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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. Where do I get the Versus Seeker in Fire Red? I just got the Marshbadge after beating Sabrina, my current team is:




    Vileplume(HM Slave)



    Blastoise,Jolteon and Fearow are in good levels but I need to train up Mankey and Butterfree so the Versus Seeker would be useful.

  2. Just caught the replay of the United goals and the tackle on Vidic.

    Good to see Nani getting a game after a month of bench warming...still made some mistakes but one assist and a goal isn't bad at all, Pleased for Gibson and Welbeck. Gibson's strike in particular was tasty and hats off to Berbatov for playing wonderful today. The tackle on Vidic was definitely a red for me...it was studs up and could have snapped Vidic's leg.

    Hope we thrash Derby and grab a win at OT against Chelsea ;)

  3. Shahid Afridi(Pakistan Cricket Player)was every Asian kid's idol and on billboards and stuff everywhere. He never did mature and become the world class player everyone wanted him to be but he's still good :D .

    Um then when I was like six I think, I saw Chilavert the Paraguay goalkeeper hit the bar with a free kick in the World Cup which I thought was absolutely insane, he went on to have a good career and retired. Also Papa Bouba Diop for scoring against France in the 2002 World Cup...that made me mark the fuck out as a 10 year old...he went on to score a blinder against United <_<

    Then come some heroes based purely on Championship Manager love...Cherno Samba, Benjamin Collet, Daniel Nardiello who all were amazing on the game but now the first one plays in the Finnish second division, the other retired and Nardiello plays in the lower leagues.

  4. Just scored a sick goal against my mate, ran down the wing with Nani and two of his players came in from directions and I just tricked past both and left them sprawling on the floor before lobbing the keeper. It was like some of those outrageous goals you see on the sports movies :P

  5. Just had an epic finish to a match in Career Mode against Elijah Burke.

    He put me through two announce tables and busted me open with the chair, I somehow reversed his finisher and smacked him with the chair he responded by promptly owning the fuck out of me and threw me outside then stood in the ring playing to the crowd, I climbed up to the top rope and he turned around and I nailed the top rope Hurracanrana and stole the win.

    Very flukey but the moment was awesome.

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