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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. I hate Snitsky in this game, in the Jericho storyline I let Hardy tag in to the match so I could destroy Finlay on the outside, I put the Walls on Jericho on Finlay and Snitsky hits Hardy with some power moves and pins him instantly.

    Then he destroyed me later on as well.

  2. I'll go with some predictions:


    Sheffield Wed





    Hull City



    Manchester City




    West Brom


    Sheffield United

    Manchester United





    Crystal Palace




    Notts County






  3. Just won the league cup with Charlton! Great achievement the cup run was:

    1. Newcastle(Made a long post up there!)

    2. Stoke City(Defeated 2-1 with Pavel Brozek my Polish striker scoring two great volleys)

    3. Coventry(Needed penalties to beat them after a 1-1 draw, strange considering I trounced them 5-1 in the league the week before).

    Now after the Coventry game the January Transfer Window opened and my scout told me to sign a Korean striker named Juan Hwan Prezalda or something similar to that, I needed him as both Todorov and McCleod were injured. Wilson Palacios and a pacy Brazilian winger was also bought in

    4. Reading(First leg I am losing 3-0, I send on my Korean lad and he scores two goals, the second leg we finish the job with Pavel Brazek and Mark Hudson scoring )

    The final was against West Ham and I let Juan Hwan play, he scored a perfect hat trick(Left Foot,Right Foot,Header) then Matthew Holland scored as well. Carlton Cole and Dean Ashton both got goals but it didn't matter.

    Also leading the Championship by 5 points, Out of the FA Cup after losing to Aston Villa.

  4. Manchester United have signed a Serbian left winger named Zoran Tosic for pound 8 million.

    He's a full international for Serbia and is supposed to be very good at dead ball situations, I am pleased with this signing as hopefully it will give Nani an incentive to step up his game because he has al ot of talent but doesn't use it.

  5. I just had an EPIC match against Newcastle in Manager Mode while I was Charlton, I opened the scoring in the 11th minute with Rafael Da Silva elegantly lobbing the ball into the box for Todorov to head in the good start didn't last long though as Martins scored twice. From then on they kept attacking but my team defended with their lives, throwing themselves at every cross/shot Newcastle attempted but Fortune hauls down Owen in the box and gets sent off in the 90th minute.

    I am shitting myself as Martins steps up to take it but he fires it straight into Weaver, I immediately pump it forward and Colocinni makes a hash of the clearance, Bouazza slots it in and I am jumping all over the place. Penalties were bloody intense but my team held their nerve and Weaver saved from Habib Beye to send us into the next round of the league cup.

    I love this game :wub:

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