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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I got PGA2K21 today, it's very much the Golf Club engine rebadged, and as always I'm either slicing everything because of my inability to do stick control swinging, or tearing up rounds in the 50s if I make the swing easier. Got to find a balance I guess.
  2. There are a lot of reviews out there now, and they are overwhelmingly negative.
  3. All games postponed so I guess everything gets pushed back a day. I'm not sure anything would have happened if the Bucks hadn't had the guts to make the first move, so huge respect to them.
  4. 25% of the usual total, so this was 18 laps. It's the first time I remember it switching to rain, I've seen it get more/less cloudy/sunny though.
  5. Just had a nightmare in Hungary. I was running 8th, and assumed it was going to rain later, so instead of pitting for mediums I put on another set of softs. That helped me get to 7th, at which point it did indeed start raining, so I pitted for intermediates. I was a lap or two early perhaps, but when I came out the track was wet enough that the car was difficult to control, even with the extra grip. The AI cars though? Not even slightly inconvenienced and lapping 7-10 seconds a lap faster than me despite the track obviously being wet. It was only when the "stewards" disabled DRS that an immediate switch was flipped and I was now lapping 7-10 seconds faster than everyone else, however nobody else pitted and managed to keep their cars on the track despite the track being wet enough for wet tyres, whilst they were on mediums. I finished last, 7 seconds behind my teammate who was 37 seconds ahead of me three laps before. Evidently the game has little-to-no gradation for weather. DRS enabled = Dry, DRS disabled = Wet, and the AI cars react accordingly.
  6. I will take both of those as soon as possible, please and thank you. Also, King Shark is being voiced by Mr. Samoa Joe.
  7. All teams have signed the new Concorde agreement Hopefully this will be a step towards closer racing, and I remain hopeful we'll get some new (competitive) entries in the next few years. Not that the financial disparity Ferrari were on the better end of has made any difference to them this year.
  8. What an absolute dick move to emphasise "the 31 players who turned up". Just say "all the players" and leave it, don't carry on this ridiculous vendetta against Anthony Hamiltons perfectly valid reason for pulling out.
  9. To be fair, it would be the one of the best comebacks in sport history if Wilson can do it. Maybe that's what he's been aiming for .
  10. Well that was rather dull. It's irritating when they show the rain clouds, talk about the rain clouds, say it's going to rain on Lap 50, and then it never happens, taking away any hope of some excitement.
  11. My thoughts on the Showdown, with the only point regarding the results spoilered. 1. It's crazy how many different types and colours of marbles there are. 2. That said, the Pinkies are not pink. They are white. 3. It is impossible for me to see the Snowballs on the halfpipe, or the Pinkies, because they are white and not pink. 4. It's fun to see the teams from Marbula 1, the sand rallies etc. that you forget about when the Marble League takes full focus.
  12. Wilson is playing like he's feeling the pressure of a world final, he's missing a frightening amount of relatively standard pots.
  13. Supporting the Bucks for a couple of months is fine for me I guess (although I substituted Mortal Kombat for Street Fighter in the "what game have you been playing" question). It's near Minnesota if nothing else.
  14. Chris2K


    Weirdly Whose Line Is It Anyway, which I guess could be considered somewhat similar, managed to translate to a US audience. I suppose it did have 2-3 American/Canadian regulars on the British version.
  15. Well after today it's safe to say I want Wilson to win it, his reaction to the fluked green in that incredible frame was heart-breaking.
  16. I haven't seen the full event yet, but the layout this time with the chain reactions and frickin' catapults is incredible.
  17. I'm catching up on my X-Men films (watching them in a slightly altered order to release date) and I'm surprised how much I actually enjoyed Wolverine Origins and Wolverine. If you take the absolute trainwreck of Deadpool's characterisation out of the equation, Origins isn't that bad at all. Just finished First Class and I couldn't help but laugh at Fassbender completely losing his accent in the final third and speaking pure Irish.
  18. The problem with anyone they cast is that we already have one, maybe even two portrayals of the major X-Men characters in the last twenty years. Regardless of what you think of the films themselves, the Jackman/Stewart/Janssen/Marsden/Grammar/Berry/McKellen iterations were able to stay more relevant than their younger replacements, they made the roles their own, and the "b-level" characters like Rogue, Iceman, Pyro etc. all were perfectly fine. It's going to be hard for anyone to come in and not be directly compared to them, and nostalgia usually wins out in these situations.
  19. That all of the new breed of players are "worse than amateurs" and that he would "have to lose an arm and a leg to fall out of the top 50". It's incredibly insulting, unfortunately given how three players of the final 8 all made their tour debut in 1992 (himself, Williams, Higgins) he does have a point that there's not a strong enough group of new players to send the older guys packing.
  20. Great drive from Max, it's crazy how extreme heat is the Mercedes weakness, and the UK of all places delivered it. I'm sure it was tyre-related. Honest. Sending him out on the shitty soft tyres was madness though.
  21. I won one! I am disturbingly happy to win something that took about ten minutes. Grabbed the crown a split second before someone on the other side of the gap.
  22. Finally completed Paper Mario Origami King
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