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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. I just scored a rabona from a rabona cross.

    Out of absolutely nowhere, I was running with Hargreaves and my friend was jockeying me with two players so I just turned and pressed the cross button out of nowhere he rabonas it and Anderson runs onto the ball, it goes past his right leg so he strikes it with his left. epic goal ^_^

  2. I am a Man United fan but it is true that Sir Alex bitches and moans about almost every decision that said it was kind of weird how Benitez just decided to burst...it will be interesting to see how the two clubs will respond and if Liverpool will do a Newcastle(Although Kevin Keegan is nowhere near Rafa's league).

    Also I dont think anyone expects a team to keep on winning the league every year, United have won it for the last two years and I had a feeling in the beginning of the season that we won't win the league this season but I still hope we can because we definitely have the quality.

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