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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I miss the NBA, but given what's happening in the US, especially Florida, this really feels like it's a disaster waiting to happen. No sport is worth the potential health endangerment that this has the possibility to become, no matter how slim the chances.
  2. I was wondering how the season could possibly get worse, and fully expecting it to do so, but Son and Lloris having a fight was not something that crossed my mind as a possibility. Sigh.
  3. To add to the NBA2K21 madness, the release date is September 4th, which is: a) Potentially 6 weeks before the current NBA season ends b) Proof that the changes to the game are so minimal they can still easily make their usual release date despite the COVID delays everyone else is suffering from. The sad thing is I still play 2K20 every day, and own it on both XBOX and PS4, so I'll probably buy 2K21 on launch day.
  4. NORRIS ON THE PODIUM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH What an insane race. Hot damn.
  5. Looks intriguing for Albon here, he definitely deserves some good fortune. I do think they send the safety car out far too quickly for minor things these days though. OH COME ON
  6. Oh Sebastian. His season somehow manages to continue going downhill.
  7. There are (unnamed) drivers who are "uncomfortable" with taking a knee before the race tomorrow. I wonder how comfortable these multi-millionaires from privileged backgrounds would be having to deal with the racism they're supposed to be protesting against.
  8. Mercs are half a second per lap ahead of everyone else during the first practice sessions. I don't think there's going to be a lot of close competition for race wins this season, thankfully Red Bull, Ferrari, McLaren and Pink Mercedes look to be fairly bunched up. Then again, it's practice, so it means nothing.
  9. House of Lords demands "immediate gambling regulation" of loot boxes The article specifically mentions FIFA due to Ultimate Team, and I imagine EA can't wait to ignore this instruction.
  10. I forgot John Donovan too, probably one of the best supporting characters with so much untapped intrigue in to what the post-credits scene could lead to. If there's a Mafia 4 I hope he's involved somehow.
  11. Oh damn, I forgot to mention the soundtrack. It's probably my favourite radio-based soundtrack in any game, with only San Andreas coming close. And speaking of the radio, the Native Son broadcast is so on the nose of hidden southern racism that it's very uncomfortable, yet is done so well that it's impossible not to want to listen to it, if only to make the eventual murder even more cathartic. I also forgot to mention the alligators, who I fear and respect in equal measures. I decided to feed them bodies as a form of tribute in the hope they wouldn't attack me, a plan which did not work after I fell off a pier and was immediately eaten.
  12. I've spent the last two weeks re-playing Mafia 3, and I don't understand why people are so negative about it. The documentary format is really clever (although it is odd how some of the scenes willingly spoil the big set pieces before they happen), the story is good with a badass protagonist with a perfectly cromulent backstory for his revenge mission, and the combat can be frustrating but it's not broken. I can see why people might think the missions were repetitive, but that doesn't bother me as I'm perfectly happy with grinding.
  13. The county cricket season is due to start on the 1st August, a full six weeks after the Premier League, despite cricket being probably the easiest team sports to adjust for social distancing due to it being completely non-contact and having far less players on the playing surface and less players in the squad in general. I wish I had some idea of why the ECB have been so far behind in terms of getting things started, granted I'm all for taking extra precautions but this has all seemed very bizarre.
  14. I wasn't much of a fan of the halfpipe event, it's always more difficult to follow when there are aggregate distances involved. The sprint races I find very hard to distinguish winners in too as they're so quick. Funnel endurance up next though, which is one of my favourites.
  15. Thunderbolts are my second team, and usually who I have to support after the inevitability of the Limers not even qualifying. I mentioned the production earlier, some of my favourite parts are the "crowd invasion" or other random events filmed in stop motion, also Greg Woods does a great job of making it sound like a proper sporting event whilst managing the confines of what are essentially inanimate objects.
  16. I'm a Limers fan, therefore I despise all Marble-related activities. Seriously though, it's fantastic, both in terms of the action and the presentation.
  17. Congratulations to Liverpool and all their fans here. As the edict says, at least you're not Arsenal.
  18. Chris2K


    Well it's pretty plain to see why there was confusion, because that is a noose. Whilst this all turned out to be innocent, why on earth was a pull rope tied as a noose in the first place?
  19. Chris2K


    The FBI have determined that the "noose" was actually a rope door handle for the garage. Too slow. Naturally everyone has just ignored this misunderstanding and moved on, hahahaofcoursenot, Twitter is full of people calling out Bubba as perpretrating a false hate crime, comparing him to Jussie Smollett, and generally setting the world back another 80 years.
  20. Kane's goal scoring form in June continues. It's by far his most prolific summer month.
  21. There have been a lot of stupid moments during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the Adria Tour event may be at the top of the list.
  22. Chris2K


    Very cool. Just don't do what I did and read the comments, it'll remind you of what he has to face on a daily basis. EDIT: Better version:
  23. This year is the first time I've uninstalled a current FIFA before buying the new one, purely because I wasn't playing it and had no inclination to do so. As soon as you fall behind in FUT you're screwed for the year. The last time I played it was on Christmas Day as I have a tradition of playing one online match on Christmas Day to try and make someone else's day better by losing to them, working on the theory that anyone playing FIFA online at Christmas probably isn't feeling great.
  24. People are going to be really disappointed when they reveal that it's name is like a sport series, and CyberPunk 2077 gets released in September 2076.
  25. For those not following social media madness, Lewis Hamilton is seemingly doing a fine job of making the BLM movement all about himself. First he went off on a tirade at Helmut Marko based on comments that were created on a fake Twitter account, now he's calling himself the "first working class world champion". There's about 90% of previous world champions who'd like to argue with that.
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