  12. The Marvels bombs with lowest MCU box office debut This is so frustrating because there are far worse movies, MCU or otherwise, which have taken much more money. No doubt this will be used as ammunition for the "go woke, go broke" brigade when three women, include two women of colour and noted anti-establishment Brie Larson headline a film that struggles. I'm sure the fact that the strike prevented anyone doing any publicity for it will be conveniently ignored.
  13. The Marvels is... Probably shouldn't spoiler that I thought it was really fun, and a definite watch if you want to be entertained for 2 hours.
  14. Ugh, I thought Lando had it for a second there, but then came the Verstappen reality train even when going slower in the middle sector. 2-3 is great for McLaren though.
  15. I think they're favouring Max significantly (and not just when Checo has been his teammate), but I think there's too much money involved for them to actively sabotage their own car. I feel so sorry for Williams, they have been awesome in practice but the second it rains all of their extra speed has just vanished. ... OK, maybe they have sabotaged his car.
  16. Watched Wembanyama play his first summer league game and he looked... fine? My biggest takeaway was how tentative he looked to do anything remotely physical. almost like he'd been told not to risk anything, his rim protection was incredible of course but those doubts over his offensive abilities may not be exaggerations. 2-13 is not a great start for someone who can just raise his arm to dunk it. Also, the "Wemby" name needs to go away immediately. On the plus side, his security team haven't assaulted a worldwide icon for nearly 72 hours now.
  17. This is turning into a very strong endorsement for the benefits of catching the ball.
  18. Ted Kravitz suggested on his most recent notebook that Saudi Arabia wants to hold three races every season, one each in their three biggest cities, so that's something to look forward to for the "27 races in 2027" calendar.
  19. Just a side note - Secret Invasion is really, really good. If people don't like Samuel L Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn and Olivia Coleman trying to act circles around each other I don't know what people are ever going to like.
  20. There is not a chance I remember that those races are on a Saturday. I appreciate their efforts to group races together geographically to try and cut down on travel, even if it means moving Suzuka away from its traditional spot, but that Miami->Imola->Monaco->Montreal->Barcelona grouping remains bizarre. At least Baku isn't in the middle of it any more.
  21. As much as I love it, it seems an odd decision given the lengths all the cars are going to with not painting carbon fibre to save weight/improve airflow, surely chrome is going to be at odds with that?
  22. The Braveheart remake the world never knew it wanted.
  23. Also there's a difference between doing it as a warning to keep someone in their crease, and doing it, appealing, accepting the wicket and celebrating. But at least Carey can hit the stumps, of course Bairstow missed. The only example I can think of is when England ran out Grant Elliott in an ODI when he collided with Ryan Sidebottom and upheld the appeal when asked by the umpires. I can assure you I was as damning of them then as I am of Australia now. And don't get me started on the numerous times India have done something like this.
  24. With Stokes out the result is all but confirmed, so now we just wait for what happens after the game is finished...
  25. The track limit penalties are insane. It's such a short lap that a driver could do the 3 track limit errors on the same corner to get a penalty before the system has even acknowledged the first one. If it's not an instant decision then the punishment has to be reduced.
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