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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. They get away with heaps in the play-the-ball area. They stick about 5 men in every tackle and the ref gives them a good amount of time for all of them to get up.
  2. ZPsycho pretty much summed it up. It's because it's such a faithful adapation of the comic books that it's just bizzare and awesome to see it on the big screen. For me at least, it was something different and refreshing, and the film just added the finishing touch to the Sin City gloss. It's the same sort of appeal in seeing Spiderman movies, or the X-Men. Except darker, and bloodier >_>
  3. An NRL assisted fairy-tale at that
  4. That was the most enjoyable 2nd half I've seen in some time.
  5. Zaz


    I'm currently reading it for the first time and it has been awesome so far. It'll be interesting to see what it's like in cartoon form if the idea comes to fruition.
  6. Two weeks off is too long, methinks.
  7. I wouldn't Anyway, I think that could just be another arguement against the McIntyre system. Manly vs. Newcastle was a killer game, yet both teams go against opposition that had an easier game and get knocked out as a result of it. Oh well, I guess that's what you get for being entertaining
  8. There's a difference between playing a Dragon's side who played their best game of the year, still being in the game for 60 minutes and losing 28-0, and playing a Brisbane side dropping quite a few balls and giving away a lot more penalties, still only in 4th gear, being out of the game at halftime and losing (currently) 50-0.
  9. Coheed topping Zeppelin and Iron Maiden is a farce. They're good, yes, but not that good. Nice to see The Misfits up there though
  10. Not like either side set the field afire, and in Parramatta's case, they had a try disallowed that the rules state should have been given. The only entertaining match from last weekend was Manly/Newcastle (nice to see you're still dwelling in the past with the drugcastle reference. 1996 was a hell of a year for you guys). Saints benefited from a one dimensional Brisbane attack, anyone could have thumped Canberra, and that Parra/Melbourne game was about as inspiring as a Shelton Benjamin monologue.
  11. Unfortunately I clicked onto the thread yesterday thinking the show hadn't aired yet and having Abruzzi's death spoiled for me Oh well, twas still awesome. T-Bag is one of my favourite characters in the show, easily. Seeing his face light up when he got into the car cracked me up. The FBI agent (Kellerman?) and Bellick are two of the more awesome characters ever. However, his partner's reaction when he saw Linc with the gun and Bellick tied up (something along the lines of "You really suck, Bellick, you know that?") was golden.
  12. I thought it was Parra's inability to score more tries, but whatever That was the most boring match of the weekend. Neither team created anything and it was just side-to-side footy. Nothing near the intensity of the Manly/Drugcastle () or Brisbane/ Dragons match.
  13. It's an outrage that The Pillows are ahead of Led Zeppelin and other quality bands.
  14. Smith has retired, thank fuck. Hayne would be alright, he's been going well lately. It'd have to be Clarke or Simpkins though.
  15. Can't be Storm vs. Sea Eagles. We verse each other in the semi. Manly vs. Knights would be golden with a decent ref.
  16. Or you could have nothing else cause you know you lost the arguement? I'd rather have aids then be a Knights supporter
  17. And you like to come back with oh so witty retorts when you have nothing else. I seem to remember you saying "I'D RATHER HAVE AIDS THAN BE A CRONULLA SUPPORTER" or some such when you lost to them? Pot. Kettle. Black. I wouldn't be one to go on about whinging. Johns and Buderus say hello
  18. And you don't call yourself one-eyed? If Carmont didn't throw any, he indicated he was going to as he rushed in with a clenched fist (that I definitely remember). There are also several threads. "Buderus should have been sent off", "How pathetic was the dive from Johns?", "Time to invest, Manly" and the main thread. Hell, most of the arguements don't involve Manly supporters. I've seen Canberra, Bulldogs and even Parra fans, our biggest rivals, complaining both about the reffing and various other incidents in the match. Johns had his every need attened to by the refs tonight. Maybe we should go around calling touchies "fucking cunts". Notice how that none of our players went off at the refs at the end like that tonight? Even though this reffing performance was all throughout the match and not just one isolated incident at the end.
  19. Well Quinn should learn not to pull defenders off the tackle. Your lot was doing it numerous times throughout the match- people interfering in the tackle or pushing the markers. I remember Matai being penalised for pushing the marker before the play-the-ball in a game earlier this season. The amount of times it happened tonight was amazing (granted, both teams). Also, the amount of times your lot walked off the mark in the play the ball. There was one time where the play the ball ended up BEHIND Menzies at marker. He looked back at Hampstead with a look of utmost confusion on his face. Again, nothing happened with it. Another thing was Burns being penalised for the grapple tackle. There were hundreds of times I saw it later in the game (again, by both teams) and it not being penalised. People such as Burns and Matai are unfairly targeted by the refs. If it were one of them to do that spear tackle, they would have been sent. Hampstead was going to send Buderus (was heard on Sport's Ears), by Harrigan stopped him or he changed his mind. Kennedy dropped an elbow? Ok, whatever you want to see. I'll let you have it with a forearm, but an elbow no way. He just practically pushed him off, as he was hardly moving. If it had been one of our players who did the spear and you're captain came in, you'd be spewing too if he got sent off. However, knowing their favouritism with Johns, that'd never happen. Carmont came in throwing punches, there's a difference. There's also a bit of a difference between shoddy refereeing costing you 2 points in the regular season and hopeless refereeing perhaps eliminating you from the finals. BK should be well pissed if his last minutes of rugby league were in the sin bin for something such as that.
  20. Selective reading, eh? I blamed our poor handling just as much as the reffing, in the end. They went hand-in-hand. Buderus' rake was a steal, you could see his hand deliberately rake the ball out. Even Ray Warren with his fading eye sight could tell that. Stewart's suppsoed knock-on was when Johns kicked forward, Stewart dived and caught it. There was no evidence of the ball spilling at all yet the Hamster still called it. What exactly did Burns deserve to go for? He was being pulled off the tackle by another Newcastle player, I believe. What was he supposed to do? Carmont was sent for being the third man in throwing punches, that has happened with others this year (Utai or someone, I believe?). BK was sent because his teammate had been speared and he dived on top and just pushed Buderus off before the others came in. One of the highlights was Buderus pleading for forgiveness with BK after. From what I've seen, even non-Manly fans were disgusted with the reffing performance by Hampstead. Some called it the most 'one-sided reffing performance' they'd ever seen. Edit: Just on 2GB now, one of them said Hampstead called Tanner offside FOUR times Orford's field goal play, yet when he charged it down nothing happened.
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